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This is an excerpt from Ancient Cookery [Arundel 334]
(England, 1425)
The original source can be found at R. Warner's "Antiquitates culinariae" (1791)

A flaune of Almayne. First take raysins of coraunce, or elles other fressh reyfins, and gode ripe peres, or elles gode appuls, and pyke oute the cokes of hom, and pare hom, and grinde hom, and the reyfins in a clene morter, and do then to hom a lytel swete creme of mylk, and streyne hom thurgh a clene streynour, and take x egges, or as many mo as wol suffice, and bete hom wel togedur, bothe the qwyte and the yolke, and draw hit thurgh a streynour, and grate faire qwyte bred, and do therto a gode quantitie, and more swete crem, and do therto, and do al this togedur; and take faffroni and pouder of ginger, and canel, and do therto, and a lytel fait, and a quantitie of faire swete buttur, and make a faire coffyn, or two, or as many as needes, and bake hom a lytel in an oven, and do this bature in hom, and let bake hom as thow woldes bake flaunes, or crustades, and when thay byn baken ynogh, strawe upon hom pouder of canel, and of qwyte fugur. And this is a gode maner of crustade.
