Lech Lumbard
Prepared for [event name] on [date]
by [name]

This entry is a re-creation of a recipe from , entitled "Lech Lumbard". [insert a brief description of dish here, possibly including any or all of the following: characteristics of the final dish, when or how it might have been served, and why you selected it]

The Source Recipe
The original text of the recipe is as follows:

Lech Lumbard. Take fayre brawne & wesh it, & seth it tyl euery pece go fro oþer; þan put it in a morter & grind it with almondes; þan take whyte wyne or rede & bole it þerin. Loke als mych as þu wyll haue whyte, put þerto of þe whyte of eyren, & зalow take þerto зolkys of egges & bete þam wele to gydere, ich be it self. And if þu wylt haue it grene, take it of þe spicer, or els take grene whete þe gress, or els of barly, & grind it small, & tak þerof þe juse & put þerto & þu wyll make it grene. But loke þat isch be sodyn be hymself, & rede in þe same wyse safe colour it with sawnders; but fyrst lay þe whyte beneth þe зalow. Ly it þeron & þe grene þerapon, & when þu wylt dress it þu mast kerve it als long & als small as þu wylt.

Related Recipes
While interpreting this recipe, I also considered the following recipes that appear to be related:
[edit as appropriate - note that this section should be left out if no related recipes can be found]

Leche Lumbard. XX.III. V. Take rawe Pork and pulle of the skyn. and pyke out þe skyn synewes and bray the Pork in a morter with ayrenn rawe do þerto suger, salt, raysouns coraunce, dates mynced, and powdour of Peper powdour gylofre. an do it in a bladder, and lat it seeþ til it be ynowhz. and whan it is ynowh, kerf if leshe it in likenesse of a peskodde, and take grete raysouns and grynde hem in a morter, drawe hem Up wiþ rede wyne, do þerto mylke of almaundes colour it with saunders an safroun. and do þerto powdour of peper an of gilofre and boile it. and whan it is iboiled; take powdour of canel and gynger, and temper it up with wyne. and do alle þise thynges togyder. and loke þat it be rennyns, and lat it not seeþ after that it is cast togyder, an serue it forth. []

.lxiiij. Leche Lumbard. Tak raw pork & pulle of the skyn & pyke out the synowes & bray the pork in a morter with ayroun rawe, do therto suger, salt raysouns coraunce, dates mynced & poudour of peper poudour gylofrer & do it in a bladder & lat it seeth til hit be ynowh, & whan it is ynowh kerve it, leche hyt in liknes of a peskod, and take grete raysouns & grynde hem in a morter, drawe hem up with rede wyne, do therto mylke of almaundes, colour hit with saundres & safroun, & do therto poudour of peper & of gylofrer & boyle hit, & whan hit is y boyled, tak poudour of canel & ginger, & temper it up with wyne & do alle thes thynges to gyder & loke that it be renyng, & lat hit not seeth after that hit ys cast to gyder, & serve hit forth. []

Leche lumbarde. Take Dates, and do awey the stones; and seth hem in swete wyne; and take hem vppe, and grinde hem in a morter, and drawe hem thorgh a streynour with a litull swete wyne and sugur; and caste hem in a potte, and lete boyle til it be stiff; and then take hem vppe, and ley hem vp apon a borde; and then take pouder ginger, Canell, and wyn, and melle al togidre in thi honde, and make it so stiff that hit woll be leched; And if hit be not stiff ynowe, take hard yolkes of eyren and creme thereon, or elles grated brede, and make it thik ynogh; take Clarey, and caste thereto in maner of sirippe, whan thou shall serue hit forthe. []

Boile gadur of the skome and set it to the fyere agayne put ther to pouder of pepper canelle and grated bred and stirre it well to gedur colour it withe saffron and sanders and in the settinge doun do ther to a litill venygar mellid with pouder of guinger and stirr it and let it be stif then gadur it up in a clothe and splat it some dele abrod and couer it with the same clothe till it be colde and lay ij or iij lesks in a dyshe and straw ther on pouder of guinger mellid with sugur and serue it. []

v - Leche lumbarde. Take Datys, an do a-way the stonys, and sethe in swete Wyne; take hem vppe, an grynd hem in a mortere; draw vppe thorw a straynoure with a lytyl whyte Wyne and Sugre, And caste hem on a potte, and lete boyle tylle it be styff; then take yt vppe, and ley it on a borde; than take pouder of Gyngere and Canelle, and wryng it, and molde it to-gederys in thin hondys, and make it so styf that it wolle be lechyd; and 3if it be no3t styf y-nowe, take hard 3olkys of Eyron and kreme (Note: Crimme; crumble) ther-on, or ellys grated brede, and make it thicke y-now; then take clareye, and caste ther-on in maner of a Syryppe, when thou shalt serue it forth. []

v - Leche lumbarde. Take Datys, an do a-way the stonys, and sethe in swete Wyne; take hem vppe, an grynd hem in a mortere; draw vppe thorw a straynoure with a lytyl whyte Wyne and Sugre, And caste hem on a potte, and lete boyle tylle it be styff; then take yt vppe, and ley it on a borde; than take pouder of Gyngere and Canelle, and wryng it, and molde it to-gederys in thin hondys, and make it so styf that it wolle be lechyd; and 3if it be no3t styf y-nowe, take hard 3olkys of Eyron and kreme (Note: Crimme; crumble) ther-on, or ellys grated brede, and make it thicke y-now; then take clareye, and caste ther-on in maner of a Syryppe, when thou shalt serue it forth. []

Leche lumbarde. Take Dates, and do awey the stones; and seth hem in swete wyne; and take hem vppe, and grinde hem in a morter, and drawe hem thorgh a streynour with a litull swete wyne and sugur; and caste hem in a potte, and lete boyle til it be stiff; and then take hem vppe, and ley hem vp apon a borde; and then take pouder ginger, Canell, and wyn, and melle al togidre in thi honde, and make it so stiff that hit woll be leched; And if hit be not stiff ynowe, take hard yolkes of eyren and creme thereon, or elles grated brede, and make it thik ynogh; take Clarey, and caste thereto in maner of sirippe, whan thou shall serue hit forthe. []

Leche Lumbarde. Take porke and sethe hit, and take of the skyn, and pyke out clene the scnowes (sinews), and bray hit, and take and breke rawe egges therto, and medel hit wel togedur in a faire vessel!, and put therto pouder of pepur, and of clowes, and raifynges of corance, and dates mynced, and sugur, and do hit in a bleddur (bladder), or in a bagge, and let hit wel fethe; and when hit is ynogh take hit up and cut hit on leches, as hit were pescoddes; then take gret raysynges, and bray hom and drawe hom up with wyne, and do hit in a pot; and do therto almonde 329 mylke, and do therto pouder of pepur and of clowes, and let hit boyle j and in the settynge doun do therto pouder of canell and of ginger, and tempuF hit with wyn; then dresse thi leches in dysshes, and poure the fyrip above, and serve hit forthe. []

Leche lumbarde. Take honey clarified, and vernage, or other wyne, and let hit boyle togeder, and colour hit with faundres and saffron, and cast therto pouder of pepur, or of greynes, and a lytel pouder of canel, and in the boylynge cast therto grated bred to make hit thik; and when hit is sul boyled, that hit be thik ynogh in the fettynge doune, put therto a lytel vynegur, medelet; with pouder of ginger, and stere hit togeder; and then poure al on a faire canevas, and let hit'kele; and when hit is colde, cut hit in faire brode leches, and lay hom in dishes, and strawe above sugre, and pouder of ginger medeled togeder; and serve hit forth. []

Leche Lumbard. XX.III. V. Take rawe Pork and pulle of the skyn. and pyke out þe skyn synewes and bray the Pork in a morter with ayrenn rawe do þerto suger, salt, raysouns coraunce, dates mynced, and powdour of Peper powdour gylofre. an do it in a bladder, and lat it seeþ til it be ynowhz. and whan it is ynowh, kerf if leshe it in likenesse of a peskodde, and take grete raysouns and grynde hem in a morter, drawe hem Up wiþ rede wyne, do þerto mylke of almaundes colour it with saunders an safroun. and do þerto powdour of peper an of gilofre and boile it. and whan it is iboiled; take powdour of canel and gynger, and temper it up with wyne. and do alle þise thynges togyder. and loke þat it be rennyns, and lat it not seeþ after that it is cast togyder, an serue it forth. []

.lxiiij. Leche Lumbard. Tak raw pork & pulle of the skyn & pyke out the synowes & bray the pork in a morter with ayroun rawe, do therto suger, salt raysouns coraunce, dates mynced & poudour of peper poudour gylofrer & do it in a bladder & lat it seeth til hit be ynowh, & whan it is ynowh kerve it, leche hyt in liknes of a peskod, and take grete raysouns & grynde hem in a morter, drawe hem up with rede wyne, do therto mylke of almaundes, colour hit with saundres & safroun, & do therto poudour of peper & of gylofrer & boyle hit, & whan hit is y boyled, tak poudour of canel & ginger, & temper it up with wyne & do alle thes thynges to gyder & loke that it be renyng, & lat hit not seeth after that hit ys cast to gyder, & serve hit forth. []

Leche Lumbard. Boyle datys in swete wyne grynd hem draw hem with th same wyne as chargeaunt as ye may do hem yn a pott with sygure boyle hit put ther to poudour of gynger & canell a grete dele stere hit welle to gedyr yf be nowghte styfe ynowghe put ther to hard yolkes of eyron or gratyd bredde or els thu may boyle brawn & draw hit thorow a streynoure with out any lycour in the boylyng do hit to gedyr also thu may do with al maner of lech lumbard that thu makyste and yn lentyn tyme thu may have of sundez of stockfisch when hit ys boyled take out of the pott do hit on a bord presse hit to gedyr when hit ys colde cut hit in brede leches & serve hit forth a lech or ij in a dysch & poudyr a lytyll clarre aboven. []

Lech lumbard. Claryfye hony put ther to poudyr lat hit boyle longe put ther to almonds cut smal and gradyd bred that hit be chargeaunt stere hit well to gedyr lat hit nought boyle to longe for brennyng of the almondys take gratyd bred & strew on a clene borde take hit out of the pott & lay ther on & strew on more gratyd bred and couch hit to gynger gedyr that hit ren nought a brod when hit ys cold cut hit in brod leches & serve forth ij or iij yn a dysch & strew on poudyr of gynger If thu may hete hit have smal konenys by fore & poure hit ther yn & serve hit in the stede of cold bakemete or yf thu wilt poure hit by hit sylf and crem of almonds or els mylke a stondyng potage of quynsys or of fruet colourd yolow & fil hit up that othir syde & strew ther on anneys in confyte & othir dragge what thu wylte & serve hit forth cold. []

[if desired and applicable, add notes here about significant commonalities or differences between the main recipe and any similar ones]

The original recipe calls for the following ingredients: [edit this list as appropriate]


[if desired and applicable, add notes here about the ingredients - if any substitutions were made, explain why - also note what quantities were used for each ingredient and, if possible, why]

[include a paragraph or two describing the steps taken in preparing the recipe - if applicable, describe any differences between the process in the original source and that used in the re-creation, along with the reason for the deviation]

[add any information about any necessary equipment - if applicable, note when the equipment differed from that used in the medieval period, and explain why the original wasn't used]


[Replace citations with those from books where appropriate and/or possible. Make sure any links work, and that the referenced text is presented accurately]

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?thoma:50>. Accessed on April 19, 2024, 3:14 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?forme:64>. Accessed on April 19, 2024, 3:14 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?fourm:64>. Accessed on April 19, 2024, 3:14 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?twofi:373>. Accessed on April 19, 2024, 3:14 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?noble:22>. Accessed on April 19, 2024, 3:14 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?ancie:64>. Accessed on April 19, 2024, 3:14 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?ancie:210>. Accessed on April 19, 2024, 3:14 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?wagst:66>. Accessed on April 19, 2024, 3:14 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?wagst:95>. Accessed on April 19, 2024, 3:14 am.