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Medieval Menus

Menus by Modern Cooks

These menus were created for feasts and royalty lunches at re-enactment events in southwest Ohio.

Menus by Daniel Myers

Menus by Kristen Wright (on her site at

Menus by Jennifer Marshall-Craig

Menus From Medieval Sources

Du fait de cuisine, (France, 1420)

dinner of the first day
For the supper
For the next day. For the dinner
For the supper

Le Ménagier de Paris, (France, 1393)

I. Meat-day Dinner, Thirty-one dishes in Six ...
II. Another Meat Dinner of Twenty-four Dishes ...
III. Another Meat Dinner
IV. Another Meat Dinner
V. Another Meat Dinner
VI. Another Meat Dinner
VII. Another Meat Dinner
VIII. Another Meat Dinner
IX. Another Meat Dinner
X. Another Meat Dish
XI. Another Dinner
XII. Another Dinner
XIII. Another Meat Dinner
XIV. Another Meat Dinner
XV. Another Dinner of Twenty-four Services wi ...
XVI. Meat Supper with Four Platters
XVII. Another Meat Supper
XVIII. Another Meat Supper
XIX. Fish Dinner for Lent
XX. Another Fish Dinner for Lent
XXI. Another Fish Dinner
XXII. Another Fish Dinner
XXIII. Another Fish Dinner
XXIV. Another Fish Dinner

A Noble Boke off Cookry (England, 1468)

The ffeste off kynge henry the iiijth to the ...
The stallinge of clifford Bischope off London ...
The ffest off Nevell Archebisshope of York an ...
prime coursis le princ ffest
Le second ffeste
le tercius fest
Le primer fest
Le secund feste
Le tercius fest
Servys in the monthe of Janyuar
A dener for houfolds in the sam monethe
Servis in the monthe of fevrielle

A Proper newe Booke of Cokerye, (England, mid-16th c.)

Here after foloweth the order of meates how t ...
The fyrste service at supper
The seruice at dyner
Service for fyshe dayes

Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery Books, (England, 1450)

Conuiuium domini Henrici Regis quarti, In cor ...
Conuiuium Regis supradicti in nupcijs apud Wy ...
Ibidem conuiuium de pissibus.
In Festo Sancte Trinitatis in cena.
Conuiuium domini de la Grey.
Conuiuium Flemmynge, Lincolniensis Episcopi.
Conuiuium Johannis Chaundelere, Episcopi Saru ...
Conuiuium domini Nicholai Bubbewyth, nuper ep ...
Conuiuium de piscibus pro viris Religiosis ad ...
Conuiuium Johannis Stafforde, Episcopi Wellen ...
Pro inferiori parte Aule, & in alijs loci ...
A Ryal Fest in the Feste at the weddyng of th ...
Pro inferiori parte Auli.
This is the purviaunce made for Kinge Richard ...
Atte the stalling of John Stafford, Archibiss ...