Blank Dessorre
Prepared for [event name] on [date]
by [name]

This entry is a re-creation of a recipe from , entitled "Blank Dessorre". [insert a brief description of dish here, possibly including any or all of the following: characteristics of the final dish, when or how it might have been served, and why you selected it]

The Source Recipe
The original text of the recipe is as follows:

Blank Dessorre. XXXVII. Take Almandes blaunched, grynde hem and temper hem up with whyte wyne, on fleissh day with broth. and cast þerinne flour of Rys. oþer amydoun, and lye it þerwith. take brawn of Capouns yground. take sugur and salt and cast þerto and florissh it with aneys whyte. take a vessel yholes and put in safroun. and serue it forth.

Related Recipes
While interpreting this recipe, I also considered the following recipes that appear to be related:
[edit as appropriate - note that this section should be left out if no related recipes can be found]

To mak blank de fire tak ryse and wesshe it and grind it small and temper it up with almond mylk and boile it then tak the braun of capon or henne and hew it small and grind it with myed bred and sesson it with sugur and florishe it with almondes and serue it. []

.xxxvij. Blank dessoree. Take almaundes blaunched, grynde hem and temper hem up with whyte wyne, on flesche day with broth, & cast therin flour of rys other amydoun & lye hit therwith, & tak brawn of capouns y ground, & take sugur & salt & cast therto, & florysche with aneys whyte, & tak a vessel y holed & put in safroun. []

Blaunde sorre. Take almondes, and blanche hem, and stampe hem in a morter, and temper hem with fressh lene broth of a Capon, or beef, and wyne; And if hit be in lenton or in a fissh day, take faire broth of fressh fissh and wyne, And boyle hem to-gidre a good while, and take hit vppe in a faire lynnen cloth that is clene wasshen, and the water y-Wronge oute there-of; And drawe vnder the cloth, with a ladell, al the water that ye may, even as ye make colde creme; and then take it oute of the clothe, and cast hit in a faire potte, and lete boile; and then take brawne of a capon and tese hit small, and bray hit in a morter/ (or elles in a fissh day, take a codlyng or a haddok), and temper hit with almond melke, and cast sugur ynogh thereto; and then caste hit in the potte, And lete hit boile togidur a goode while; and then take hit oute of the potte al hote, and dresse hit into a dissh as ye doeth a colde creme; And sette ther-on rede Anneys in confite, and serue hit forth; or elles take faire almondes yblanched, and set theron/ []

Blawnk de Surre. Recipe egg зolkes soden hard, & comyn, saferon, & flour of ryce or wastell brede, & grind it in a morter & temper it vp with þe mylk of a cow, & make it to boyl; & do þerto whyte of þe eggs, & cut þam small, & take faet chese & cut it þerto, & when it hath boyld serof. []

Blonk desore. Take ryse and wasshe hom in a cup, Grynd hom smalle and temper up With almonde mylke, so have þou cele. Do hit over þo fyre and boyle hit wele. Take braune of capons or hennes alle, Hew hit þat hit be ri3t smalle. And grynd hit wele, as myud brede, And do þer to, as I þe rede. Seson hit with sugur grete plente, With fryid almondes florysshe so fre. []

FOR TO MAKE BLANK DESNE. XX.IX. XIII. Take Brawn of Hennes or of Capouns ysoden withoute þe skyn. & hewe hem as smale as þou may. & grinde hem in a morter. after take gode mylke of Almandes & put þe brawn þerin. & stere it wel togyder & do hem to seeþ. & take flour of Rys & amydoun & alay it. so þat it be chargeant. & do þerto sugur a gode party. & a party of white grece. and when it is put in disshes strewe uppon it blaunche powdour, and þenne put in blank desire and mawmenye in disshes togider. And serue forth. []

.Clxlj. For to make blank desyre. Take brawne of hennes or capouns y soden with outen the skyn. and hewe hem as smale as thou may, and grynde hem in a morter. aftur, take gode mylke of almaundes & put the brawne ther inne & stere hem wel to gyder & do hem to seeth. & take flour of rys & of amydoun. & lay hit so that hyt be wel chargeaunt. & do therto sugur a gode party. & a party of whyte grece. & whan hit is put in dysches, strawe uppon blaunche powdour. & than put in blank desyre & mawmanye in dysches to gyder. & cet. []

lxxxj - Blaundysorye. Take Almaunde Mylke, an flowre of Rys, and brawn of Capounys or of hennys, and pouder Gyngere, and boyle it y-fere, and make it chargeaunt; an whan thou dressest yn, nym Maces, Quybibes, and caste a-boue, and serue forth [correction; sic = f]. []

To mak bland sorre tak the mylk of almondes blanched mad with capon brothe then tak the braun of a capon and bet it in a mortair and mele the fishe and the mylk to gedur in the mortair with the pestelle and thik it with flour of rise and boile it put ther to sugur or hony and mak it stondinge then lesk it in dyshes and diaper it with turnsole and serue it. []

XIX - FOR TO MAKE BLANK DE SUR'. Tak the zolkys of Eggs sodyn and temper it wyth mylk of a kow and do ther'to Comyn and Safroun and flowr' of ris or wastel bred mycd and grynd in a morter and temper it up wyth the milk and mak it boyle and do ther'to wit of Egg' corvyn smale and tak fat chese and kerf ther'to wan the licour is boylyd and serve it forth. []

XXIX - FOR TO MAKE THE BLANK SURRY. Tak brann of caponys other of hennys and the thyes wythowte the skyn and kerf hem smal als thou mayst and grynd hem smal in a morter and tak mylk of Almaundys and do yn the branne and grynd hem thanne togedere and and seth hem togeder' and tak flour of rys other amydoun and lye it that yt be charchant and do therto sugur a god parti and a party of wyt grees and boyle yt and wan yt ys don in dyschis straw upon blank poudere and do togedere blank de sury and manmene in a dysch and serve it forthe. []

xxj - Blandissorye. Take almaundys, an blawnche hem, an grynde hem in a morter, an tempere hem with freysshe brothe of capoun or of beef, an swete wyne; an 3if it be lente or fyssday, take brothe of the freysshe fysshe, an swete wyne, an boyle hem to-gederys a goode whyle; thenne take it up, an caste it on a fayre lynen clothe that is clene an drye, an draw under the clothe, wyth a ladel, alle the water that thow may fynde, ryth as thow makyst cold creme; thanne take owt of the potte, an caste it in-to a fayre potte, an let it boyle; an thanne take brawn of Capoun, an tese it smal an bray it ina morter: or ellys on a fyssday take Pyke or Elys, Codlyng or Haddok, an temper it with almaun mylke, an caste Sugre y-now ther-to; An than caste hem in-to the potte and lete hem boyle to-gederys a goode whyle: thenne take it owt of the potte alle hote, an dresse it in a dysshe, as meni [correction; sic = MS. men.] don cold creme, an sette ther-on Red Anys in comfyte, or ellys Allemaundys blaunchid, an thanne serue it forth for a goode potage. []

XXXI - For To Make Blank De Syry. Tak Almande mylk and Flowre of Rys. Tak thereto sugur and boyle thys togedere and dische yt and tak Almandys and wet hem in water of Sugur and drye hem in a panne and plante hem in the mete and serve yt forth. []

.xxxvij. Blank dessoree. Take almaundes blaunched, grynde hem and temper hem up with whyte wyne, on flesche day with broth, & cast therin flour of rys other amydoun & lye hit therwith, & tak brawn of capouns y ground, & take sugur & salt & cast therto, & florysche with aneys whyte, & tak a vessel y holed & put in safroun. []

.Clxlj. For to make blank desyre. Take brawne of hennes or capouns y soden with outen the skyn. and hewe hem as smale as thou may, and grynde hem in a morter. aftur, take gode mylke of almaundes & put the brawne ther inne & stere hem wel to gyder & do hem to seeth. & take flour of rys & of amydoun. & lay hit so that hyt be wel chargeaunt. & do therto sugur a gode party. & a party of whyte grece. & whan hit is put in dysches, strawe uppon blaunche powdour. & than put in blank desyre & mawmanye in dysches to gyder. & cet. []

Blonk desore. Take ryse and wasshe hom in a cup, Grynd hom smalle and temper up With almonde mylke, so have þou cele. Do hit over þo fyre and boyle hit wele. Take braune of capons or hennes alle, Hew hit þat hit be ri3t smalle. And grynd hit wele, as myud brede, And do þer to, as I þe rede. Seson hit with sugur grete plente, With fryid almondes florysshe so fre. []

Blanc desirree. Almond milk, rice flour, capon meat, sifted ginger, white sugar, white wine; each one in part to be boiled in a clean pot, and then put in the vessel in which it will be done, a little light powder; pomegranates planted thereon. []

Blanke desire. Take yolkes of eyron sodyn hard & safron & bred growndyn with cow milke boyl do ther to white of eyron cut smal & spyndez of porke corven ther to aley hit a lytyll with raw yolkes of eyron. []

Blank desure. Tak þe olkys of egges sodyn & temper it wyþ mylk of a kow. & do þerto comyn & safroun & flowre of ris or wastel bred myed, & grynd in a morter & temper it vp wyþ þe milk; & mak it boyle & do þerto wit of egges coruyn smal. & tak fat chese & kerf þerto wan þe licour is boylyd, & serue it forþ. []

[if desired and applicable, add notes here about significant commonalities or differences between the main recipe and any similar ones]

The original recipe calls for the following ingredients: [edit this list as appropriate]


[if desired and applicable, add notes here about the ingredients - if any substitutions were made, explain why - also note what quantities were used for each ingredient and, if possible, why]

[include a paragraph or two describing the steps taken in preparing the recipe - if applicable, describe any differences between the process in the original source and that used in the re-creation, along with the reason for the deviation]

[add any information about any necessary equipment - if applicable, note when the equipment differed from that used in the medieval period, and explain why the original wasn't used]


[Replace citations with those from books where appropriate and/or possible. Make sure any links work, and that the referenced text is presented accurately]

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <>. Accessed on April 25, 2024, 8:48 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <>. Accessed on April 25, 2024, 8:48 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <>. Accessed on April 25, 2024, 8:48 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <>. Accessed on April 25, 2024, 8:48 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <>. Accessed on April 25, 2024, 8:48 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <>. Accessed on April 25, 2024, 8:48 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <>. Accessed on April 25, 2024, 8:48 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <>. Accessed on April 25, 2024, 8:48 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <>. Accessed on April 25, 2024, 8:48 pm.