Haddok in cevy
Prepared for [event name] on [date]
by [name]

This entry is a re-creation of a recipe from , entitled "Haddok in cevy". [insert a brief description of dish here, possibly including any or all of the following: characteristics of the final dish, when or how it might have been served, and why you selected it]

The Source Recipe
The original text of the recipe is as follows:

To mak haddok in cevy tak and sethe your haddok and rost hym then boile bred pepper saffron and alle and onyons fried in oile and boile alle togedur then lay the haddok in a plater, and pour on the cevy and serue it furthe.

Related Recipes
While interpreting this recipe, I also considered the following recipes that appear to be related:
[edit as appropriate - note that this section should be left out if no related recipes can be found]

To dight haddok in covy drawe haddok at the belly and he be large cut of the hed and rost the body on a gredirne till he be enoughe then stewe bred in the brothe of samon or other good fisshe draw liere with the brothe hew parsly put it to red wyn hole clowes maces pouder of pepper and a gooddele of canelle then tak the lever and the pouche of an haddok and hew it and put it in a possuet and raissins of corans saffron sanders and salt and boile it and sesson it with pouder and virgus put away the skyn of the haddok and lay it in a chargiour and put the covy aboue and serve it. []

Haddoke in Cyuee. Shal be yopened and ywasshe clene / and ysode and yrosted on a gridel; grind peper and saffron, bred and ale / mynce oynons, fri hem in ale, and do therto, and salt: boille hit, do thyn haddok in plateres, and thi ciuey aboue, and 3if forth. []

[if desired and applicable, add notes here about significant commonalities or differences between the main recipe and any similar ones]

The original recipe calls for the following ingredients: [edit this list as appropriate]


[if desired and applicable, add notes here about the ingredients - if any substitutions were made, explain why - also note what quantities were used for each ingredient and, if possible, why]

[include a paragraph or two describing the steps taken in preparing the recipe - if applicable, describe any differences between the process in the original source and that used in the re-creation, along with the reason for the deviation]

[add any information about any necessary equipment - if applicable, note when the equipment differed from that used in the medieval period, and explain why the original wasn't used]


[Replace citations with those from books where appropriate and/or possible. Make sure any links work, and that the referenced text is presented accurately]

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?noble:251>. Accessed on April 25, 2024, 12:12 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?twofi:479>. Accessed on April 25, 2024, 12:12 am.