55 - Confeitos
Prepared for [event name] on [date]
by [name]

This entry is a re-creation of a recipe from , entitled "55 - Confeitos". [insert a brief description of dish here, possibly including any or all of the following: characteristics of the final dish, when or how it might have been served, and why you selected it]

The Source Recipe
The original text of the recipe is as follows:

55 - Confeitos. Torrem meio quilo de erva-doce e limpem-na numa peneira. Em seguida façam uma calda com quatro quilos de açúcar, levando o tacho ao fogo brando. Quando levantar fervura, que forme pérolas na tona, deitem dentro a erva-doce torrada, conservando o tacho sempre sobre brasas, para que a fervura seja a mais branda possível. Quando estiver quase no ponto do confeito, adicionem um pouco de água-de-flor. ƒ importante nunca deixar o tacho sobre labaredas.

Comfits. Toast half a Kilo of anise and clean it in a sieve. Next make a syrup with four kilos of sugar, taking the pot to a slow fire. When it reaches a boil, that forms pearls on top (fine bubbles), add the toasted anise, keeping the pot always over the coals/grills so that the boiling is the gentlest possible. When it is almost at the point of candying, add a little flower water. It is important to never leave the pot over large flames.

Related Recipes
While interpreting this recipe, I also considered the following recipes that appear to be related:
[edit as appropriate - note that this section should be left out if no related recipes can be found]

[if desired and applicable, add notes here about significant commonalities or differences between the main recipe and any similar ones]

The original recipe calls for the following ingredients: [edit this list as appropriate]


[if desired and applicable, add notes here about the ingredients - if any substitutions were made, explain why - also note what quantities were used for each ingredient and, if possible, why]

[include a paragraph or two describing the steps taken in preparing the recipe - if applicable, describe any differences between the process in the original source and that used in the re-creation, along with the reason for the deviation]

[add any information about any necessary equipment - if applicable, note when the equipment differed from that used in the medieval period, and explain why the original wasn't used]


[Replace citations with those from books where appropriate and/or possible. Make sure any links work, and that the referenced text is presented accurately]

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?treat:55>. Accessed on May 14, 2024, 11:46 am.