The following is a rough translation of "Ouverture de Cuisine" based on this transcription by Thomas Gloning et. al.
© 2006, 2011, 2012 Daniel Myers - This electronic document may be freely reproduced for non-commercial purposes as long as the copyright and this notice are included.
Opening the Kitchen,
By Master Lancelot de Casteau, Montios,
in his time Master Cook
of three Princes of Liege.
Firstly to Monsieur Robert de Berghe, Count of Walhain, Esquire of Liege.
Secondly to Monsieur Gerard de Groisbeeck, Cardinal & Esquire of Liege.
Thirdly to Noble and puissant Prince Ernest, Duke of Bavaria, Archduke of Cologne, Elector, & Esquire of Liege, etc.
With the permission of the Elders.
At Liege.
By Leonard Streel, Licensed Printer
With privilege.
On sale at the Golden Fleece, behind the Church of the Eleven thousand Virgins.
By Right of his Position, it is permitted to Lancelot du Casteau, Merchant of the City of Liege, of the printer who prints, & sells a certain titled book, "Opening the Kitchen", written by the aforementioned Lancelot: with the express safeguards, & restrictions to all Printers, Libraries, & others, of whatever state, quality, or condition they may be; The printing, or attempted printing of the aforementioned book, or part herein, is not set out there at sale, & here during the time and term of six years, reckoned from the day & date of the first printing; under penalty of confiscation of all copies, & other ample sanctions declared by the patent letters. Given by Liege under the privy seal on the 26th of February, 1604.
Wacthendonck V.
By the express order of S. Alteze of Labricque.
To Monsieur Jean Curtius Sr. of OVPIE, VIVEgnis, Hermee great & small, Aaz, Visscherwerdt, Usher [?], Mount St. Helen, Tilheur, etc.
No more no less (Monsieur) that an old soldier will have the weapons of his hands for doing that which he is accustomed to doing, reminds me also the great work that was frequently done before in the Kitchens of many Princes & Princesses that I well want to put forth a small collection of cooking for presenting to V.S. Scachant that V.S. is lover of all goodness; all times without making a big confusion (like the old Masters have made before) and desire to produce an illuminating number of small delicacies unknown to any other; where can be found all things well encompassed by weight & by measure, to the goal of good and perfect teaching this & that which are never again well tried in the art of cooking: & to that end which will not be reprised for excessive prodigality in my writings, there can be found several other things of small cost, that or each will want to take or well like them; petitions V.S. not to take in an ugly way this small labor of mine, praying that the Creator give you Monsieur, a long and happy life, & the accomplishment of your good and virtuous desires.
The humble Servant of V.S.
Lancelot de Casteau Montois.
Dear Reader, you work, perhaps, unacquainted with the Cooks here before around which turned the whole Kitchen, without entering the door: & at the end of your introduction well above, I present to you here the opening of the Kitchen (which this book is named) at the end will be well seen, that it is most agreeable, like the merchant seeks the merchandise different from the others: so each Cook will see in this book that which they find most agreeable: but you will find here many styles & fashions to accommodate meats (are not that want to match this my work with the old Cooks) only for helping and advancing them; of the benefit of excusing my faults if you find them, not having the memory of recent how what was before, beseeching God to give you (Dear Reader) a long & happy life.
Which draws out the lesson for garnishing a plate of meat, and here which ordinarily is of great need, & for making many sorts of Pies.
BRIEF LESSON for small common Cooking
Like many Women who willingly meddle with Cooking, as one finds, working in a kitchen better than other Cooks, in many styles & fashions; But for the pleasure of the Ladies there will be found there a little opening for knowing how they should conduct their affairs, to know what one must have for a meat dish, & what a meat dish is: you must plan for a meat dish for ten people, & serve as follows.
For the first & second service.
Boiled capon.
Pottage of cabbage flowers [cauliflower?].
Tart or chopped pie.
Hodgepodge of beef.
Sheep's hoof.
Roasted pig or bird.
Fried calf's liver.
Leg of mutton or salted meat.
Hodgepodge of veal.
Roasted cow's udder.
Roasted mutton.
Beef tripe.
Sausage in pottage.
Boiled mutton.
Bird giblets, or other fricassee.
Roasted liver.
For garnishing the meats mentioned above.
Boiled capon when it is somewhat cooked, put therein rosemary, marjoram, flour of nutmeg, a salted lemon cut into slices, a reumer of white wine, or verjuice, & butter, some beef marrow bones, & let them stew together well, served on toasted white bread.
Pottage of cabbage flowers.
Put into the pottage of cabbage flowers the sausages, whether chicken or pigeon, of mutton meat, & a little chopped mint.
Hodgepodge of beef.
Stew the hodgepodge of beef with good herbs, with stuffed roots, with chopped veal, & beef grease all together, and when it is well chopped, put therein two or three raw eggs, nutmeg, pepper & ginger, a little salt, chopped mint & marjoram & mix together well, & fill the roots & stew together your hodgepodge.
Fried calf liver.
Cut the liver into slices, & coat them with white flour, & fry them in black butter, & put therein pepper & orange juice.
Hodgepodge of veal.
Hodgepodge of veal when half cooked, chopped marjoram & mint together, nutmeg, a handful of Genoa capers, butter, a little white wine or verjuice & butter, & stew well: if you want to have otherwise, take the yolk of an egg, & beat with wine & verjuice, without adding any herbs.
Cow's udder.
For cow's udder which has been well washed and cooked, & put on a towel so it can rest well, & put it on a spit. For the udder's sauce , take two or three pieces of toasted white bread, which are not burned at all, & take some broth with verjuice to temper the bread, & mix with four or five egg yolks, & put therein nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, saffron, & sugar, & let it boil well together, & put it on the roasted udder.
Sausages in Pottage
Take sausages, & fry them in butter, then take four or five peeled apples & cut into small quarters, & four or five onions cut into rings, & fry them in butter, & put all of them into a pot with the sausages, & put therein nutmeg, cinnamon, with red or white wine, sugar, & let them then all stew.
As for the rest, such as roasts, & other things like it is written here above.
For the second service.
Roasted partridges or woodcock.
Small roasted birds.
Venison hodgepodge.
Roasted veal.
Chicken pies.
Mutton hodgepodge
Roasted guinea fowl or capons.
Oranges & olives
Pot pies.
Dressed veal.
Roasted chicken.
Boiled pigeons.
Roasted goat.
Another dressed veal.
Ham of Mayence
Tongue pasties.
Another kind of veal.
Venison hodgepodge.
For venison hodgepodge, which is wild boar or red deer, take burned bread, & work pepper through a strainer, & put therein nutmeg, pepper, cloves & powder, sugar, cinnamon, red wine, two or three finely chopped onions, fry in butter, & boil them together well until it is thick.
Venison hodgepodge.
For venison hodgepodge, which is wild boar or red deer, take burned bread, & work pepper through a strainer, & put therein nutmeg, pepper, cloves & powder, sugar, cinnamon, red wine, two or three finely chopped onions, fry in butter, & boil them together well until it is thick.
Take a thigh of veal, & cut the meat next to the skin for one pound and a half of meat, take half a pound of beef fat, & chop it well all together, & put therein also some nutmeg, a quarter ounce of ginger, four raw eggs, a little salt, a little chopped good herbs with, if you make the meat like a little ham, & you put therein like the upright ham a little foot of capon for making the sleeve of the ham, then take pine nuts & plant them therein the ham all about, & put it to cook in the oven, or over the coals: for the sauce take white wine or red, & put therein sugar & cinnamon, nutmeg & pepper, currants, boiled orange peel & cut into strips like tripe, & set to boil all together.
Hodgepodge sliced into large pieces & take the roots of carrots, or roots of radishes, cut very small, and put them to stew with the mutton, or instead of the root vegetables take peeled chestnuts, & put them into the hodgepodge instead of the root vegetables.
Boiled Pigeons.
When the pigeons are cooked, take fat broth, take six yolks of raw eggs, & beat them with white wine, then take a small handful of finely chopped parsley, & put therein the eggs, & when it starts to boil, drop the eggs therein, & remove from the fire, for fear so that it won't turn curdled, in the summer put cranes or egrets therein.
Another kind of veal.
Take a thigh of veal, & have it boil enough that it is cooked: for a pound of meat take half a pound of beef grease, & chop it well all together, then put therein nutmeg, a quarter ounce of powdered cinnamon, sugar that it will be sweet enough, half a sopine of cream, four raw eggs, a little salt, & put it all together well, & put it into a tart pan, & put it to cook in the oven or over the coals: when cooked cut it into small quarters, & serve on a plate five or six quarters, & put sugar & cinnamon thereon.
Another sort of dressed veal.
Take the meat so as to have made ham all as trimmed, & make round balls or strips like little sausages, & put them to stew in good broth, & a salted lemon cut in strips, mint, marjoram therein, a little verjuice or wine, & put them to stew well, & serve as such.
For the fruit.
Stewed great quince.
Sugared oranges or cinnamon.
Apple or other pies.
Roasted pears.
Biscuit bread.
Stewed prunes.
Raw apples.
Prune tarts.
Nuts or hazelnuts.
Sugared almonds.
Butter & cheese.
Take the fruits that are in season: if you want other good things, see the end of the book.
To make good pastry for doughnuts or fritters.
Take a sopine of cream, & put it to boil in a pail with a little butter, then take white flour, & make paste therein the pail over the fire, when it is well mixed with a wooden spoon, then break four eggs therein, & beat well with the spoon, when the eggs are well addled into the paste, then take another four eggs & beat them again until the paste is soft like thick porridge, as many eggs as needed to make the paste soft enough, then take butter well boiled to remove the salt, then put the butter over the fire until it is a little hot, then take the paste with a silver spoon as large as a gall, and drop into the butter, eighteen or twenty at a time, & turn them with a skimmer, & let them cook until the paste sticks together, & tear it apart, & if you see that the paste goes back, it is not done enough, put it back again therein until it is done enough.
Of the same paste.
Have a speriche or sering with a little fire therein, have two or three holes, or one only if you like, & put the paste through it, & put it to cook in butter like the others.
Take some of the paste, & stretch it on a plank of wood larger than a hand, the thickness of a little finger, & cut with a knife like lardons, & drop it into hot butter, & put it to cook like the others.
Take some of the same paste for the weight of a pound, take four ounces of melted butter, four ounces of powdered sugar, & beat them well together, & take paper that has been well greased with butter, then with a spoon take the paste, put it on the paper like a small loaf of bread, & sugar on top, & put it to cook into the oven, & serve four or five on a plate.
Of another sort.
Take the white bread dough of a baker, that the dough has risen, & make the dough long, that it is not more thick than half a little finger, & longer than a hand, & grease it well with melted butter, & dust it with powdered sugar, & roll the dough the one against the other, & cut this dough the length of two fingers, & flatten the dough with your hand, & put it on a greased paper, & sugar on top, & put it to cook into the oven, when cooked, sprinkle with sugar & cinnamon on top, serve in three or four to a plate.
For Making a Dinner on a fish day.
Like you see a number of meats that can be had on a meat day, so should you tend to fish, know all the fish which must be boiled blue, that are cooked with water & verjuice, & salt or vinegar.
Carp in pottage.
Take a carp well scaled & wash it, & cut it in four pieces, & take onions fried in butter, a salted lemon cut into slices, a nutmeg, a little ginger, marjoram & mint finely chopped, then put wine or verjuice & butter, & put it to stew well also with a little beer.
To make pike in the Hungarian style.
Take a pike that has been well scaled & wash, then take onions & apples cut into slices, & fry them in butter, that the butter does not blacken, & put it on the pike, then take peeled almonds & cut the length by little pieces, & put them with, & sugar & cinnamon, nutmeg, & saffron, a little salt, & put them to stew well.
Pike of another sort.
Take a well washed pike & put it to boil with salted water & vinegar, then break it into pieces, at the end to take the erettes out, then finely chop the pike, & put into a little pot or a plate, & take a finely chopped fresh citron or lemon, flour of nutmeg, a little pepper & new butter, & white wine, a little orange, & put them to stew well together.
To make chopped carp.
Take a well washed carp, & cut all the fish down next to the spine, & finely chop it with or as well as fresh salmon like a carp, then take two perch or herring cut & wash them well two or three times in hot water, then take the reins of the perch apart, & chop them with the carp & salmon, & fry them in butter, & put them in a pot, them put therein nutmeg, pepper cloves, currants, sugar, red wine, prunes, & put them to stew well together.
Another sort.
Take the same chopped fish, & put two egg yolks in before the fish is fried, & make this fish into small pellets like in stews, & put to stew with a little water & wine, & butter, some mint, & marjoram, & serve as seven or eight on a plate.
Pike of another sort.
Take the pike when it is cooked, & remove just the skin, & put it on a plate, & put a little water & fresh butter, & put on the fire, then take five or six raw egg yolks, & beat them with a little white wine, & put therein nutmeg, & when it begins to boil cast herbs thereupon, & set it again a little on the fire until they become firm on top, & serve thus.
To make lombard eggs in many ways.
Take a dozen egg yolks, & beat them with a reumer of Spanish wine, a little butter, & sugar, & put them in a small pot on the fire, until it starts to thicken a little, it is always good to break with a skimmer that it becomes like a thick porridge, then serve on a plate.
Take the same eggs, & take slices of white bread toasted on the grill without burning, & spread the eggs on the toasted bread the thickness of a half finger, then put them onto a plate with butter, & Malmesie or Spanish wine, & do them in a very hot chaffing dish, & sprinkle sugar & cinnamon thereon, & serve them thus.
To make eggs leaves.
Take well beaten eggs, & do them into very thin crepes like paper, & put them on a table seven or eight, then take white powdered sugar, & cinnamon mixed together, & sprinkle on the crepes & put the crepes one upon the other, & make a roll, then cut into slices the length of two fingers, then moisten in beaten eggs all together, & fry them in butter, & turn them five or six times, or more, until you see that the leaves are opened, then sprinkle with sugar & cinnamon thereon.
HERE FOLLOWS the herbs & greens that are needed for the kitchen, that which Cooks must know & understand.
Firstly the cabbage flowers.
Savoy cabbage.
Red cabbage.
White cabbage.
Of the green coles.
Roots of parsley.
Roots of chervil
Roots of fennel.
Roots of carrots.
Yellow roots.
Red roots.
Of turnips.
Salted roots.
Large and small beans.
Red chickpeas.
White & black remorasse.
Salted lemons.
Genua capers.
Barbary capers.
Malix capers.
Genuf capers.
Green Leeks.
Beets of Lombardy.
Borage leaves.
Bugloss leaves.
Cat herbs.
Green fennel.
Herbs that are needed for green crepes.
Violet leaves.
Herbs that are needed for average hodgepodges.
Bay leaves.
Polien or poleur.
Herbs that are needed for salad.
Lettuce or cabbage.
Romaine lettuce.
Cress alenois.
Borage leaves.
Bugloss leaves.
Bugloss flowers.
Borage flowers.
These here are the herbs, typically that should be had in the kitchen.
To make blanc manger.
Take a capon or chicken which was killed two or three days, & put it cook, when it is well cooked take the breast off, & chop it in small pieces, & grind them in a mortar, there moistening with two or three spoons of cow's milk , then take seven pounds & six ounces of cow's milk one pound of fine rice flour, & mix your flour well with the meat of the capon, & mix the milk with the rest, then take a pound & a half of sugar, which is very white, put it into a cauldron on the fire, & stir it well all day with a wooden spoon, when it has boiled for a quarter hour, put therein eight ounces of rose water, a little salt, & cast it onto a plate, or into cups, or into square forms.
To make blancmange bastarde.
Take a half pound of peeled almonds, & grind them very small, then take a pot of white wine, & chafe it very hot, then add the almonds with the wine, & let it cool, then take five ounces of rice flour, & a little of the capon meat like the other, & beat it like the other blancmange, & put therein half a pound of sugar, three ounces rose water, a little salt, & let it boil like the other blancmange.
To make blancmange tarts.
Take eight ounces of blancmange, three egg yolks, a little melted butter, & mix it all together, & make the paste from fine flour with eggs & butter, a little water, & that the paste doesn't get hard, then beat the paste well for a quarter hour, then make covers very thin & delicate, & put two one upon the other, that it will be holding the melted butter between the two, then put these two covers in a pie pan, then put the blancmange therein, then take another four covers & butter between them like before, & cover the tart, & when the cover is trimmed as above, & make the tart according to the art, & let it cook like that by above.
To make veal tarts with cream.
Take twelve ounces of veal, & do it to cook, then take a half pound of beef fat, & chop all together, beat three raw eggs, four ounces sugar, half an ounce of cinnamon, a nutmeg, a little salt, half a sopine of cream, mix well all together, & make your tart as you please.
To make a Portuguese tart.
Take meat & fat chopped well like above, put four ounces of sugar, half an ounce of cinnamon, a nutmeg, a little salt in place of the cream, put a voir of Malmsie, two raw eggs, & mix well all together, & put it in a tart, then take succades liquides chopped into slices, put on the meat of the tart all around, & cover your tart, & trim the cover as above, and when cooked, sugar & muscardin of color thereon, & serve as such.
To make a cremoneze green tart.
Take spinach & put it to boil, & chop it fine, & a handful of chopped mint, with 2 ounces of grated parmesan, four ounces of melted butter, three ounces of sugar, two ounces of currants, two raw eggs, a quarter ounce of cinnamon, two nutmegs, & make the tart like the others, & sugar thereon, & serve it so.
To make a tart of herb juice.
Take a handful of parsley, & a handful of herbs of crepes, & grind well together, there moistening with a little bresle [beer?], then mix the herbs with a sopine of cream, put therein four raw eggs, four ounces of sugar, half an ounce of cinnamon, a little salt, then make a cover of short paste, & put it into the oven, when it's a little heated cast the cream therein, & let it cook like a flan.
To make badraye tarts.
Take barbanoise or fried cream a sopine, then take three ounces of good fat cheese, trim well small, then take a handful of chervil well chopped, & fry in butter, & mix all together, & make the short paste to make the tart, & put it to cook well, sugar & cinnamon thereon, & note that it needs a cover on top to trim as you please.
To make a tart of quince.
Take the quince preserved in sugar, cut into slices, then take a dozen dates well washes, & cut into slices, then take four egg yolks beaten with a voir of Malmsie or Spanish wine, & put two ounces of sugar, a quarter ounce of cinnamon, a nutmeg, & mix all together with four ounces of melted butter, for the cover cut the paste with the spur, and make as above like a lattice for the cover, & put it to cook.
To make green Geneva pies
Take two good handfuls of spinach a handful of mint, & chop well all together, & press the water out, then take three ounces of grated parmesan, mix it with the chopped herbs, put on the paste the thickness of a finger, then take half a pound of cheese of new cream, & temper it well with three raw eggs, half a sopine of olive oil, a little pepper, & ginger, & do it well all together, & take a spoon, & take white cheese, cast upon the herbs by spoon, three fingers the one behind[?] the other, & make the cover very delicate, that the cover will find little holes with a finger, cast again a little olive oil thereon, & put it to cook like the others.
To make white Geneva tarts.
Take white cheese made & garnished as before, & put therein two ounces of grated cheese, then take nine or ten chopped onions & fry in olive oil, & put saffron therein & pepper, that it will be all like the others.
To make a tart of beans.
Take cooked green beans, & remove the skin, & grind them, & put therein two raw eggs, a quarter ounce of cinnamon, a little chopped mint, three ounces of sugar, four ounces of melted butter, & make tarts like the others.
To make tarts of turnips.
Take turnips, & put them to roast over the fire, when well cooked cut into long, small slices like one chops tripe, then take four ounces of soft, fat cheese, three raw eggs mixed with the cheese, a quarter ounce of cinnamon, two ounces of sugar, a little pepper, four ounces of melted butter, a little rose water, & make tarts like the others, & serve so.
To make rice tarts.
Take a little plate of rice that has been cooked, & well spiced, then take three raw eggs, four ounces of melted butter, two ounces of sugar, a quarter ounce of cinnamon, a little rose water, & make tarts like the others.
To make Biscay tarts.
Take grated white bread, two handfuls, then take four raw eggs, eight chopped apples fried in butter, three ounces of sugar, half an ounce of cinnamon, two ounces of currants, & mix well all together, & put on a greased paper, & shape like a tart, & put thereon succades liquides cut into little slices, when it is well cooked sugar thereon.
To make apple tarts.
Take a dozen chopped apples fried in butter, three ounces of sugar, a quarter ounce of cinnamon, & four yolks of eggs, a little ground anise, & make the tart with short paste.
To make an almond tart.
Take half a pound of almonds peeled and ground, quince preserved in sugar, a dozen dates well washed therein, & chop very small with the quince, & half an ounce of cinnamon, three ounces of sugar, two yolks of eggs, & mix all with the almonds, & make the tart like the others.
To make a mushroom tart.
Take mushrooms that have been well cooked, & chop them like tripe, & fry them in butter, then take four ounces of grated cheese, a small handful of mint, & marjoram, finely chopped together, & make the tart, & cast again melted butter thereon.
To make a tart of Roman melons.
Take a melon that is not at all overripe, & wash it well within & without, & finely chop, then take four ounces of good fat cheese, two ounces of sugar, a quarter ounce of cinnamon, & a nutmeg, & make the tart like the others, when cooked, sprinkle sugar thereon, & color with nutmeg.
To make a white Roman tart.
Take a pound of white cheese of cream, then take the whites of six eggs, & beat then well until a foam forms on the surface like snow, & let a little stay in without beating, then take the foam from thereon, & cast it into the cheese, then beat the whites at the top until again foam forms on the surface like the first time, & cast onto the cheese, & make again two or three times as such, then take two ounces of melted butter, a little ginger, a little chopped basil, & make the tart, & cook like the others.
To make a husked barley tart in the Roman style.
Take husked barley, & put it to cook in broth that is fat, when well cooked, grind it in a stone mortar, then the water is well drained from it, then take two ounces of grated parmesan, three yolks of eggs & three ounces of sugar, a quarter ounce of cinnamon, a little salt, then put it all in the paste: for making the cover a cover of paste cut into strips the length of three fingers, & chop the paste thin like tripe, & sprinkle thereon, & put to cook, sugar & cinnamon thereon.
Second Book.
Which treats for making sausage of Bologna, & many types of pastry, then the meat of sea fish, & other types, with all kinds of jelly.
To make Bologna sausage.
Take six pounds of slightly fatty pork, & cut into slices, & put in a cloth, put it in a press to squeeze out the blood, & let sit one hour in the press until the blood is all out, then chop it coarsely, not too small, put therein four ounces of salt, an ounce of pepper, grind coarsely, one ounce of cinnamon well powdered with a fine sieve, & mix all together with the salt, & put into the meat, & take eight ounces of Spanish wine, & mix it well by hand for a half hour, when all will be incorporated into the meat, then take beef intestines that are thicker than you want the sausage, then fill with the meat as hard as possible, & have a thick eplingue at hand for always piercing the intestine, at the end that doesn't have any hole therein, & that the meat will be well compacted, then tie the intestine well closed thereon & thereon of the length that you want to have the sausage, then have a cauldron of boiling water on the fire, & put to boil the sausages in three or four boilings, & cut them apart, then hang them at the chimney five or six days until they are well dried.
To make mortadella.
Take six pounds of meat like above, & put therein two ounces of salt, half an ounce of pepper like above, an ounce of powdered cinnamon, four ounces of grated parmesan, then mix well with the meat, & fill the intestines, & make sausage, like you want to have, large or small.
Note they can be eaten hot with various cole flowers or others.
To make fine Ceruelade.
Take six pounds of meat like above, but it shouldn't be too fatty, then take a half ounce of pepper, & half ounce of cinnamon, & half ounce of nutmeg, a little saffron, moistened with a bit of Spanish wine that with the others, then make sausages like the others.
Bologna Sausage of fish.
Take three pounds of fresh salmon, two pounds of carp meat, a pound of smoked salmon, & chop well all together, then take one ounce of coarsely ground pepper, a half ounce of powdered cinnamon, three ounces of salt, half a sopine of Spanish wine, & three yolks of eggs, & make sausage like the others.
To make jelly.
Take a pot of white wine, & chafe it very hot, then put therein three quarters of a pound of sugar, one ounce of cinnamon, one ounce of nutmeg, & one ounce of coarsely ground ginger, & put it therein to temper the hot wine, & let it sit three or four hours, then pass the wine through a strainer, at the end to have the spices removed, then have a bag of white cloth like those used to strain hippocras, then cast into the wine three spoons of cow's milk, & have a little handful of coarsely ground almonds without peels, put them into the bag, then pass the wine through the bag two or three times, until it becomes clear, & take two ounces of good husblat [isinglass?] well washed, & put them to boil with a little wine & water, until well melted, then cast it into the wine, when it is passed, through the bag it will make the prize of the jelly: when the jelly is half cold cast it into plates, & let cool until it becomes firm. Note if it doesn't become at all firm enough, adding more husblat will help, because it could be that the husblat isn't as good as others.
To give color to the jelly.
To make red jelly.
Take turnsole & boil it with a little of your jelly before straining it, & give to it the color you want.
To make yellow jelly.
Give it color with saffron before straining it.
To make gray jelly.
Take the green of a bladder to temper into the jelly until it is enough.
To make black jelly.
Take almond peels that have been burned black, & put them to temper into your clear jelly, when strained let temper three or four hours, then pass it through a sieve to have the almond peels out, if you want that the jelly is not black enough putting in more peels should help.
To make black jelly.
Take peach stones, & wash them, & burn them well black, & break them small, & put to temper into the white jelly, when it is a little hot, & put the peach stones to temper therein two or three hours: then pass your jelly through a sieve: if you want that it is not black enough, you can do the same with the almonds.
To make green jelly.
Take the water that which boiled with citron peels or oranges, & good sugar, & ginger, & put green of bladder therein that the water will be very green, & make jelly without wine, & strain it like the others. Note if you put wine therein it removes the color green, & will make it gray.
Another green.
Take blue jelly & yellow jelly, & mix them together, you will have parrot green.
Violet jelly.
Take Indigo or blue of India, & break it in pieces, & put it to temper into the wine that it will be blue, then make jelly like the others.
Otherwise in quarters.
Take violets, & make three or four infusions, until it has enough color, & make like the others.
To make laced jelly.
Have a tin mold one foot long & the width of half a foot, then take a pint of cow's milk, & put to boil four ounces of husblat until it is melted, then pass it through a sieve, & put a little sugar therein that it will be sweet, then when half cold cast into the tin mold the thickness of a little finger, & let it cool well that it will be firm: when well cold cast the red jelly the thickness of the other: when well cold cast the yellow jelly like the other: after that cast the gray jelly, after take a little yellow & a little red, & cast like the others: then take clear jelly without color & again once more milk jelly, when all is well chilled chafe a little bold & turn over onto a plate, & cut into slices on a plate.
To make larded jelly.
Take red jelly, & cast into the mold the thickness of a finger, then have another mold to cast milk jelly the thickness of a half finger, when it is well chilled cut lardons as long as the mold, with those lardons put in the red jelly that is firm one finger long behind the other, that one can put a finger between the two, then take again the red jelly, that is half chilled cast it on the lardons until they are covered, & do so three times until all is well chilled turn over the mold like the other, & cut two or three slices on a plate.
To make ice jelly.
Take clear white jelly, when it is a little cold take a stick slit in quarters, & beat your jelly very long that it becomes almost all cold, & that it is filled with little intestines like ice, then cast it onto a plate, when it is well chilled cast a little hot water thereon, & turn it immediately apart, at the end that the jelly will be too old.
To make monstachole.
Take a pound of peeled almonds & grind, pound & a half of white flour, four ounces of cinnamon, half an ounce of nutmeg, a quarter ounce of powdered cloves of gillyflowers, ten grains of musk, two pounds of sifted white sugar, six egg yolks, two ounces of butter, make paste with a little rose water, that the paste will be a little closed, then form your monstacholes therein in the shape of bowls some large & some small that you will have them, & put them on wafers & on paper, & cook them in an oven not too hot.
To make Almond lard.
Take a pound of peeled almonds, & grind well until fine, moisten them with a little rose water, half a pound of sugar mixed with the almonds, then put it on the fire in a cauldron or pail, & stir it well with a spoon of wood until & long that the almonds become like paste that is workable, then mix always the almonds by hand until they are cold, then take a little of the almonds, & make a cover the size of a hand. Note that it is necessary that a little of the almonds are made red with rosette of Paris, until you see that they're red enough for your appetite, then you take that cover one upon the other firstly the white & red, after such continuing until all are one upon the other, then flatten the paste by hand all prettily, at the end that it sticks the one to the other, then cut it into slices the thickness of a little finger, & put on paper into an oven slowly without being very hot.
To make Marzipan.
Take almonds appointed as above, & flatten the paste as for making a tart, then form the marzipan as fancy as you want, then take sifted sugar & mix with rose water, & beat it together that it is like a thick batter, cast there a little on the marzipan, & flatten with a well held knife until the marzipan is all covered, then put it into the oven on paper: when you see that it boils thereon & that it does like ice, tear apart from the oven, when it doesn't boil, & sprinkle on nutmeg: if you want it golden, make it so.
To make sugar paste.
Take fine sugar well sifted with a fine sieve, then take gum tragacanth well tempered with rose water passed through a strainer as thick as you want it to pass, then put your gum into a mortar of copper or other & stamp well your gum, and put therein a little of the sugar until you make a workable paste. Note that the more it is beaten the more white it will be: of this paste you can form that which you want, like to make in hollow molds, or trenchers, or plates or cups that you want, & put it into an oven that is not too hot, you can make it as gilded or as strong as you want to have: watch well that the oven is no longer so hot that it makes the paste raise into bubbles, that would not be like anything, because it is necessary that the paste remains firm.
To make Cinnamon Sticks.
Take a pound of this paste & two ounces of cinnamon ground well fine, & beat your paste in a mortar then & long enough that the cinnamon is well incorporated with the sugar, then make the covers well thin larger than a half quarter, take then the sticks fatter than a finger, & roll the paste thereon like one makes little cakes, then rest a little sliding off the end of the stick, & put it on the paper, & put then into the oven.
To make orange paste.
Take a pound of this paste & a quarter ounce of powdered orange peels, that have then been dried in the oven, then beat well with the paste like you have made cinnamon paste, & then flatten them on hollow forms, large or small, as you want them to be, & put them then in the oven like the others, & guild them as you like.
To make little casks.
Take some of this sugar paste, four grains of musk well ground with a little powdered white sugar, then beat it well with the paste like the others, & make the rolls of this paste thicker than a large nut, then cut them into pieces as thick as galls, & flatten them with the thumb that they are like little breads, then put them on osties & on paper, then take the yolks of eggs well beaten, & gild your little breads thereon, & sprinkle a little cinnamon thereon, & put them into the oven that is a little hot, at the end so it can rise a little.
To make Pignolate.
Take pine nuts that have been well washed & put before the fire, & are a little dry, then take a pound of sugar melted with rose water, & cook it a long time that it is perfect for casting, then draw it away from the fire, then take four ounces of pine nuts chopped with a large knife, then cast them into the sugar & mix well together with five or six spoons of whipped egg whites, then cast with a spoon on the ostyes in little piles, two spoons full to each pile, & gild them thereon, if you want to put a little musk therein they can be made so.
To make Pistachine.
Take pistachios out of the shell & temper with hot water, that they are green, & chop them into pieces like pine nuts, & then after: then mix them with sugar like pine nuts, in the form of little breads like pine nuts.
To make fair royal paste.
Take half a pound of almonds well peeled & grind like paste of marzipan, then take a breast of a roasted capon, & cut into little pieces & grind it in a mortar well strong, then take three quarters of a pound of powdered sugar, two ounces of powdered cinnamon, & grind well together, tempered with a little rose water, then roll out the paste into little pieces the size of two fingers & the thickness of half a finger, snip apart with a knife, & put them after into the oven.
To prepare sugar for casting images & fruits.
Mix melted sugar with rose water as much as you would like to have, & let it boil a long time until it becomes like syrup, when boiling add two well beaten egg whites, at the end the sugar will be very white, then pass the melted sugar through a fine sieve to separate out the egg white, then put the sugar back on the fire, & let it boil a long time, stirring the sugar with a spatula, casting it on top, if you see that it falls like snow then it is cooked enough, then take it from the fire, it must always be mixed with a spatula that it will become like little grains & little bubbles, then cast it in the form of fruit or images as wanted.
To make colored sugar.
Take for red rosette of Paris, for green take green of bladder, for the color yellow saffron, for the color brown brunocre.
To make Cremone mustard.
Take half a pound of orange peels candied in sugar, half a pound of quince preserved in sugar or marmalade, & chop them all well together very small: then take half a pint of mustard well thick, then take melted sugar with rose water, & put therein some turnsole, & let it boil together to give good red color, & let it boil like syrup, & mix therein that which you have chopped, & mix the mustard with, put enough syrup, & serve in little plates three or four spoons for setting at the table with roasts.
To make pies of Spanish leaves.
Make paste from white flour the most fine that you can get, put therein two eggs, a little butter, & make the paste with cold water, & that it will be a little soft, & knead it well for half an hour, then let it rest a little, then after rolling your paste on a long board, & flattening the paste so it becomes like paper the size of half a foot, then take some grease of pork melted on a little fire, then grease your paste that it will be well greased all along, & make a roll of your paste, then flatten again the paste like the other, & grease & roll on the other roll until you have a roll as large as an arm then let it chill: when the paste is well cold cut it into pieces the size of three fingers, then have a piece of paper the size of a hand or larger, & put a piece of the paste thereon, & put the two thumbs in the middle of the paste, & stretch the paste in the shape of a little pie, & that it is not thinner than the middle of a little finger, then take the meat of a sheep chopped with beef fat. Note for one pound of meat half a pound of fat: put therein pepper, nutmeg, a little salt, & verjuice or vinegar, & mix well all together, & fill your pie with this meat, & cut for your pie a cover that is not any thicker, & cover your pie, & turn it onto the paste, wet the top of paper with an egg yolk, after the paper is stuck together, then put it to cook in an oven until it is hot: having the pie been a quarter hour in the oven draw it out, & remove the paper, return the pie to the oven until it is cooked enough: then the paper removed the sheets will open themselves so much better.
To make angry meat pies.
Make paste like above, flatten it well thin like the other paste: in stead of the grease take melted butter, & grease the paste well, & make a fat roll, & make a paste much more tender than the other: to fill the pie, take a pound of veal, half a pound of beef fat, & a cow's hoof that has been well cooked, & chop all together, then put therein a reumer of Spanish wine, four ounces of sugar, half an ounce of cinnamon, half an ounce of nutmeg, a little salt, & add a handful of pine nuts, & mix well all together, & fill your paste, then take candied orange peels, & other candies cut into little strips, & put on the meat that it will be covered: if you have beef drippings then also put them in the pie, then cover the pie: & when the pie has been in the oven for a good quarter hour, put again therein through a little hole some fresh melted butter with again a little Spanish wine, & let it cook again a quarter hour: you can make this pie that it is not leafy.
To make suckling pies.
Take the paste like above, a roll a little thicker & longer than the other paste, & always straightened while rising, that you can put a partridge therein, & put the partridge feet up, then put therein salted lemons cut into slices, nutmeg & ginger, chopped marjoram, & new butter, then re-close the paste at the top that the feet of the partridge stick out, then put in the oven.
To make English pies.
Take flour of wheat sifted through a coarse strainer, then make paste that is well greased with butter, the yolks of five or six eggs, & that the paste is well sweetened: then you will make a square pie, then take a quarter of goat or lamb that is very fatty, or some piece of venison that is fatty, & parboil the meat, & cut the piece to fit the pie, then put therein ground mace a little pepper & cinnamon, dates cut into pieces, & candies also cut into pieces, pine nuts, beef drippings, sugar that is sweet enough, & fresh butter, & cover your pie, & put it into the oven to cook: & after put it in the oven basting the cover thereon with egg yolks, & then cast sugar over all, & put in the oven to cook.
To make a pie of Oysters
Take the Oysters out of the shells, & wash them with a little white wine, & put them in the pie until the pie is more than half full, then put therein a little pepper, nutmeg, chopped marjoram, a little orage & fresh butter, a little salt, then cover the pie: if you want, put therein a fresh citron in slices you can make it.
To make artichoke pie.
Take artichokes that are cooked, then take the bottom of the artichoke cut into slices, & put it into the pie half filled, then put thereon pepper, nutmeg, & chopped mint & fresh butter: after a quarter hour in the oven, cast white wine therein, & let it cook again a quarter hour.
To make a pie of redressed veal.
Take a pound of raw veal & half pound of beef fat, & chop well all together, & put three raw eggs, two nutmegs, a little pepper, a salted lemon, well chopped all together, & make the meat like a little leg of lamb, & plant therein pine nuts, & make the pie to fit the size of your meat: after half an hour in the oven cast therein white wine or verjuice, & let it well cook.
To make Sturgeon pie.
Take a slice of Sturgeon three fingers in size, & make it well boiled to draw the scales back, then take cloves of gillyflowers, & plant them into the fish on three sides, then put therein nutmeg, pepper, cinnamon, whole laurel leaves, & chopped marjoram, & butter enough: then make a sauce of toasted white bread that is very red without burning, & temper with heated wine, & pass through a strainer, put sugar enough therein, & set it to boil, that the sauce is thick, when the pie is cooked cast the sauce thereon.
To make a pie of fresh Parsnips.
Take the parsnips well washed, & put them to boil until they are cooked, then take two or three chopped onions & fry in butter, a salted lemon in pieces, nutmeg, & pepper, a little chopped mint, & put all together in the pie, & butter enough.
Note it is necessary to cut the parsnips into pieces, when the pie is half cooked put therein a little Spanish wine.
To make snail pies.
Take snails that have been well cooked & washed as appropriate, & cut them largely with a knife, & add nutmeg, pepper, butter, having been a quarter hour in the oven take four egg yolks beaten with a little Spanish wine, remove the pie from the oven, & cast the sauce in the pie, & let it again in the oven for an "Our Father", & no more.
To make dogfish pie.
Take a piece of dogfish, four fingers in size, & put it to boil for an hour, & remove the skin close, then put it full of cloves of gillyflowers, & put it into the pie some salt & mint, & chopped marjoram: when the pie is well cooked take some toasted bread, & make a pepper thereon, & put therein nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves of gillyflowers, that the sauce will be very thick, & cast on the pie when it is cooked.
To make an angry fish pie.
Take a half pound of fresh salmon, half a pound of carp meat, half a pound of dried salmon, & chop well all together, then put therein two nutmegs, a quarter ounce of ground cinnamon, half a quarter ounce of ginger, two ounces of pine nuts, two ounces of currants, a reumer of Spanish wine, a little salt, three ounces of sugar, & mix all together with four ounces of melted butter, fill the pie with candies like the others, cut into pieces.
To make offal leaves.
Make puff paste like the others here before, & make little covers larger than a hand, then have a half pound of ground almonds, & three candied quinces, & grind together, half pound of sugar, two ounces of cinnamon, one ounce of nutmeg, two raw egg yolks, then mix well all together with two ounces of new butter, then take the better part of an egg, & put it on the pie cover, & fold there two that it will be like raviolis, & put them to cook in the oven: when they are cooked sugar thereon.
To make Raviolis
Make paste of white flour with eggs and butter, & make little covers like the others, then take roasted veal, cold or other veal cooked: for a pound of meat half a pound of beef fat, & chop well all together, & put therein three raw eggs , three ounces of grated parmesan, & mix well all together, & make raviolis like the others, then put them to boil in water, & remove them from the water, & put there five or six to a plate with broth that is fatty, & sprinkle thereon grated parmesan, & cinnamon, & make to boil two or three boilings in the plate, & serve so: if you want them smaller they can be put a dozen on a plate.
Another ravioli.
Take a good handful of boiled spinach, a small handful of chopped mint with the spinach, & press out well the water, three ounces of grated parmesan, four ounces of fresh butter, three egg yolks, two nutmegs, half an ounce of cinnamon, & make little ravioli, & put it to boil like the others, & put on plate as you want to put with water & butter, parmesan & cinnamon thereon like the others, & serve them so when they are boiled two or three boilings thereon the plate.
To make Agnoilen.
Make paste with cream & butter, & put to boil together, then cast flour therein, that is on the fire, then take four eggs, & beat them well in the past before the fire until they are well done, then take another two or three eggs, & beat them well like the others: then take a good handful of grated parmesan, & mix with the paste, & make long rolls as thick as your thumb, then cut into little pieces like little acorns, & put to boil in fat broth, & put them on a plate in twenties, & put thereon parmesan & cinnamon like raviolis.
Another sort.
Take an udder of beef that has been well cooked, & chop it well small with four ounces of grease: then take three ounces of parmesan, half an ounce of cinnamon, a little pepper, & two ounces of currants that have been boiled, then make little long raviolis the length of three fingers & no thicker than a finger, & turn there like a ring, & wet them at the ends with beaten egg, finally make them hold together, then put them to boil like ravioli, & serve them with boiled capon or a piece of boiled mutton, & put thereon with fat broth, & a little cinnamon thereon, & serve so.
To make macaroni.
Make paste with eggs & butter, & make large covers of the paste well held, & cut into bars the size of three fingers, & cut them like tripe, & put to boil like raviolis, & put full a plate with melted butter, parmesan & cinnamon thereon, well mixed together: & serve so, putting again a little cinnamon thereon.
To make sweet Capilotade.
Take cold roast, capon, coney, or other kinds of fatty roasts, cut into pieces two or three fingers, & put to boil with wine, butter, oranges in little pieces, & candied quince also in little pieces, currants, nutmeg, & cinnamon, & sugar, when well boiled together make covers of paste as big around as a trencher, & fry in butter, then take the covers, put them on a plate, then put the meat two or three pieces with the pieces of quince & orange: then put together another cover of paste that is fried, & meat with quince thereon until four layers & cast the broth thereon, & put them with the plate into the oven, make them boil three or four boilings, that the plate will be covered, then put sugar & cinnamon thereon, & serve so.
To make parmesan Capilotade.
Take pieces of cold roast, & cut into pieces, and put to boil with good fat broth, then take toasted white bread slices, put four or five on a plate, then take three or four pieces: put on the toasted bread some parmesan, cinnamon thereon, & make to in this way three times, then cast broth thereon & make them stew a quarter hour, & put again parmesan & cinnamon thereon, & serve it all hot.
Sturgeon in pottage.
Take a sturgeon cut into pieces like hodgepodge, & put it to boil strongly to remove the scales close, & well washed, then put cinnamon, nutmeg, saffron, a little pepper, two or three chopped onions fried in butter, & sugar, & let it so stew well, & take peeled almonds, cut into long pieces, cook well, serve so with cinnamon thereon.
Roast Sturgeons.
Take a piece of sturgeon & make it boil strongly to remove the scales close, then put cloves of gillyflowers thereon with little branches of rosemary therein, & put it again to roast, always well basted with butter: when well cooked make a sauce thereon with wine, sugar & cinnamon, nutmeg, a salted lemon cut into slices, a little butter therein, & make to boil well all together, & cast it on the sturgeons, & serve so.
Poulpette of sturgeon.
Take sturgeon cut into slices the length of a hand & the size of three fingers, & beat it with the flat of a knife without grinding, then take good chopped herbs, & put therein nutmeg, ginger, the yolks of eggs, & fresh butter, a little salt, & flatten the herbs on the fish: that the fish will be covered: then roll that, & put on skewers of wood or iron, & make it roast on the grill a small fire for a long time: when well cooked melted butter thereon & juice of oranges, a fresh lemon cut into little pieces: serve so.
Sturgeon Sausage.
Take three pounds of sturgeon & chop them well small, an ounce and a half of salt, a quarter ounce of pepper, two ounces of nutmeg, a quarter ounce of powdered cinnamon, a reumer of Spanish wine, & mix well all together, & make sausage like sausage of Bologna.
To make sturgeon mortadella.
Take three pounds of sturgeon, like above, half an ounce of cinnamon, two nutmeg, a little salt, two ounces of grated parmesan, & mix all together, three egg yolks, two ounces of fresh butter, & when all are well incorporated together, make the sausages, & put to stew with a little water & wine, marjoram, blades of mace, a salted lemon in slices, & butter, & make well boiled together, toasted white bread beneath on the plate: serve the sausages thereon.
Sturgeon in adobe.
Take a piece of sturgeon well washed, roasted & fried in butter or olive oil, then take vinegar, & wine or else one or the other, & put to boil, a salted lemon in slices, saffron, pepper, laurel leaves, rosemary, marjoram, ground roots of radishes, a little handful of coriander: when boiled cast all hot on the sturgeon, & keep it so well covered.
Turbot & Elebote swordfish, can so put in adobe like the other.
Stuffed Lobster or Crab.
Take lobster or crab, & make them boil like little lobsters, then take all the meat out, without breaking at all the shells thereon, then chop all the meat, & put therein chopped marjoram, nutmeg & pepper, three or four egg yolks, & fry all in butter, & put them back into the shell thereon, & all the little legs fried in butter, & put together.
The same Lobster or Crab in pottage.
Take all of the raw meat out, & cut into little pieces, & put to stew with white wine, fresh butter, ground nutmeg, a little pepper, chopped mint, or fresh citron cut into slices, & make it stew well, that it will be fat with butter, & put it when well cooked into little reumers, & serve so five or six to a plate.
To make tripe of Pike.
Take the meat of pike, & meat of carp, & fresh salmon or of another, & chop well all together: put in nutmeg, salt, pepper, chopped marjoram, & mix all with three egg yolks, & roll by hand the meat like a little sausage, take the womb & the stomach of the pike, & fill with the meat, & put it to cook with wine, butter, a salted lemon cut into slices, rosemary, marjoram therein: when well cooked serve forth.
To make tripe of dogfish.
Take a pound of fresh meat of dogfish, for one pound of meat four ounces of sea salmon, & chop well together, two or three onions chopped very fine, a quarter ounce of cinnamon, half a quarter ounce of pepper, & of salt: if you have the blood of the dogfish mix with to make tripe: if there isn't any blood, take a reumer of cream, ground eggs of pike & strained with the cream, & mix with the meat: then take the intestines of a sheep or intestines of a very small piglet, & thoroughly wash out the grease, fill them with the meat like tripe, & make them cook with water & salt, a good handful of sorrel: when cooked it is necessary to roast on the grill.
Dogfish in adobe.
Take a large piece of dogfish, and roast it, having first removed the skin: when it is well roasted, cut it in long pieces, and make the adobe like the others.
Boiled dogfish.
Take a large piece of dogfish & salt it well, then put it in a pot for boiling with water, & put therein a good handful of sage, a handful of sorrel, & make it cook well like for serving: remove the skin close, then eat it like salted meat with mustard.
Roasted dogfish.
Make to boil the dogfish for removing the skin close, and lard it with sage, & put cloves therein, & make it roast, always well basted with butter and vinegar together: when well roasted, make a sauce like batter thereon, like for venison, that will be sour-sweet, and serve forth.
To make dogfish pot pies.
Take the meat of dogfish, and chop well small, then fry it in butter, and put it into a pot with a little wine & water, prunes, & currants, nutmeg, & pepper, a little sugar that is sour & sweet, & make it well boiled, & serve so.
Boiled Tunny.
Put to boil like salted salmon with water, & a handful of sage, when well cooked peel well the scales close, & let it cool, then cut into slices, chopped mint, & orage sprinkled thereon, & put vinegar thereon, a little pepper, & serve forth.
Tunny in pottage.
Take tunny when it is cooked & well washed, all the scales close, cut into long pieces, & dredge in flour, & fry it in olive oil or butter, then take white bread in slices that are not burned, & temper with wine & vinegar that is hot, & pass it through a sieve with three egg yolks, them put therein cinnamon, nutmeg, sugar, & saffron, two onions chopped and fried in butter, & make to boil together with the tunny, a little handful of pine nuts therein, & serve forth.
Tunny in adobe.
Take tunny that is cooked & fry like above, & make adobe here like the others here above.
Tunny of another sort.
Take slices of flattened tunny a half finger small, & dredge in flour on two sides, fry in hot butter, when frying one side put mustard that the slice will be covered in mustard, then have grated white bread, sprinkle thereon the slice, & press a little with the finger so that it will stick with the mustard, then turn the bread thereunder, & let it fry again along side the bread, & then serve three or four pieces on a plate.
Make a pepper of toasted white bread, put therein sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, & make to boil the pepper that it will be yellow with saffron, then cut it into pieces as large as they will be, & put therein the sauce that they will chafe, & serve forth.
Boiled Potato.
Take well washed potato, & put it to boil in water, when cooked it must be peeled & cut into slices, melted butter thereon, & pepper.
Another Potato.
Cut the potato into slices like above, & put it to stew with Spanish wine & new butter, & nutmeg.
Take the potato in slices, & put to stew with butter, chopped marjoram, parsley: then take four or five beaten egg yolks with a little wine, & cast it thereon all boiling, & remove from in front of the fire, & serve so.
Put the potato to roast in the hot embers like one cooks chestnuts, then it must be peeled & cut into slices, put on chopped mint, boiled currants thereon, & vinegar, a little pepper, & serve so.
Beef marrow in pottage.
Take beef marrow seven or eight large pieces, when well washed put on a plate with good broth, & put them to boil, then take five or six beaten eggs,& put therein parsley & finely chopped marjoram, well ground nutmeg, and mix them with the eggs, and cast them into the beef marrow all boiling, and let again a little on the fire that the eggs will be a little firm, then have toasted white bread, and put full a silver strainer if large pieces you can, & put on the toasts with broth thereon, & serve it forth all hot.
Another sort.
Put to boil beef marrow, a little grated white bread, when on the fire a little quarter hour, put therein sugar & cinnamon, six egg yolks, beaten with wine that is in the plate, & mix it with the drippings, & serve so.
Veal genitals or nether parts in pottage.
Put to boil the genitals in water, then remove the little nerfz, & put them in good broth to stew: put therein nutmeg, chopped marjoram, butter & a little white wine & serve so.
Take genitals that are cooked, & fry them in butter, a fresh citron cut into slices, therein orange juice & pepper, & serve so.
Make a batter of white flour with an egg & a little wine, a little sugar & pepper, then take genitals & drippings into the paste, & fry them in butter, & serve so.
Take genitals well cooked, & cut them into pieces the thickness of a thumb, & put them onto little skewers of wood that are very thin, sprinkle pepper thereon, chopped sage & salt: then take a caul of pork, & wrap the caul around the genitals, & put them to roast on the grill, baste well with butter, then serve them with orange juice.
Hungarian Capon in pottage.
Take a slightly cooked capon, cut it into quarters, & fry in butter a little, that it is not at all black: then take onions cut into slices, & apples cut into little quarters, & fry in butter, & cast it on the capon in a pot: then put therein a little broth & wine, & let it boil again, & put therein saffron, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, pine nuts, & make stew well until it is well cooked, & serve.
Redressed Capon.
Take a capon that has been plucked, then open the capon at the rear, & raise the skin close, & cut the wings at the rear close with the skin, then you can take the meat of the capon, all the breast with the thighs, & leave the legs whole: then take the capon meat & also veal, & chop together with a little beef fat & put therein nutmeg ginger, chopped marjoram, a little salt, four egg yolks, & mix well all together: then return the meat on the bones of the capon,& remove the skin thereon, & tie it with string, & put to boil in a pot: when cooked take two slices of bread tempered with hot broth, four egg yolks, & pass all through a strainer with a little white wine, after cast therein the broth of the capon, & let it again boil a little, & serve so.
Capon in adobe.
Take a capon & fry it in butter or olive oil, & put it in adobe like the adobes.
Barded and roasted Capon.
Put the capon to roast when half cooked, take little sausages, & lard the capon: then put the capon atop to roast, & make a batter of white flour with egg yolks, & put therein sugar & cinnamon, that the batter will be a little clear, then cast the batter thereon the capon, turning cast the batter on the capon, that the crust will be a little firm, & look well to cast some of the fat thereon: then cast again the batter thereon a second time, & let it always so stew: & when it seems the capon is cooked enough, take it out, & baste well with butter, & serve on a plate, & cut orange peel in slices, & serve so.
To make a potpourri called "Oylla podrida" in Spanish.
Take a piece of beef of two sides, put it to boil in a large pot, & put with a capon or chicken: have it boil a half hour, put a little leg of mutton therein, then put a duck also into the pot: then little legs of veal redressed two stuffed pigeons, two partridges, two little stuffed cabbages, two begasses, two Bologna sausages, and two partly cooked mortadellas to put thereon, the drippings from a ham of Mayence also partly cooked, the feet and ears of a pig also partly cooked: then put the little sausages also into the pot, salted lemons cut into quarters, four entrail sausages, four yellow roots, that are stuffed with veal meat redressed, four stomachs of sheep that are stuffed with good herbs & good fat cheese, with a fried onion & raw eggs, like stuffings are made, & fry it in butter: & put into the pot a handful of marjoram and mint together, cauliflower in two parts: then you have little pots there, or put in potatoes stewed like is said above, again another pot with capers of Majorca well washed & boiled with good broth, & white wine, a little pepper: then another pot put pine nuts & pistachios that are washed: then make green raviolis, like written above: then the other little raviolis filled with almonds & ground, & quince candied with sugar & cinnamon, two egg yolks therein, & fry the raviolis in butter, & keep so on a plate: then take peeled chestnuts, and put in the pot, & let stew well together, put therein half an ounce of ground nutmeg: have another little pot, and put therein large peas, and Roman beans that are well cooked together: then look well in the pot that it will not be cooked too much: that when it is cooked enough remove, & put into separate plates: take a very large plate, & dress the meats between the ones with the others: then the hams of Mayence that you have put into the plate, the one here the other there, & the boiled raviolis must be moistened with fat broth, & sprinkled thereon cinnamon & parmesan, & put them in the plates here & there: the other raviolis similarly: then that which you have in the little pot put each sort separately in the plate, the Bologna sausages also here & there: then have a little guinea fowl roasted & well larded, a dozen little birds also roasted, & put in the middll of the plate thereon, & look well the placing you choose that one can see them, then take a dozen feet of sheep well washed to put all around the plate: then take a pound of dates cooked in wine & sugar, & put them with a spoon, & put them between the sheep feet, after take the broth from your pot, chafe it very hot, & cast thereon & without it moistening the roast, & raviolis: & serve so.
To make a veal hodgepodge in mesnage.
Take a thigh of veal that is half cooked, put thereon ground nutmeg, a salted lemon cut in slices, marjoram & mint, verjuice or white wine & butter, & let stew well together.
Take a breast of veal cut into pieces, & fry in butter on both sides, & put into a pot again with butter, & let it cook well: then take crepe herbs well chopped & grind with crumbs of white bread, & mix eggs therein, & beat together that it will be thick, & put a little sugar therein: then have a pan with hot butter, & take a strainer, & take some of your herbs that have been beaten, & make little tartlets that will be on two sides, then put them in a pot with the veal, & put some wine therein, a little ground nutmeg, & put therein, & let stew well together, & serve when well cooked.
Take a breast of veal, & put it to boil, when cooked put a little broth into the pot, & some butter: then take a quarter pound of peeled & ground almonds, & pass through a strainer with the broth: then take a little root of radishes well ground, & put into the pot with the broth, & make to boil two or three boilings together, & serve it forth.
To make a stuffed veal liver in pottage.
Cut the liver very thick, the length of a little finger, then with a knife well edged cut into the liver, & remove from it that which you can, without turning over or under: then boil a little of the liver when it is removed, & chop it very small with a little beef fat, and chop a little handful of good herbs, and a chopped onion: put therein a little nutmeg & ginger, a little salt, three egg yolks, mix well together: then fill the liver, & take a caul of veal, or of pork, & wrap the liver therein, when it well rested, then put it to cook in a pot with good broth, ground nutmeg, a little verjuice or wine, & a salted lemon cut into slices, & let all stew well, & serve.
To make Tomaselle of liver.
Take a veal liver cut into slices, & make it well boiled a paternoster: then chop it very finely: then put therein an onion chopped & fried in butter, a little nutmeg, pepper & cinnamon, a handful of fat cheese, four egg yolks, & mix well all together: then take with a spoon this liver, have beaten egg yolks with a little wheat flour that it will be like a little bater, & put the liver therein, that it will be moistened on both sides, & put it to fry in butter, & serve nine or ten to a plate, with cinnamon thereon.
Stuffed boiled capon.
Take chestnuts that have been cooked, & chop them with a little beef fat, & put therein four egg yolks, nutmeg, & pepper, a little chopped marjoram, & put it there to fill the capon's stomach, & sew the stomach that nothing can come out: then put it to boil that it will be well cooked, then take cardoons that are also well cooked, & put them to stew well with wine, chopped marjoram, butter, a little ground nutmeg, some the capers of Majorca that have been well washed in hot water, & put to boil with it: when well boiled cast on the capon, & no other broth.
Portuguese Partridges in pottage.
Take partridges, & put them to boil: when cooked, cut a fresh citron into slices, oysters out of the shell, mushrooms that are washed, butter, white wine, a little pepper, & let stew well together, & serve so.
Catalan Partridge
Roast the partridge, then take dates cut small, & wash candied oranges cut into little pieces, marmalade cut into pieces, Spanish wine, fresh butter, sugar & cinnamon, & make it to stew well together, & serve.
A leg of mutton redressed & boiled.
Peel the skin away from the meat, and take all the meat away from the bone, and chop it very finely with a little beef fat, and a salted lemon cut into pieces, wash well, and take with it a little chopped mint, then put therein nutmeg and pepper, a little salt, a half reumer of white wine, and three raw eggs, and chop well all together, and mix it well, and after return the meat around the bone, and make it in the shape of the leg like it was: then take a caul of pork: that you have beaten egg yolks: then rub the same caul with the egg yolks, and after wrapping the caul all around the leg, that it is well covered, then tie it well lengthwise and across, that nothing comes out, & put it to boil until its is well cooked: then a half of white bread, & temper it with the broth, & pass it with four ounces ground blanched almonds & pass through a strainer: then put with the leg to boil briefly & a little ground nutmeg, & white wine, & let it stew well.
Take a leg of mutton also dressed as above: then it is well formed like a leg, put it in a large tart pan, & planted with pine nuts through the leg, & put a leaf of paper thereunder, & put it to cook into the oven when well cooked make a sauce of wine sugar & cinnamon, currants, dates cut into pieces, & let boil well all together, & cast it onto the leg, & serve so.
Redressed veal in pottage.
Take a thigh of veal, & chop it very finely with beef fat, half as much fat as meat: then season it with the sorts of spices that go with the leg: then take the meat as large as two eggs, & form by hand like a little ham, & put it after to stew with a little wine, nutmeg, salted lemon in pieces, & a little capers, & make it stew well: then serve for or five to a plate.
Take some veal that is cooked, roasted or boiled, & chop it finely: put therein sugar & cinnamon, nutmeg, a little salt, half a sopine of cream, three raw eggs, & mix well all together with melted butter, and put it in a tart pan, and make cook on the coals above and below, and let it cook until you see that it becomes open beneath: then cut with the knife to make eight quarters in a tart pan, and serve for quarters to a plate, sugar and cinnamon on top.
To make a shoulder of mutton stuffed & roasted.
For a large shoulder lift the skin flattened halfway with a finger, then take the meat close from the bone on both sides: then chop the meat very finely: & have a handful of boiled parsley, with spinach, marjoram, & chopped mint, with 4 egg yolks, nutmeg, pepper, a little salt, ground anise, then return the meat in place with the bone, & replace the skin thereon & thereunder: put it in a caul of veal, & attach well with little skewers, & put in a tart pan to cook in the oven that it will be hot enough, & the other side of the shoulder is no longer supported, lard it with hyssop & sage. Note, when it is in the oven, it must be turned two or three times, so that it has color enough one side to the other: when well cooked cast all that is in the tart pan thereon, & put on a plate orange peels cut into slices thereon: then a little good vinegar, & serve it.
A leg of mutton roasted in the Irish style.
Take your leg, & beat it well strong without tearing the skin: then put it to temper in vinegar three or four hours: afterwards taking it out, & make it sweat with a cloth. & put cloves therein, & little pieces of cinnamon the length of a little finger, & lard it with a little sage & marjoram, & put to roast on a spit, & always basted well in butter & Spanish wine: when well cooked cut two citrons into little slices, & cast on with the fat that is in the pan, & a little vinegar, & serve so.
Veal liver in pottage.
Take the liver of veal, & cut into pieces the size of two fingers, & longer than a finger: then lard it with lard, three or four lardons all about, a little hyssop & marjoram between both: then put it to boil in good broth, two chopped onions, a little nutmeg, a little orage & butter, & make it stew well, & serve so.
Take the liver of veal cut into slices, & make it a little boiled, & chop very finely, & put therein three raw eggs, nutmeg, pepper & cinnamon, a little grated cheese, a little salt, a little chopped mint, & mix well all together, & put it in a tart pan that has been greased therein, & put all the liver therein, & let it cook, the fire therein & thereunder: when cooked cut into slices, three or four slices to a plate, sugar & cinnamon thereon, & serve so.
Roasted veal liver.
Take the liver, & make it a little boiled, & lard it like veal: then have a caul of pork, & take good chopped herbs, & put therein a little pepper & salt, & tie the liver in the caul, & make it to roast, & make a sauce sour-sweet.
Cut the liver into slices, when roasted, & make a sauce with white bread roasted alongside, & make batter with egg yolks, & passed with bread, & put therein sugar, cinnamon, saffron, & make it boil well, & cast on the liver, & serve so.
Which describes several sorts of meats, that make up a large banquet for Princes & Princesses, & the little banquet for Children without concern.
To make a veal loin stuffed & roasted.
Take good stuffing herbs, & chop them very finely, make them fried in butter: put therein 4 egg yolks, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, a little sugar, salt, & make it a little cooked, not too much: then chop a salted lemon mixed with the stuffing: then take a loin of veal that is a little parboiled: then put the stuffing under the kidney of the veal, & cover it with a doubled caul of veal, & attach it with skewers that nothing falls out, then when cooked take the kidney out, & chop it: put therein two egg yolks, a little sugar & cinnamon, a little salt, & put the aforesaid kidney on the toasted bread, & put it in a tart pan with butter therein, & put covers on them with fire, that the roasts will be well chaffed a little, & put all around the plate where the loin of veal is, & cast all the fat on the loin with vinegar, & oranges cut into pieces thereon.
Take a loin of veal or breast, & put it to boil: when somewhat cooked, have parsley root cut into little lardons, when the roots are cooked with the meat take ground roots of radishes, & two times as much mint peeled & ground, & pass with the broth of veal & cast thereon, & put with a reumer of verjuice or wine, & that the broth will be fat, & serve so.
To make stuffed redressed veal.
Take some veal, with as much fat, & chop it well together, & add egg yolks, nutmeg, ginger, a little salt, a handful of mint & marjoram together: then make the meat into flat pieces, the size of a hand, pressing with a finger: then take peeled almonds, & grind with chopped quince & boil, & grind again with the almonds: put therein sugar & cinnamon, two or three egg yolks, & mix well all together: then make a flat piece like the chopped veal, & layer it between the two pieces of above-mentioned veal, & cook it in a tart pan, & make a sauce thereon with the peels of boiled oranges, & cut into little long pieces, & currants, sugar & cinnamon therein: let boil well with red wine, & cast it thereon.
Take a thigh of veal, & cut it into slices the length of a hand, & three fingers in size, & beat it with a knife without tearing it: then take good finely chopped herbs, & put therein egg yolks, nutmeg, cloves & ginger, a little salt, chopped beef fat & mix together: then flatten on the slices of veal, then roll them, & put onto skewers of wood or of iron, & put it to boil, & stew with salted lemon, ground nutmeg, verjuice or white wine, & butter, & let it stew well, & serve: if wanted the same can be put to roast & serve with oranges, & melted butter.
Cut the slices of veal like above, that they will be well beaten, then put them in a little pot with good broth, & put therein two whole onions to give flavor: then put therein chopped marjoram, nutmeg, pepper, butter, & white wine, & let stew well together: & serve.
To make snow.
Take a pot of new cream, 4 ounces of sugar, 4 ounces of rose water: take a little white broom like a large handful of twigs, & beat very strongly the cream half an hour long, then let it rest, & you will see scum form thereon like snow: then take a skimmer, & skim the snow off, & put it on a plate, a trencher thereunder, after resting taste the snow, & beat again the cream like before, until you have enough snow: then put it into little plates, a branch of rosemary therein, & serve so.
To keep cranes & egrets.
Take the cranes that have been well washed & somewhat ripe enough: then take verjuice, & as much rain water, & let it boil together, it must be skimmed & let to cool: then put a little alum that is broken, & put cranes or egrets therein, & keep them so.
To keep quince.
Peel the quince, & remove the seeds: then put to boil the peels with the seeds, until the peels are well cooked: then put the quince therein, let boil two or three boilings no more, & take them out, then let them cool very cold, & the broth also, & cast them in a little cask all together with peels & all, & keep them so.
To keep cucumbers.
Take little cucumbers, & let them rest on a table to sweat three or four days, then take vinegar & make them boil, & skim, & let cool, then cast the cucumbers therein, and leave them so five days or three weeks, then cast the vinegar out, and take more vinegar boiled and skimmed, and let cool, then cast it on the cucumbers and put ground alum therein, and take the seed of fennel that is somewhat ripe, & cast into the cask that it will be well layered, & keep it so.
To give new wine the taste of nutmeg.
Take the flowers of sahou, that is well ripe, & let them sweat: then at the shop when the wine is in the cask, put for a aime of wine 2 ounces of sahou flowers into the cask: you can also put apples & pears that have been covered in sahou.
To make a stuffed cabbage.
Take a red cabbage that is not too large, & put it to boil whole sweetly, & leave it so a long time that you can open the leaves the one behind the other, while the leaves of the cabbage are large like a fist, cut that out, & put chopped meat therein that it will be arrayed like the other meats with eggs & spices, & then layer the cabbage with the leaves all around, that it will be well bound, & put it to cook, sausages with, or that which you want.
To make stuffed roots.
Take large white roots or yellow so that you want, & void them larger around with a knife: then take chopped veal as above, & fill them well, & put them to cook with hodgepodge of beef, or that which is wanted: then you can stuff the cucumbers and turnips.
To garnish a duck in the Irish style.
Put to boil a good duck, when cooked take some malvoisie, new butter, and take the roots of radishes well ground: put sugar & cinnamon therein, and make it boil, and cast it onto the duck, and serve so.
Take a duck that is well larded with little lardons, and put it to boil in Spanish wine, and when it is well cooked take a fresh lemon cut into slices, and chestnuts that are cooked and peeled, nutmeg and cinnamon and sugar, and make it stew well so, and take little branches of sage, and moisten in a batter that is made of white flour, and egg yolks, and make to fry sage in butter, that it isn't at all salty, and cast there on the duck that is on the plate, and serve so: white sugar thereon.
To make gilded veal brains.
Take the brains of veal that is cooked, and chop it very finely, and put in cinnamon, nutmeg, a little salt, and three or four egg yolks, and mix well all together: then take a caul of pork, & cut into pieces the size of a hand: then take the brains with a spoon, & put it on the caul, & enclose it well therein, & moisten it in beaten egg yolks, & make it fry in butter that is not at all black, & sugar thereon.
To make a peeled veal head in the Irish style.
Take a veal head with the rind, & put it that it is well salted, & let it cook well: when cooked remove the rind close by hand, then take the brains out from therein, & array like the other brains: then have trenchers of bread well held, & put the brains between two trenchers, & make to fry in butter: then take prunes, raisins, dates cut in two, & pine nuts, & put all to boil with Spanish wine, sugar & cinnamon therein cast on the head, & the fried brains around the plate, & serve so.
Veal head gilded in the same fashion.
Take a veal head cut in two, that the brains rest therein: then make it to fry in butter, & let it cool well, then make crepes of beaten eggs, that they will be very large: when cooked on one side take grated parmesan with a little cinnamon & pepper, & sprinkle on the crepes: then put the veal head therein, & turn the crepes well around, & return them & let fry again one or two times: put sugar & cinnamon thereon, & serve so.
To garnish a tortoise.
Take a tortoise, & cut the head, & let it die, then put it to boil a long time that you can remove the shell from the meat: then take off all the skin that you can, & take the meat & any eggs that there are, & put it to stew with good broth, & put a little ground nutmeg, a little pepper & rosemary, marjoram, mint & fresh butter, & salt, & white wine or verjuice, & a fresh citron in slices, & let it stew well so, & serve.
When the tortoise is well cooked, fry it in butter, a fresh citron cut into slices thereon, or make a sauce thereon with toasted white bread, & ground blanched almonds, & pass all well through a strainer, put sugar & ginger, & make it to boil that it will be thick, & put the fried tortoise therein, & serve forth.
To make blanc mangier fried in a pan.
Take blanc mangier that is very firmly cooked: then take egg yolks, the same amount that you have of blanc mangier, & a littler grated bread, & make it well with: then have melted butter without salt into the pan: when the butter is hot take a spoon, & cast the blanc mangier therein in little tartlets, & let it cook on both sides, sugar thereon, & serve forth.
Make a crepe a little flattened, & put blanc mangier into the crepe the length of a sausage, & turn the crepe all about, & make well cooked, & serve so.
Make little raviolis of paste, & put the blanc mangier therein & fry in butter.
To make stuffed eggs.
Make to boil eggs hard, & cut them in two pieces: then take the yolks out of both sides, & chop very finely with parsley, marjoram, a little salt, & put therein the yolks of raw eggs, chop it well together: then refill the whites with this: afterwards frying them in butter, then make a little batter thereon, that is sweet & sour, & serve so.
Take the same eggs, put them in water with butter all boiling, & put therein parmesan or other good fat cheese, cinnamon, pepper with butter, & serve so.
To make May eggs.
Take eggs, & put them to boil that they will be soft: then make an hole in the egg at both sides with a point or skewer of wood, that the hole is for putting a pea therein: then blow the yolks out, & chop parsley very finely, & mix it with the egg yolks, a little salt & pepper therein, & put again an egg yolk or two, or more, & refill the eggs with the point of a knife thereon, that it will be layered thereon with a little white bread, that it does not run at all: then have a cauldron of boiling water, & cast the eggs therein, & let them boil hard, afterwards take them out & peel, & cut them in half, & put thereon melted butter & juice of sorrel.
To make English eggs.
Take a dozen egg yolks well beaten, a little sugar therein: then take melted sugar in a little pot: when it begins to boil take the beaten egg yolks, put them through a strainer, & let run into the boiling syrup: that the syrup will be covered therein, when well cooked on one side turn to the other: when well cooked take them out, & make three or four pieces so, & put on a plate three or four.
Take egg yolks so beaten, & take a tart pan, & cast the egg yolks into the syrup in the tart pan, & let them cook like a crepe, & cut them into quarters 10 or twelve, & put on toasted white bread, & take malvoisie chaffed with butter, & cast it onto the toasts & eggs, and cinnamon thereon, and serve so.
To make a Hungarian crepe.
Take a dozen beaten eggs, and put them with white bread passed with a little cream well thick, and beat that with eggs, and make a crepe, when well cooked on two sides, sugar and cinnamon thereon.
Make two crepes of six eggs each: then have apples chopped and fried in butter, candied quince, well chopped and mixed with, two or three egg yolks, sugar and cinnamon, and put that into the two crepes, & put it again on the fire to cook on both sides.
Make two crepes like before: take onions fried in butter, & take grated parmesan, & three or four egg yolks therein beaten together: then cut the crepes square, & put them between the two, & make them well fried on both sides, sugar & cinnamon thereon.
To make Roman Marselette.
Take three new eggs, half a pound of ground white sugar passed through a sieve, two grains of musk & white flour, & make a soft paste, cut it into pieces the size of an egg, & put it on wafers & on paper, & cook it in the oven or in a tart pan, & put cinnamon thereon.
To whiten olive oil for eating in cream.
Make a little serenne, like one churns butter, a little crane thereunder to take the water out: then put cold water therein, & rake olive oil that is firm, & churn like butter: having churned a long time, let it cover the water out, & add new water two or three times, until you see that the oil is white: then take it out, & serve on plates.
To make May butter.
Take a quart of new milk, & put it on the fire, & make it turn in matton: when it begins to boil take a dozen beaten eggs, & cast them therein, & let boil until it seems that the eggs are cooked: then cast all in linen, & let drip the water well out, & press well that it doesn't hold any water therein: then grind well in a stone mortar, with half a pound of new butter, & pass it through a strainer, put there a little rose water: when so passed it needs to be churned a long time, & put sugar therein, & arrange on little plates, & raise it a little high, & sugar thereon.
For dry snow.
Take six egg whites well beaten a quarter hour long that it makes thick scum: then take the scum out, & beat the top until you have it all out: then take a pound of white sugar, & melt it with rose water, & let boil to perfection, until it falls with scattering like snow: then take two grains of musk with a little ground ginger, & mix well with the melted sugar: then take all the scum of egg whites, & mix well together with sugar, until you see that it becomes thick like cream, & put on plates, & serve so.
I deport myself to write many things that I make well, fearing to give anger to the reader: so that the knowledge is given to the world, each can be master of their affairs: praying the creator give you a long & happy life.
HERE FOLLOWS THE BANQUET of children without concern, like Frans Floris, Michel Angelo, orpheurs peincts, & many others, that want to dwell in the house of the cross.
For the first service.
Take a pound of new butter in large mass, & put it on a spit of wood to roast: when it begins to be a little hot, take powdered sugar & twice as much cinnamon as sugar, & sprinkle it on the butter that roasts on the fire, until it makes a very thick crust , then it will be enough.
Take oranges cut in two, & sprinkle sugar & cinnamon thereon, & put them on a grill with a little fire, & cast a little melted butter thereon until you see that the sugar is melted: then put again sugar & cinnamon, & butter, & make the fire a little bigger, & put another time sugar & cinnamon, until you see that it's through the orange.
Second service for pottage.
Make hot-water of malvoisie with egg yolks, & sugar candy & cinnamon, filled with pine nuts, & put bread therein which is called marzipan.
Making roasted larded candied oranges.
Take roasted partridges, well basted with butter & malvoisie: when well cooked it must be eaten with brown bread that is called monstachalle.
Oyster pies, marrow of beef, & pistache.
For the third service.
Tarts of blanc mangier, May butter, & eat it with camaline, & sugar paste: & look out well to drink malvoisie or Spanish wine without sugar.
When treating deliciously, Have the brewage likewise.
To make counterfeit malvoisie.
Take an amie of rain water, & make it chafe: then put therein twenty & seven pots of Spanish honey, & put it into the water, & make it well in the water, that it will be well melted, & make it boil well one hour, & skim it well, & put it to boil with half a pound of coriander, & half a pound of juniper berries or grains of pecque [oak? - DM], & eight ounces of crushed cinnamon: when boiled put it into a bottle or in a cask, & leave it so two days: then make a hole in the cask, or bottle, or three near the bottom, and & take out that which is clear: that which remains in the cask must be passed through a sack as you can, & put it into the cask, & keep it so: it is better in three years than the first year. Note for good flavor that is as sweet, before it is put on the fire, put therein a fresh egg well new, if the egg goes to sink in the water, it is sweet enough, otherwise not: add enough honey that the egg goes therein.
If that wine is too small,
Take the wine written below.
Frequently in Spain
You will find Ocagne wine.
And the wine here made,
Which you will find good & sweet.
WIne of Madera, wine Canary,
Wine of St. Martin, & Ribadaue,
Wine of Derese & Gilbelterre.
Sack wine, & wine of Toro,
Madrigal wine, wine Galiego,
Wine of Portferraro & Cacauello,
Malvoisie of Candie,
Malvoisie garba & muscadelle,
Hungarian wine, Greek wine,
Cherelle wine & Aperine,
Albano wine, & St. Severin,
Tears of Christ wine, cose wine,
Roman retournato wine
Wine of Delle, wine of France.
Berne wine, & gansvous,
Hermanshouse wine, Drechhouse,
Rinchoue, Northern wine.
Wine of Arbois & Soligny,
Wine of Beaune, & wine of Ay,
Wine of Orleans, & Basserode,
Wine of Bordeaux, & Petau.
O tongue which is sweet & tender,
Which has the use of good stuff!
In the end it must give you
To put your body in a tombeau.
Pray to God the good Jesus
that all we can do dwell here below.
If you do not know the room of the cross, ask it of any frians [?] that you, they will monstreront the road.
House of the cross that God grant you good day:
I viendray you to see when that viendra my all.
THE BANQUET OF THE ENTRANCE of Monsieur Robert de Berges Count of Walhain, Esquire & Prince of Liege, made in the palace in Liege, the year 1557 in the month of December, as follows.
There was in the palace accomodation for fourteen plates of meat: the table of the Prince was of five plates.
The second table was of six plates.
The third table of three plates of meats.
For the first service.
Guinea fowl boiled with oysters, & cardoons, Spanish salad.
Roast bustard. Tart of blanc mangier.
Boiled leg of mutton.
Sweet kid, & roasted oranges.
Marrow of beef in pottage.
Suckling pies of partridges.
Fat roasted veal in adobe. Roasted heron.
Hare in pottage.
Cold venison pie.
Roasted crane with olives. Boiled partridge
with capers. Roasted crane bird.
Roasted boar. Breast of veal
stuffed and boiled.
Roasted mutton & remorasque.
Boiled redressed veal. Roasted plovers.
Stag in pottage. Capon in Hungarian
pottage. Roasted water pegasine.
Little birds in pottage.
Roasted duck in dodine sauce.
Second service.
Roasted pheasant, royal sauce.
Fat roasted veal. Pies of kid.
Roasted stag. Ravioli of beef
marrow. Roasted hulpe.
Crane bird in pottage.
Roasted begasse. Capon pies.
Roasted bittern. Boar in pottage.
Roasted goat.
Creamed veal tart.
Roasted partridges in pine nut sauce.
Roasted hare.
Roasted swan in Cremonese sauce.
Roasted egret. Roasted wood fowl.
Blanc mangier ravioli leaves.
Roasted lepelaire. Redressed roasted veal.
Angry pie. Kid in pottage.
English pies.
Stuffed boiled pigeon. Duck in pottage.
Roasted cerselle. Redressed leg of
mutton. Roasted wild birds.
Third service.
Redressed wood fowl pies.
Cold roasted bustard. Pheasant pie.
Molded blanc mangier.
Dressed, molded jelly.
Cold roasted wild swan.
Pork jelly.
Redressed partridge pie.
Cold roasted guinea fowl.
Partridge pie, roasted crane.
Oysters in pottage, pigeon pies.
Bologna sausage. Boar pies.
Mushrooms in pottage. Roasted stag.
Boiled sturgeon. Goat pies.
Leg of Mayence.
Boiled Boar hurres.
Heron pie. Boiled Potato.
Stag pies. Lace jelly.
Anchovies. Bustard pies.
Trout in adobe. Lobster.
Guinea fowl pie. Larded jelly.
Hulpe pie. Roasted oysters.
Bittern pie. English brenne.
Seulette in adobe. Duck pie.
Egret pie. Turbot in adobe.
Sturgeon cafiade. Hare pie.
Smoked beef tongue. Roasted
Boar. Red deer in adobe. Mushroom fritters,
Crane pie. Boiled piece of Boar.
All the cold roasted venison was with gilded feet, & all the redressed pies gilded, & carrying banners.
All the lords were defrayed, each came to the palace seeking their raw meat, & all that they had need, spices & sugar.
Fourth service.
Large gilded marzipan. Genua pie.
Liquid sweets. Sugared waffles
Quince pies. Roman pipes.
White marmalade. Clear white jelly
Pistachine. Royal tart.
Long pipes. Orange pie.
Almond lard. May butter.
Wafers. Clear red jelly.
Sugared almonds. Apple pie.
Candied cinnamon. Moustacholle.
Dried sugar. Bugnole fritters.
Sugar pies. Samblette.
Palamitte. Molded marmalade.
Cream tart. Fish preserves.
Orange preserves with flowers.
Ice jelly. Offal puffs.
Large sugared biscuit, Eel fritter.
Sugared crenelle. Large castelin.
Candied capers. Candied pears.
Snow on rosemary. Raw apples.
Anise. Parmesan. Hungarian candied
prunes, puff cakes. Chestnuts.
Morquin. Rosquille. Biscotelle.
There were four parks of two feet square, environed in a hedge of butter.
The first was Adam & Eve made of butter, a serpent on a tree, & a running fountain, with little animals all around of butter.
The second park was the love of Pyramus & Thisbee, the lion by the fountain, & the trees all around environed in a hedge of butter.
The third park the hunt of Acteon, & the nymphs with Diana at the fountain, & then of the little dogs of butter.
The fourth park was two wild men, who battled one another with the masses by a fountain, & little lions of butter all around: each park had four banners.
To make blanc mangier bastard.
To make tarts of blanc mangier.
Veal tarts with cream.
Portuguese tarts.
Herb juice tarts.
To make badree tarts.
To make quince tarts.
To make green Cremonese tarts.
To make green geneuese tarts.
To make white geneuese tarts.
To make bean tarts.
To make turnip tarts.
To make rice tarts.
To make biscay tarts.
To make apple tarts.
To make almond tarts.
To make mushroom tarts.
To make Roman tarts.
Another Roman tart.
Bologna sausages.
Mortadella. Ceruelade.
Bologna sausage of fish.
Clear white jelly. Red jelly.
Yellow jelly. Lace jelly.
Larded jelly. Ice jelly.
Black jelly. Moustachelle.
Pipes. Sugar pies.
Orange pies. Fongeline
Peignolatte Pistachine.
Royal pies. Cremonese mustard.
Almond lard. Marzipan.
Colored sugar.
To prepare the sugar for casting.
Spanish pies, angry pies,
Suckling pies, English pies,
oyster pies, artichoke pies,
redressed veal pies, & of sturgeon,
Pies of fresh flat fish.
Pies of snails.
Dogfish pies.
Angry fish pies.
Offal puffs. Ravioli.
Another ravioli. Agnolin.
Sweet capitolade.
Parmesan capitolade.
Sturgeon in pottage. Roasted sturgeon.
Sturgeon mousse. Sturgeon sausage.
Sturgeon mortadella.
Sturgeon in adobe.
Sea heron in adobe.
Lobster or crab.
Lobster in pottage.
Tripe of pike.
Dogfish tripe.
Lamprey or pricque in adobe.
Dogfish in adobe
Boiled dogfish.
Roasted dogfish.
Chopped dogfish.
Boiled tunny. Tunny in pottage.
Tunny in adobe. Boiled potato.
Another. Another again.
Another again.
Beef marrow in pottage. Another
Nether parts or genitals of veal.
Another. Another kind.
Hungarian capon in pottage.
Redressed capon. Capon in adobe.
Barded & roasted capon.
To make potpourri.
Veal hodgepodge in mesnage.
Another. Another kind. Another kind.
Stuffed veal liver in pottage.
Boiled & stuffed capon.
Portuguese partridges in pottage.
Catalan partridges.
Redressed boiled leg of mutton.
Another. Another. Another.
Roasted & stuffed shoulder of mutton.
Veal liver in pottage.
Tomaselle, Roasted veal liver.
Another: Another kind,
Roasted & stuffed veal loin,
Roasted cow udder.
Another: Another:
Redressed stuffed veal: Snow,
to keep crane & egret,
to keep quince,
to give a new wine the taste of
muscadelle: Stuffed cabbage:
Duck in the Irish style: Another:
Gilded veal brains:
Peeled veal head in the Irish style:
Gilded veal head:
Boiled tortoise: Another:
Fried blanc mangier:
Sausage of blanc mangier:
Another. Stuffed eggs.
Another. May eggs.
English eggs.
Hungarian crepe. Another.
Roman marselette.
May butter. Dry snow.
The banquet of the children without concern.
The banquet of the entrance of Monsieur
Robert de Berghes, in his time
Esquire & Prince of Liege, etc.
End of the Index.
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