Felettes in galentyne
Prepared for [event name] on [date]
by [name]

This entry is a re-creation of a recipe from , entitled "Felettes in galentyne". [insert a brief description of dish here, possibly including any or all of the following: characteristics of the final dish, when or how it might have been served, and why you selected it]

The Source Recipe
The original text of the recipe is as follows:

To mak felettes in galentyne tak of the best of ribbes of pork and fley of the skyn and put the flesshe upon a broche and rost it till it be almost enoughe then tak it of and chope it in peces and put it in a pot with onyons butter and faire grece hole clowes maces quybibes and put it to gedur with a crust of bred and try it through a strener with whit wyne put ther to pouder of peper and put it in the pot and when it boilithe let it not be chargant and sesson it up with poudre of guingere and salt it and serue it.

Related Recipes
While interpreting this recipe, I also considered the following recipes that appear to be related:
[edit as appropriate - note that this section should be left out if no related recipes can be found]

ffelettes in galentyne. Take faire porke of the fore quarter, and take of the skyn, and put the pork on a faire spitte, and roste it half ynogh; and take hit of, and smyte hit in peces, and cast hit in a faire potte; and then take oynons, and shred and pul hem, not to small, and fry hem in a pan with faire grece, And then caste hem to the porke into the potte; And then take good broth of beef or Motton, and cast thereto, and set hit on the fire, and caste to pouder of Peper, Canel, Cloues and Maces, and lete boile wel togidur; and then take faire brede and vinegre, and stepe the brede with a litull of the same broth, and streyne hit thorgh a streynour, and blode with all; or elles take Saundres and colour hit therewith, and late hem boile togidur, and cast thereto Saffron and salt, and serue hit forth. []

Filetus in Galentine. Take filetes of porke and half hom rost, Smyte hom in peses with outene bost. Draw3e a lyoure of blode and brede withalle, Do venegur þer to, I wot þou schalle. Fors hit with powder of canel, or gode gynger, Sethe hit with þo flesshe, alle in fere. Salt and messe forthe, þenne Set hit in sale before gode menne. []

FYLETTES IN GALYTYNE. C. XVII. Take Pork, and rost it tyl the blode be tryed out & þe broth. take crustes of brede and bray hem in a morter, an drawe hem thurgh a cloth with þe broth, þenne take oynouns an leshe hem on brede an do to the broth. þanne take pork, and leshe it clene with a dressyng knyf and cast it into þe pot broth, & lat it boile til it be more tendre. þanne take þat lyour þerto. þanne take a porcion of peper and saundres & do þerto. þanne take parsel & ysope & mynce it smale & do þerto. þanne take rede wyne oþer white grece & raysouns & do þerto. & lat it boile a lytel. []

.Cxv. Fylettes in galyntyne. Tak pork & rost hit til the blode be tryed out & the broth, take crustes of brede & bray hem in a morter and drawe hem thorow a cloth with the broth, thenne take oynouns & lesh hem on brede & do to the broth, & thanne take pork, leshe hit clene with a dressyng knyf & cast hit in to the broth & lat hit boyle til hit be more tendur, thanne tak that lyour ther to & thenne take a porcioun of peper & saundres & do ther to, an thanne take persel & ysope & mynce hyt smale & do therto, & thanne take rede wyne other whyte grese and raysound & do ther to and lete hit boyle a littul, and thenne serve hit forth. []

Fylettes Of Galyntyne. XXVIII. Take fylettes of Pork and rost hem half ynowh smyte hem on pecys. drawe a lyour of brede and blode. and broth and Vineger. and do þerinne. seeþ it wele. and do þerinne powdour an salt an messe it forth. []

.xxviij. Fylettus in galentyne. Tak fylettes of pork & rost hit half y nowh, smyte hem on peces, drawe a lyour of brede & blod & broth & vyneger & do therinne, seeth it wel & do therinne poudour of peper & salt & messe it forth. []

xvj - Fylettys en Galentyne. Take fayre porke, the fore quarter, an take of the skyne; an put the porke on a fayre spete, an rost it half y-now; than take it of, an smyte it in fayre pecys, and caste it on a fayre potte; than take oynonys, and schrede hem, an pele hem (an pyle hem nowt to smale), an frye in a panne of fayre grece; than caste hem in the potte to the porke; than take gode broth of moton or of beef, an caste ther-to, an than caste ther-to pouder pepyr, canel, clowys, an macys, an let hem boyle wyl to-gederys; than tak fayre brede, an vynegre, an stepe the brede with the same brothe, an strayne it on blode, with ale, or ellys sawnderys, and salt, an lat hym boyle y-now, an serue it forth. []

xvj - Fylettys en Galentyne. Take fayre porke, the fore quarter, an take of the skyne; an put the porke on a fayre spete, an rost it half y-now; than take it of, an smyte it in fayre pecys, and caste it on a fayre potte; than take oynonys, and schrede hem, an pele hem (an pyle hem nowt to smale), an frye in a panne of fayre grece; than caste hem in the potte to the porke; than take gode broth of moton or of beef, an caste ther-to, an than caste ther-to pouder pepyr, canel, clowys, an macys, an let hem boyle wyl to-gederys; than tak fayre brede, an vynegre, an stepe the brede with the same brothe, an strayne it on blode, with ale, or ellys sawnderys, and salt, an lat hym boyle y-now, an serue it forth. []

ffelettes in galentyne. Take faire porke of the fore quarter, and take of the skyn, and put the pork on a faire spitte, and roste it half ynogh; and take hit of, and smyte hit in peces, and cast hit in a faire potte; and then take oynons, and shred and pul hem, not to small, and fry hem in a pan with faire grece, And then caste hem to the porke into the potte; And then take good broth of beef or Motton, and cast thereto, and set hit on the fire, and caste to pouder of Peper, Canel, Cloues and Maces, and lete boile wel togidur; and then take faire brede and vinegre, and stepe the brede with a litull of the same broth, and streyne hit thorgh a streynour, and blode with all; or elles take Saundres and colour hit therewith, and late hem boile togidur, and cast thereto Saffron and salt, and serue hit forth. []

Felettes in galentyne. Take fylettes of porke, and roste hom tyl thai byn nere ynogh, then take hom of the spitte, and do hom in a pot, and chop hom, if thowe wyl, on gobettcs; and do therto gode brothe of beef, and drawe up a lyoure (mixture) of brede steped in brothe and vynegur, and do therto powder of clowes and of maces, and put therto galentyne, and let hit fethe, and colour hit with faunders, and serve hit forthe. Or take felettes of porke, or of beef, and let hom welle roste, take onyons and parboyle hom, and mynce hom, and frye hom in faire grees, and do hom in a postenet (pipkin) and do therto wyn and powder of maces and of clowes, and make gode galentyne with pouder of canell ynogh, and raifynges of corance, and let hit boyle, and when thi felettes byn rosted, dresse hom forthe, and poure the fyrippe theron. []

Fylettes Of Galyntyne. XXVIII. Take fylettes of Pork and rost hem half ynowh smyte hem on pecys. drawe a lyour of brede and blode. and broth and Vineger. and do þerinne. seeþ it wele. and do þerinne powdour an salt an messe it forth. []

.xxviij. Fylettus in galentyne. Tak fylettes of pork & rost hit half y nowh, smyte hem on peces, drawe a lyour of brede & blod & broth & vyneger & do therinne, seeth it wel & do therinne poudour of peper & salt & messe it forth. []

.Cxv. Fylettes in galyntyne. Tak pork & rost hit til the blode be tryed out & the broth, take crustes of brede & bray hem in a morter and drawe hem thorow a cloth with the broth, thenne take oynouns & lesh hem on brede & do to the broth, & thanne take pork, leshe hit clene with a dressyng knyf & cast hit in to the broth & lat hit boyle til hit be more tendur, thanne tak that lyour ther to & thenne take a porcioun of peper & saundres & do ther to, an thanne take persel & ysope & mynce hyt smale & do therto, & thanne take rede wyne other whyte grese and raysound & do ther to and lete hit boyle a littul, and thenne serve hit forth. []

Filetus in Galentine. Take filetes of porke and half hom rost, Smyte hom in peses with outene bost. Draw3e a lyoure of blode and brede withalle, Do venegur þer to, I wot þou schalle. Fors hit with powder of canel, or gode gynger, Sethe hit with þo flesshe, alle in fere. Salt and messe forthe, þenne Set hit in sale before gode menne. []

[if desired and applicable, add notes here about significant commonalities or differences between the main recipe and any similar ones]

The original recipe calls for the following ingredients: [edit this list as appropriate]


[if desired and applicable, add notes here about the ingredients - if any substitutions were made, explain why - also note what quantities were used for each ingredient and, if possible, why]

[include a paragraph or two describing the steps taken in preparing the recipe - if applicable, describe any differences between the process in the original source and that used in the re-creation, along with the reason for the deviation]

[add any information about any necessary equipment - if applicable, note when the equipment differed from that used in the medieval period, and explain why the original wasn't used]


[Replace citations with those from books where appropriate and/or possible. Make sure any links work, and that the referenced text is presented accurately]

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?noble:157>. Accessed on April 26, 2024, 1:00 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?twofi:333>. Accessed on April 26, 2024, 1:00 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?liber:76>. Accessed on April 26, 2024, 1:00 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?forme:116>. Accessed on April 26, 2024, 1:00 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?fourm:116>. Accessed on April 26, 2024, 1:00 am.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?ancie:43>. Accessed on April 26, 2024, 1:00 am.