Variety: Citron de Carmes (1628)
Photo - USDA National Germplasm Repository
Image - Allgemeines teutsches Garten (1809)
Synonyms: Citron des Carmes, Early Chaumontelle, Early Chaumontel (incorrectly), Early Madelaine, Early Rose Angle, Green Chisel (incorrectly), Grune Magdalena, Grune Sommer, Grune Sommer Magdalena, Hasting pear, Madeleine au Citron des Carmes, Madeline, Magdalen, Magdaleine, Magdelen, Poire Hativeau, Sainte Madelaine
This is a very fine early fruit - the size is small, not much larger than the Hativeau - the skin green, the flesh juicy, buttery, and highly flavored - the taste, when not too ripe, sugary. This pear Mr. Prince calls the early Chaumontel; it is one of the finest fruits of the season. -- W. Coxe, A view of the cultivation of fruit trees, 1817.