Prepared for [event name] on [date]
by [name]
This entry is a re-creation of a recipe from , entitled "Rapy". [insert a brief description of dish here, possibly including any or all of the following: characteristics of the final dish, when or how it might have been served, and why you selected it]
The Source Recipe
The original text of the recipe is as follows:
Rapy. Tak fygys & reysyns & wyn, & grynd hem togeder; tak and draw hem þorw a cloþ & do þereto powdere of alkenet oþer of rys. & do þereto a god quantite of powder of pepir & vyneger, and boyle it togedere, & messe yt & serue yt forþ.
Related Recipes
While interpreting this recipe, I also considered the following recipes that appear to be related:
[edit as appropriate - note that this section should be left out if no related recipes can be found]
Rape. Nym luyss or tenge, or other manere fissh / frye hit in oille de olyue; nym crostes of whyt bred, resons, and canele, bray hit, tempre it vp with good wyn, drawe it thorw a colonur / let hit be al ycoloured with canele, boille hit, cast therto clous, maces, and quibibes, do thi fissh in thi disshes, and thi rape aboue, messe hit, and 3if forth. []
To mak rape, tak raissins of corans and other raissins and sethe them with wyne and boile them a litille then rost them on a spit and tak it of and bray it in a mortair with crustes of bred and put them in a possuet put ther to raissins swet wyne venygar poudur of peppur clowes maces pynes quibibes and boile them and serue them. []
Rape. XX.IIII. III. Take half fyges and half raisouns pike hem and waisshe hem in water skalde hem in wyne. bray hem in a morter, and drawe hem thurgh a straynour. cast hem in a pot and þerwiþ powdour of peper and ooþer good powdours. alay it up with flour of Rys. and colour it with saundres. salt it. & messe it forth. []
XLIX - FOR TO MAKE RAPY. Tak Fygys and reysyns and wyn and grynd hem togeder tak and draw hem thorw a cloth and do thereto powder of Alkenet other of rys and do thereto a god quantite of pepir and vyneger and boyle it togeder and messe yt and serve yt forth. []
II - FOR TO MAKE RAPY. Tak pyg' or Tenchis or other maner fresch fysch and fry yt wyth oyle de olive and syth nym the crustys of wyt bred and canel and bray yt al wel in a mortere and temper yt up wyth god wyn and cole yt thorw an hersyve and that yt be al cole of canel and boyle yt and cast therein hole clowys and macys and quibibz and do the fysch in dischis and rape abovyn and dresse yt forthe. []
XXVIII - For To Make Rapee. Tak the Crustys of wyt bred and reysons and bray hem wel in a morter and after temper hem up wyth wyn and wryng hem thorw a cloth and do ther'to Canel that yt be al colouryt of canel and do ther'to hole clowys macys and quibibz the fysch schal be Lucys other Tenchis fryid or other maner Fysch so that yt be fresch and wel yfryed and do yt in Dischis and that rape up on and serve yt forth. []
.lxxxj. Rapey. Tak half fygus & half raysouns pyke hem & waische hem in water, scald hem in wyne, bray hem in a morter, drawe hem thorow a straynour, cast hem in a pot & therwith poudour of peper & othere gode poudours, lay it up with flouer of rys & colour it with saundres, salt it, seeth it & messe hit forth. []
For to make a rape. Take raysyns of corauns þerto, And wyte wynne þou take also. Sethe þenne oþer raysyns grete In rede wyne, and boyle a lytul with hete. Do opon a broche, rost hom bydene A lytel, and take hom fayre and clene And bray hom in a morter smalle, A crust of brede þou bray with alle. Put alle in þe pot with grythe, Þo raysyns of corauns, þo swete wyne with, A lytul vengur, and pouder take þo Of clowes, maces and quibibis to. Boyle alle to geder, and serve hit þenne, And sett hit forthe before goode men. []
Rapy. Tak pykes or tenchis or oþere maner fresch fysch & fry yt wyþ oyle de oliue, & syþ nym þe crustys of wyt bred & canel & bray it al wel in a mortere, & temper yt vp wyþ god wyn & cole yt þorw an hersyue, & loke þat yt be al ycoloured of canel; & boyle yt, & cast þerein hole clowys & macys & quibibz, & do þe fysch in dischis & rape abouyn, & dresse yt forþe. []
Rapee. Tak þe crustys of wyt bred & reysons & bray hem wel in a morter, & after temper hem vp wyþ wyn & wryng hem þorw a cloþ. & do þereto canel, þat yt be al colouryt of canel, & do þereto hole clowys, macys & quibibz. þe fysch schal be lucys oþer tenchis fryid, or oþer maner fysch so þat yt be fresch and wel yfryid; & do yt in dischis, & þat rape vpon, & serue yt forþ. []
[if desired and applicable, add notes here about significant commonalities or differences between the main recipe and any similar ones]
The original recipe calls for the following ingredients: [edit this list as appropriate]
[if desired and applicable, add notes here about the ingredients - if any substitutions were made, explain why - also note what quantities were used for each ingredient and, if possible, why]
[include a paragraph or two describing the steps taken in preparing the recipe - if applicable, describe any differences between the process in the original source and that used in the re-creation, along with the reason for the deviation]
[add any information about any necessary equipment - if applicable, note when the equipment differed from that used in the medieval period, and explain why the original wasn't used]
[Replace citations with those from books where appropriate and/or possible. Make sure any links work, and that the referenced text is presented accurately]
Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
<http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?douce:50>. Accessed on December 6, 2024, 1:39 am.
Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
<http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?twofi:470>. Accessed on December 6, 2024, 1:39 am.
Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
<http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?noble:208>. Accessed on December 6, 2024, 1:39 am.
Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
<http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?forme:82>. Accessed on December 6, 2024, 1:39 am.
Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
<http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?forme:244>. Accessed on December 6, 2024, 1:39 am.
Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
<http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?forme:255>. Accessed on December 6, 2024, 1:39 am.
Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
<http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?forme:281>. Accessed on December 6, 2024, 1:39 am.
Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
<http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?fourm:82>. Accessed on December 6, 2024, 1:39 am.
Searchable index of "". Medieval Cookery.
<http://www.medievalcookery.com/search/display.html?liber:31>. Accessed on December 6, 2024, 1:39 am.