If you want to make fish jelly
Prepared for [event name] on [date]
by [name]

This entry is a re-creation of a recipe from , entitled "If you want to make fish jelly". [insert a brief description of dish here, possibly including any or all of the following: characteristics of the final dish, when or how it might have been served, and why you selected it]

The Source Recipe
The original text of the recipe is as follows:

If you want to make fish jelly, break the back of the fish and cut it into pieces, that is to say: carp and tench, bream and turbot, and put to cook in good, strong wine; Then take cinnamon, ginger, long pepper, galingale, lavender and a little saffron; Then grind and put all together; And when you strain it of the fire, then in take out the fish in a bowl and pour thereon; and if you see that it is too thick, then sieve it and let it cool until the morning, and by then take it likewise like jelly.

Related Recipes
While interpreting this recipe, I also considered the following recipes that appear to be related:
[edit as appropriate - note that this section should be left out if no related recipes can be found]

To mak a gilly of fleshe take conys and fley them and skald pegions chop them and fley of the skyne skald chekins and chope kiddes and put all to gedur and boile it in red wyne then tak it upe and lay it in a clene clothe dry the peces of the kid pigions and conys and couche them in dishe and chope chekkins and put ther to then set the chekkins in a cold place where it may stand stille then set the brothe to the fyere agayne and luk it be well strened that no fat abid ther on then tak skalded caluys feet and lay them in the same brothe till they be tender and luk the brothe be clene scomed sessen it up with salt and serue it. []

Cx - Gelye de Fysshe. Take newe Pykys, an draw hem, and smyte hem to pecys, and sethe in the same lycoure that thou doste Gelye of Fleysshe; an whan they ben y-now, take Perchys and Tenchys, and sethe; and Elys, an kutte hem in fayre pecys, and waysshe hem, and putte hem in the same lycoure, and loke thine lycoure be styf y-now; and 3if it wolle notte cacche, (Note: stick; see other Cookery, No. 174) take Soundys of watteryd Stokkefysshe, or ellys Skynnys, or Plays, an caste ther-to, and sethe ouer the fyre, and skeme it wyl; and when it ys y-now, let nowt the Fysshe breke; thenne take the lycoure fro the fyre, and do as thou dedyst be (Note: By, with) that other Gelye, saue, pylle the Fysshe, and ley ther-off in dysshis, that is, perche and suche; and Flowre hem, and serue forthe. []

81. To make jelly of fish, take your fish - young pike or perch or carp - as you wish, and chop into fair pieces according as you wish, then wash them well and properly and put in a fair and clean frying pan; then take white wine and water, as much of one as of the other, and put them in your frying pan in which is your fish and according to the quantity of fish, and vinegar also in reason, and salt; then put to boil and skim it well and strongly. Then when it is cooked enough take saffron and soak it therein, then draw out your fish onto a fair and clean board and skin it well and properly, then take white ginger, pepper, and a little nutmeg and soak it in your broth, and taste it to see if it has a good taste of vinegar and salt and spices; then take your strainer and make it pass through until it is clear. Then take your fish and arrange a serving dish well and properly and the broth on top. []

GELE OF FYSSH. C. I. Take Tenches, pykes, eelys, turbut and plays, kerue hem to pecys. scalde hem & waische hem clene. drye hem with a cloth do hem in a panne do þerto half vyneger & half wyne & seeþ it wel. & take the Fysshe and pike it clene, cole the broth thurgh a cloth into a erthen panne. do þerto powdour of pep and safroun ynowh. lat it seeþ and skym it wel whan it is ysode dof grees clene, cowche fisshes on chargeours & cole the sewe thorow a cloth onoward & serue it forth. []

.lxlix. Gelee of fysche. Take tenches, pykes, eelys, turbut & plays, kerve hem to pecys, skald hem & waysche hem clene, drye hem with a cloth, do hem in a panne, do ther to half vyneger & half wyne & seeth hit wel, take the fysche & pyke hit clene, cole the broth thorow a cloth in to an erthen panne, do ther to poudour of peper and safroun ynowh, lat hit seeth & skymme hit wel, whan hit ys y sode dof the grece clene, couche fysche on charfours & cole the sewe thorow a cloth onoward & serve hit forth. []

Gely of Fysh. Recipe tench or pykes, elys, turbot, or place, & cut þam in pecis. Skald þam & wesh þam & dry þam with a clothe, & do þam in a pann, & do þerto half vinegre & half wyne, & seth þam wele; & take vp þe fysh & pike þam smale & take þe broth & cole it throgh a clothe into an erthyn pan, & do þerto powdyr of pepyr & saferon. Then lat it sethe & scom it wele, & lay þi fysh in chargours & cole þe sew, & put it in dyshys & serof. []

Gele of fysshe. Take tenches, pykes, eles, turbot and plays, or other gode fyssh, and cut hom on peces, and scalde hom, and wash hom clene, and drie hom in a panne, and do therto wyn a godele, and the thridde (third) parte vynegur, and a lytel watur, and sethe hit well; when hit is innowe take hit up, and pyke out the bones clene, and put hit in a faire vessel; then cole thi brothe thurgh a clene clothe into a faire vessell; and caste therto gode pouder, and colour hit with saffron ynogh, and set hit on the fire, and sethe hit wel, and scome hit clene ; when hit is sothen do of the grese clene, and poure above the fisshe, and serve hit forthe colde. []

XXXIII - Jelly ready to serve and good of fish. To make jelly of fish for 12 persons, take three large tench, take two ounces of sweet and strong spices together and half a quarter of saffron for this, and take the fish well washed and put in the sun a little, take and cook in part water, part fine vinegar, and set them to boil. And when the are well boiled, the first thing that you add, is the said spices and saffron and everything, and set to boil softly and very closed. When it is cooked pull it off and set it to cool, have bay leaves well washed and powdered with the said spices, and then take the fish and place in the vessel and let rest the jelly. Either boil the saffron or not. When it is chilled and a little set, put it over the fish and put enough spices and it is done, etc. []

[if desired and applicable, add notes here about significant commonalities or differences between the main recipe and any similar ones]

The original recipe calls for the following ingredients: [edit this list as appropriate]


[if desired and applicable, add notes here about the ingredients - if any substitutions were made, explain why - also note what quantities were used for each ingredient and, if possible, why]

[include a paragraph or two describing the steps taken in preparing the recipe - if applicable, describe any differences between the process in the original source and that used in the re-creation, along with the reason for the deviation]

[add any information about any necessary equipment - if applicable, note when the equipment differed from that used in the medieval period, and explain why the original wasn't used]


[Replace citations with those from books where appropriate and/or possible. Make sure any links work, and that the referenced text is presented accurately]

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?ensei:31>. Accessed on January 12, 2025, 11:13 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?noble:40>. Accessed on January 12, 2025, 11:13 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?twofi:110>. Accessed on January 12, 2025, 11:13 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?dufai:81>. Accessed on January 12, 2025, 11:13 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?forme:100>. Accessed on January 12, 2025, 11:13 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?fourm:100>. Accessed on January 12, 2025, 11:13 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?thoma:24>. Accessed on January 12, 2025, 11:13 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?ancie:128>. Accessed on January 12, 2025, 11:13 pm.

Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
  <http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?libro:33>. Accessed on January 12, 2025, 11:13 pm.