Prepared for [event name] on [date]
by [name]
This entry is a re-creation of a recipe from , entitled "LV - FOR TO MAKE A GELY". [insert a brief description of dish here, possibly including any or all of the following: characteristics of the final dish, when or how it might have been served, and why you selected it]
The Source Recipe
The original text of the recipe is as follows:
LV - FOR TO MAKE A GELY. Tak hoggys fet other pyggys other erys other partrichys other chiconys and do hem togedere and serh hem in a pot and do hem in flowre of canel and clowys other or grounde do thereto vineger and tak and do the broth in a clene vessel of al thys and tak the Flesch and kerf yt in smal morselys and do yt therein tak powder of galyngale and cast above and lat yt kels tak bronches of the lorer tre and styk over it and kep yt al so longe as thou wilt and serve yt forth.
Related Recipes
While interpreting this recipe, I also considered the following recipes that appear to be related:
[edit as appropriate - note that this section should be left out if no related recipes can be found]
43. HILADEA WHICH IS CALLED GELATIN. Take calves' trotters, well-plucked and clean and white, which are not skinned, and break them in half and wash them well; and set them to cook with another two pairs of sheep's trotters; and if four or six bowlfuls of water are necessary to cook them, only cast in half of that; and for the rest, in place of water, cast in white wine, very fine and fragrant, and cook it all in a pot until it is well-cooked; and cast into the pot, ginger, anise, cinnamon cut small, and pepper, and nutmeg and mace and saffron, all whole; and according to the quantity that you wish to make, you must cast the white wine in the pot; and when they are well-cooked, take them out of the pot and make pieces as big as a finger; and then take hens that have been cooked in a separate pot, and cut them as if to make portions; and then take a large plate, and put those cut-up hens and cut-up trotters on the plate, and cast upon it the broth from the trotters in such a manner that no grease falls upon the plate, straining it through a woolen cloth; and when it has been half strained, put bay leaves all around the edge of the plate, and leave it in this way and it will congeal soon; and if by chance it does not congeal promptly, cast in a little galingale or spikenard and soon it will doubtlessly congeal; and in this way is made good geladea or gelatine. []
GELE OF FLESSH. C. II. Take swyner feet & snowter and the eerys. capouns. connynges calues fete. & wiasche hem clene. & do hem to seeþ in the þriddel of wyne & vyneger and water and make forth as bifore. []
.C. Gelee of flesche. Take swynes fete & snowtes & the eerys, capouns, conynges, calves fete & waysche hem clene & do hem to seeth in the thriddel of wyne and vyneger & water & make forth as before. []
Gely. Take Calues fete, and scalde hem faire, and ley hem in faire water, and late hem wex white; Also take ho3os of fele, (Note: Douce MS.; houghys of veel) and ley hem in faire water fore to soke oute the blode; And then take hem oute of the water, and ley hem in a faire lynnen clothe, and lete the water ren oute; And then take a faire scoured potte, and put al thes ho3os and calues fete therin; And then take good white wyn, that woll hold colloure, or elles fyne claret wyne, and caste thereto a porcion, and none other licoure, that the flessh be ouer-wose (Note: Douce MS. reads, nere wese with-alle) with al; and sette hit ouer the fire, and boile hit, and skem hit clene. Whan hit is boylled tender ynowe, take vppe the flessh in a faire bolle, And save wel the licoure; and loke that thou have faire sides of pigges, And faire smale chekynes scalded, and drawe hem, (and the legges and the fete on), (Note: Thus Douce MS.: Harl. MS. hem legges and sette on) and wassh faire, and caste hem in the same first broth, And set hit ayen ouer the fire, and skym hit clene, and lete a man euere-more kepe hit, and blow of the grauey; And in case that the licour waste awey, cast more of the same wyne there-to; And put thi honde there-to, And, if thi honde be clammy, Hit is a signe that it is gode; and lete not the flessh be so moche ysod that hit may bere no kuttyng; And then take hit vppe, and ley hit on a faire clothe, and set oute the licoure fro the fire; And put a fewe coles vnder the vessell that the lycoure is yn; and take salt, pouder of peper, and good quantite of saffron, (that hit haue faire Ambur colour,) and a good quantite of vinegre; And loke that hit be sauery of the salt and of the vinegre, and faire of colour of saffron; And put hit in a faire lynen clothe, And sette vnder-neth a faire dissh, and late hit ren thorgh the cloth so oft that hit ren clene (Note: Douce MS. clere); And if thou seest that hit hath to litull of the vinegre, or salt, or saffron, caste thereto more, after thi discrecion; And then kut faire sidde ribbes of the sides of pigges, and ley hem on a chargeour or on a dissh, (Note: Douce MS. adds [and pull the loynes of the chekyne iche from othere, and take awey the skyn, and pulle hem in quartres, and ley a quarter of a chikyne and a ribbe of the pygge to-gedrys on a dissh.]) (Note: Some ambiguity surrounds the placement of the foregoing note since the editor has given two markers for its location in the text. The text included between the two markers is the following: "vinegre, or salt, or saffron, caste thereto more, after thi discrecion; And then kut faire sidde ribbes of the sides of pigges, and ley hem on a chargeour or on a dissh". It is unclear whether the text added from the Douce MS. actually replaces this text in the Douce MS. or supplements it. See notes, p. 89, betwwen "and broth" and by "caste there-to," both under heading Elys in Sorre .) And set hit faire on a colde place, and powre the gely theron; And then take faire blanched almondes, and caste anone thereon er hit kele, and foilles of tried pared ginger; and lete stonde to kele. []
To make jelly. Take a pot of white wine, & chafe it very hot, then put therein three quarters of a pound of sugar, one ounce of cinnamon, one ounce of nutmeg, & one ounce of coarsely ground ginger, & put it therein to temper the hot wine, & let it sit three or four hours, then pass the wine through a strainer, at the end to have the spices removed, then have a bag of white cloth like those used to strain hippocras, then cast into the wine three spoons of cow's milk, & have a little handful of coarsely ground almonds without peels, put them into the bag, then pass the wine through the bag two or three times, until it becomes clear, & take two ounces of good husblat [isinglass?] well washed, & put them to boil with a little wine & water, until well melted, then cast it into the wine, when it is passed, through the bag it will make the prize of the jelly: when the jelly is half cold cast it into plates, & let cool until it becomes firm. Note if it doesn't become at all firm enough, adding more husblat will help, because it could be that the husblat isn't as good as others. []
XXXII - Jelly in another way. If you want to make jelly, take fish and cinnamon, and one ounce of ginger and one ounce of long pepper, and half a quarter of cardamom and a quarter of cloves, and half a quarter of grape juice, and half a quarter of nutmeg, and beat these things to a paste together, and with saffron, then take bread and cut off the crust, take hazelnuts large and toast in live coals, and these things should be mixed together and tempered with fine white vinegar and put to boil together. This is good with trout or lamprey and with every sea fish and if if is of meat, it is good with capon and hens etc. []
26 - To make crystall gelly. Take a knockle of Veale, and two calves feet (your calves feet being flayed and scalded) and boyle them in faire sprint water: and when they are boyled, ready to eat, you may save your flesh, and not boyle it to peeces: for, if you doe so, the gelly will looke thicke: then take a quart of the cleerest of the same broth, and put it into a posner, adding thereunto Ginger, white pepper, six whole cloves, one nutmeg quartered, one graine of musk: put all these whole spices in a little bag, and boile them in your gelly: season it with foure ounces of sugar candie, and three spoonfuls of Rose-water, so let it run thorow your gelly bag; and if you meane to have it looke of an amber colour, bruise your spices, and let them boil in your gelly loose. []
Gely. Take Calues fete, and scalde hem faire, and ley hem in faire water, and late hem wex white; Also take ho3os of fele, (Note: Douce MS.; houghys of veel) and ley hem in faire water fore to soke oute the blode; And then take hem oute of the water, and ley hem in a faire lynnen clothe, and lete the water ren oute; And then take a faire scoured potte, and put al thes ho3os and calues fete therin; And then take good white wyn, that woll hold colloure, or elles fyne claret wyne, and caste thereto a porcion, and none other licoure, that the flessh be ouer-wose (Note: Douce MS. reads, nere wese with-alle) with al; and sette hit ouer the fire, and boile hit, and skem hit clene. Whan hit is boylled tender ynowe, take vppe the flessh in a faire bolle, And save wel the licoure; and loke that thou have faire sides of pigges, And faire smale chekynes scalded, and drawe hem, (and the legges and the fete on), (Note: Thus Douce MS.: Harl. MS. hem legges and sette on) and wassh faire, and caste hem in the same first broth, And set hit ayen ouer the fire, and skym hit clene, and lete a man euere-more kepe hit, and blow of the grauey; And in case that the licour waste awey, cast more of the same wyne there-to; And put thi honde there-to, And, if thi honde be clammy, Hit is a signe that it is gode; and lete not the flessh be so moche ysod that hit may bere no kuttyng; And then take hit vppe, and ley hit on a faire clothe, and set oute the licoure fro the fire; And put a fewe coles vnder the vessell that the lycoure is yn; and take salt, pouder of peper, and good quantite of saffron, (that hit haue faire Ambur colour,) and a good quantite of vinegre; And loke that hit be sauery of the salt and of the vinegre, and faire of colour of saffron; And put hit in a faire lynen clothe, And sette vnder-neth a faire dissh, and late hit ren thorgh the cloth so oft that hit ren clene (Note: Douce MS. clere); And if thou seest that hit hath to litull of the vinegre, or salt, or saffron, caste thereto more, after thi discrecion; And then kut faire sidde ribbes of the sides of pigges, and ley hem on a chargeour or on a dissh, (Note: Douce MS. adds [and pull the loynes of the chekyne iche from othere, and take awey the skyn, and pulle hem in quartres, and ley a quarter of a chikyne and a ribbe of the pygge to-gedrys on a dissh.]) (Note: Some ambiguity surrounds the placement of the foregoing note since the editor has given two markers for its location in the text. The text included between the two markers is the following: "vinegre, or salt, or saffron, caste thereto more, after thi discrecion; And then kut faire sidde ribbes of the sides of pigges, and ley hem on a chargeour or on a dissh". It is unclear whether the text added from the Douce MS. actually replaces this text in the Douce MS. or supplements it. See notes, p. 89, betwwen "and broth" and by "caste there-to," both under heading Elys in Sorre .) And set hit faire on a colde place, and powre the gely theron; And then take faire blanched almondes, and caste anone thereon er hit kele, and foilles of tried pared ginger; and lete stonde to kele. []
To make jelly. Take a pot of white wine, & chafe it very hot, then put therein three quarters of a pound of sugar, one ounce of cinnamon, one ounce of nutmeg, & one ounce of coarsely ground ginger, & put it therein to temper the hot wine, & let it sit three or four hours, then pass the wine through a strainer, at the end to have the spices removed, then have a bag of white cloth like those used to strain hippocras, then cast into the wine three spoons of cow's milk, & have a little handful of coarsely ground almonds without peels, put them into the bag, then pass the wine through the bag two or three times, until it becomes clear, & take two ounces of good husblat [isinglass?] well washed, & put them to boil with a little wine & water, until well melted, then cast it into the wine, when it is passed, through the bag it will make the prize of the jelly: when the jelly is half cold cast it into plates, & let cool until it becomes firm. Note if it doesn't become at all firm enough, adding more husblat will help, because it could be that the husblat isn't as good as others. []
In July, ham or fresh pork cooked in yellow water and in grain verjuice, a little ginger and bread: with a grated sauce.
Item, at supper, meat salted in the morning, cooked in water and scallions, be it beef or mutton. []
Gelee. Fish cooked in wine an in water, and saffron, powdered ginger, cinnamon, galingale; and put in a clean, covered vessel; color, white. []
A Gelle. Tak gledes & bronnys & grete elys wel wasche & brothe & do to the fyer to sethen & qwan it is soden tak the broth & do it to the fyer & do to clowes gelofres gingour galingale broken but nouth over muchel & saffron & qwan it is wel soden drawe it thorow a cloth in to a vessel of tre & do the fysch in the broth & cover it let it stonde & kelen the space of anyth for it sal ben served cold & do the fysch in the same maner. []
Gely. Tak hoggys fet oþer pyggys, oþer erys, oþer pertrichys oþere chiconys, & do hem togedere & seþ hem in a pot; & do in hem flowre of canel and clowys hole or grounde. Do þereto vineger, & tak & do þe broþ in a clene vessel of al þys, & tak þe flesch and kerf yt in smale morselys & do yt þerein. Tak powder of galyngale & cast aboue & lat yt kele. Tak bronchys of þe lorere tre & styk ouer it, & kep yt al so longe as þou wilt & serue yt forþ. []
[if desired and applicable, add notes here about significant commonalities or differences between the main recipe and any similar ones]
The original recipe calls for the following ingredients: [edit this list as appropriate]
[if desired and applicable, add notes here about the ingredients - if any substitutions were made, explain why - also note what quantities were used for each ingredient and, if possible, why]
[include a paragraph or two describing the steps taken in preparing the recipe - if applicable, describe any differences between the process in the original source and that used in the re-creation, along with the reason for the deviation]
[add any information about any necessary equipment - if applicable, note when the equipment differed from that used in the medieval period, and explain why the original wasn't used]
[Replace citations with those from books where appropriate and/or possible. Make sure any links work, and that the referenced text is presented accurately]
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