Variety: Saint Catherine (1699)
Image - Allgemeines teutsches Garten (1809)
Tree large, vigorous, round-topped, usually hardy, productive; leaves folded upward, oval, one and one-half inches wide, three inches long; petiole three-quarters inch long, globose glands; season of bloom intermediate, long, flowers one inch across, white, the buds tinged yellow as they open; fruit late, inermediate in length of ripening season, small obovate or oval, apex depressed, color dull green, changing to golden-yellow, overspread with thin bloom, skin thick, tough, clinging slightly; flesh light golden-yellow, juicy, fibrous, sweet, mild, pleasant, not high in flavor, good quality; stone clinging, three quarters inch by one-half inch in size, oval; origin is unknown but was first mentioned by Quintinye in 1699; the American Pomological Society added it to its fruit catalog list in 1862 and dropped it in 1899.