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This is an excerpt from Ancient Cookery [Arundel 334]
(England, 1425)
The original source can be found at R. Warner's "Antiquitates culinariae" (1791)

On flessh-day. At the first cpurs, bukkenade and browet of almayn to potage; and therwith gret flessh, weel rosted, and chapon (capon) and swan rosted, and therwith a shielde ofSeynt Jorge, and an aungel ยง, therwith a leche, and gret baken mete. At the second course, juisett, pynenade to potage, and therwithe pygge, kidde, and venyson rosted, fesaunt and hernesewes, ande chekyns rosted, and a foteltee Seint-Jorge on horsebak and sleynge the dragun, a leche and samakade, and bake mete. At the thridde cours colde creme and gele to potage ; ande therwith fylettes of venyson, rosted pejons, egretys, partoriches, rabettes, and qwales, pome de orynge, and a foteltee, a cartel that the Kyng and the Qyyhene comen in for to fee how Seint Jorge sloth, and payn puffc, and pety-pettys, and cuspis and doucettes.
