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This is an excerpt from Ancient Cookery [Arundel 334]
(England, 1425)
The original source can be found at R. Warner's "Antiquitates culinariae" (1791)

Roo (roe) in brothe. Take the lyvre of a roo or of a bore, and a quantite of the flesh, and parboyle it wel, and cut hit smal, and do it in a pot; and put thereto half watur and half wyne, and boyle hit wel, and take bredde and stepe it in the broth, and draw it thurgh a streynour, and put it in the pot; and do therto onyons mynced, and raisynges of corance (currants) and pouder of pepur, and of clowes, and of canel, and a godele (great quantity) of vynegre, and let it wel sethe, and serve hit forth.
