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Medieval Cookery - Food Related Paintings

Country shield 

Paintings from Netherlands

Artist / Title Image Source
13th c. Hieronymous Bosch
Marriage Feast at Cana
thumbnail - Marriage Feast at Cana CGFA
Web Gallery of Art
~1412 Limbourg Brothers
Les trés riches heures du Duc de Berry: Janvier (January)
thumbnail - Les trés riches heures du Duc de Berry: Janvier (January) Web Gallery of Art
1533 Cornelis Anthonisz
Banquet of Members of Amsterdam's Crossbow Civic Guard
thumbnail - Banquet of Members of Amsterdam's Crossbow Civic Guard Web Gallery of Art
1551 Pieter Aertsen
Butcher's Stall
thumbnail - Butcher's Stall Foodnews
Web Gallery of Art
1552 Pieter Aertsen
Still Life
thumbnail - Still Life Web Gallery of Art
1553 Pieter Aertsen
Christ in the House of Martha and Mary
thumbnail - Christ in the House of Martha and Mary Wikimedia Commons
1557 Pieter Aertsen
The Cook
thumbnail - The Cook Web Gallery of Art
1557 Pieter Aertsen
The Egg Dance
thumbnail - The Egg Dance CGFA
Web Gallery of Art
Wikimedia Commons
1558 Pieter Aertsen
Christ and the Adulteress
thumbnail - Christ and the Adulteress Web Gallery of Art
1559 Pieter Aertsen
Christ and the Adulteress
thumbnail - Christ and the Adulteress CGFA
Web Gallery of Art
1559 Pieter Aertsen
Cook in front of the Stove
thumbnail - Cook in front of the Stove Web Gallery of Art
Wikimedia Commons
~1560 Joachim Beuckelaer
Market Scene
thumbnail - Market Scene Web Gallery of Art
~1560 Joachim Beuckelaer
Vegetable Seller
thumbnail - Vegetable Seller Web Gallery of Art
~1560 Joachim Beuckelaer
Woman Selling Vegetables
thumbnail - Woman Selling Vegetables Web Gallery of Art
1560 Pieter Aertsen
Market Scene
thumbnail - Market Scene Web Gallery of Art
1560 Pieter Aertsen
Market Scene
thumbnail - Market Scene Web Gallery of Art
1560 Pieter Aertsen
Pancake Bakery
thumbnail - Pancake Bakery Wikimedia Commons
~1560 Pieter Aertsen
Peasants by the Hearth
thumbnail - Peasants by the Hearth Web Gallery of Art
~1560 Pieter Aertsen
Vendor of Fowl
thumbnail - Vendor of Fowl Web Gallery of Art
1561 Pieter Aertsen
Market Scene
thumbnail - Market Scene Web Gallery of Art
Wikimedia Commons
1561 Pieter Aertsen
Market Scene
thumbnail - Market Scene Web Gallery of Art
Wikimedia Commons
1563 Joachim Beuckelaer
Market Scene
thumbnail - Market Scene Web Gallery of Art
1564 Joachim Beuckelaer
Market Woman with Fruit, Vegetables and Poultry
thumbnail - Market Woman with Fruit, Vegetables and Poultry Carrot Museum
Web Gallery of Art
1565 Joachim Beuckelaer
Christ in the House of Mary and Martha
thumbnail - Christ in the House of Mary and Martha Web Gallery of Art
1566 Joachim Beuckelaer
The Well-Stocked Kitchen
thumbnail - The Well-Stocked Kitchen Web Gallery of Art
1566 Joachim Beuckelaer
Kitchen Interior
thumbnail - Kitchen Interior Web Gallery of Art
1567 Joachim Beuckelaer
The Vegetable Market
thumbnail - The Vegetable Market Web Gallery of Art
1567 Joachim Beuckelaer
Market Peasants
thumbnail - Market Peasants Web Gallery of Art
1567 Pieter Aertsen
Market Woman with Vegetable Stall
thumbnail - Market Woman with Vegetable Stall Web Gallery of Art
Wikimedia Commons
1569 Joachim Beuckelaer
The Four Elements: Earth
thumbnail - The Four Elements: Earth Web Gallery of Art
1569 Joachim Beuckelaer
The Four Elements: Water
thumbnail - The Four Elements: Water Web Gallery of Art
1570 Joachim Beuckelaer
The Four Elements: Air
thumbnail - The Four Elements: Air Web Gallery of Art
1570 Joachim Beuckelaer
The Four Elements: Fire
thumbnail - The Four Elements: Fire Web Gallery of Art
1574 Joachim Beuckelaer
The Cook
thumbnail - The Cook Web Gallery of Art
1615 Floris Claesz van Dijck
Laid Table with Cheeses and Fruit
thumbnail - Laid Table with Cheeses and Fruit Web Gallery of Art
1622 Floris Claesz van Dijck
Laid Table
thumbnail - Laid Table Web Gallery of Art
~1623 Pieter Claesz
Still-Life with Musical Instruments
thumbnail - Still-Life with Musical Instruments Web Gallery of Art
~1630 Pieter Claesz
Still Life with Turkey-Pie
thumbnail - Still Life with Turkey-Pie Web Gallery of Art
1631 Willem Claesz Heda
Breakfast Table with Blackberry Pie
thumbnail - Breakfast Table with Blackberry Pie Web Gallery of Art
1637 Willem Claesz Heda
Breakfast Still-Life
thumbnail - Breakfast Still-Life Web Gallery of Art
1681 Job Adriaensz Berckheyde
The Baker
thumbnail - The Baker Web Gallery of Art

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