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This is an excerpt from Ancient Cookery [Arundel 334]
(England, 1425)
The original source can be found at R. Warner's "Antiquitates culinariae" (1791)

Eles in brasill. Take gode fat eles, and scthe hom al hole, and when thai byn sothen, take of the fyssh from the bones, and do hit in a morter, and dates, parboylet therwith, and grinde hit smalle; and do therto the lyver of codlynge sothen, or of other gode 2$2 fyssh, and when hit is grounden, tempur hit up with almonde mylk, and do it in a pot, and let hit boyle; and do therto sugur, and pouder of elowes, and of maces, and make hit stondynge (stiff) with floure of rys, and colour hit with saffron and saunders, and dresse hit forthe in leches (flices), and cast theron sugur and gynger mynced.


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