108. cameline sauce
Prepared for [event name] on [date]
by [name]
This entry is a re-creation of a recipe from , entitled "108. cameline sauce". [insert a brief description of dish here, possibly including any or all of the following: characteristics of the final dish, when or how it might have been served, and why you selected it]
The Source Recipe
The original text of the recipe is as follows:
108. cameline sauce. Take two or three white pomegranates and seed them on a very clean linen cloth; and when they are seeded, press them a great deal, in such a way that all the juice comes out; and then take a little bread, toasted and soaked in the said juice, and then take a good quantity of ground cinnamon, and cast it in with the bread, and grind it well in a mortar; and after grinding it, blend it with good broth from the pomegranates or with vinegar, which should not be very strong; and then set it on the fire to cook, stirring it constantly until it is thick; and before it boils, put a piece of fine sugar in the pot.
Related Recipes
While interpreting this recipe, I also considered the following recipes that appear to be related:
[edit as appropriate - note that this section should be left out if no related recipes can be found]
CAMELINE. Note that at Tournais, to make cameline, they grind together ginger, cinnamon and saffron and half a nutmeg: soak in wine, then take out of the mortar; then have white bread crumbs, not toasted, moistened with cold water and grind in the mortar, soak in wine and strain, then boil it all, and lastly add red sugar: and this is winter cameline. And in summer they make it the same way, but it is not boiled. []
44. For the salmon and for the trout, the cameline: to give understanding to the sauce-maker who will make it, take his white bread according to the quantity of it which he is making and let him put it to roast on the grill, and let him have good claret wine of the best which he can have in which he should put his bread to soak and vinegar in good measure; and let him take his spices, that is cinnamon, ginger, grains of paradise, cloves, a little pepper, mace, nutmeg and a little sugar, and this is mixed with is bread and a little salt; and then dress it as you will.
The pigeons with fine salt, the small birds bearing their own sauce, the eel with green sorrel verjuice.
And the master who will make the said pasty will be well advised to have his good spices, white ginger, grain of paradise and a little pepper, saffron to give it color, and temper it with salt to rub(?) all of the meat of the aforesaid pasty.
And the said master will also be well advised to have a small, fair and clean piece of good fat pork, and let it be parboiled, of which he should make long slices with which to stuff the said pasty, and put two of them alongside the gosling and also on the capon and on the pigeons. []
Sauce camelyne. Take faire brede, and cut it, and toste it; and take vynegre and wyne, and stepe hit ther-in, and draw it thurwe a straynour with poudre canel, and draw it .ij. or .iij. tymes, til it be smothe. And thanne take poudre ginger, sugre, and poudre of clowes, and cast ther-to. And loke that it stonde wil by clowes, and by sugre; and thanne put ther-to a litil safroune, and salt, and serue hit forth thicke y-nowe. []
Sauce gamelyne. Take faire brede, and kutte it, and take vinegre and wyne, and stepe the brede therein, and drawe hit thorgh a streynour with powder of canel, and drawe hit twies or thries til hit be smoth; and then take pouder of ginger, Sugur, and pouder of cloues, and cast therto a litul saffron and lete hit be thik ynogh, and thenne serue hit forthe. []
Sawce camelyne, kervelettes and oþer thyngus. Take raysons of corouns and kyrnels smalle Of notes, and do away þo schale, Take crust of brede and clowe in fere, And powder imaked of gode gyngere, Flowre of canel þou schalle take, þenne Bray alle togedur, as I þe kenne, In a morter and salt þerto. Temper alle with venegur, þen hase þou do, And messe hit forthe. þis is sawce fyne, Þat men calles camelyne. []
SAWSE CAMELYNE. XX.VII. IIII. Take Raysouns of Coraunce. & kyrnels of notys. & crustes of brede & powdour of gyngur clowes flour of canel. bray it wel togyder and do it þerto. salt it, temper it up with vynegur. and serue it forth. []
.Cxlij. Sauce camelyne. Take raysouns of corauns & kyrnels of notys & crustes of brede & poudour of ginger. clowes. flour of canel. bray it wel to gyder & do hit therto salr temper hit up with vyneger & messe forth. []
To mak sauce camelyne for quaile, tak whyt bred and drawe it in the sauce in the manner of guinger sauce with venyger put ther to pouder of guinger canelle and pouder lombard a goodelle and ye may draw alitille mustard ther with and sesson it up with mustard that it be douce salt it and colour it with saffron and serue it. []
To make Cameline [Sauce]. Take ginger, plenty of cassia, cloves, grains_of_paradise, mastic thyme and long pepper (if you wish). Sieve bread soaked in vinegar, strain [through cheesecloth], and salt to taste. []
XCI - Carmeline sauce optimal. To make optimal carmeline sauce, take almonds peeled and mix and pound and strain (the almond milk), take currants and cinnamon and cloves and a little crumb of bread and mix every thing together and temper with verjuice and it is done. []
To make Cameline [Sauce]. Take ginger, plenty of cassia, cloves, grains_of_paradise, mastic thyme and long pepper (if you wish). Sieve bread soaked in vinegar, strain [through cheesecloth], and salt to taste. []
XV To make cameline sauce. If you want to make cameline sauce, take the crust of bread and cloves and ginger and grains of paradise and nutmeg and cinnamon, and grind everything together and temper it with white vinegar, and let it be good. []
Cameline Sauce. Get raisins and grind them up as much as you can; get three or four ounces of almonds and grind them with the raisins, and two or three slices of toast soaked in red wine, and grind them together; then get a little good red wine, must and verjuice, making it sweet or tart as you wish; strain all this, then adding in a lot of cinnamon, and cloves and nutmegs. []
[if desired and applicable, add notes here about significant commonalities or differences between the main recipe and any similar ones]
The original recipe calls for the following ingredients: [edit this list as appropriate]
[if desired and applicable, add notes here about the ingredients - if any substitutions were made, explain why - also note what quantities were used for each ingredient and, if possible, why]
[include a paragraph or two describing the steps taken in preparing the recipe - if applicable, describe any differences between the process in the original source and that used in the re-creation, along with the reason for the deviation]
[add any information about any necessary equipment - if applicable, note when the equipment differed from that used in the medieval period, and explain why the original wasn't used]
[Replace citations with those from books where appropriate and/or possible. Make sure any links work, and that the referenced text is presented accurately]
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