Lunch on the 8th of October with two services from the Credenza and
one from the kitchen, with three plates, three butlers and three carvers.
First service from the sideboard
Layered pizza made with fine wheat flour, egg yolks, sugar and butter
# 15 plates 3
Sausage cooked in wine, cut in slices
6 lb plates 3
Goat pie, six pounds of goat each pie, served cold
# 3 plates 3
Small rolled pastries filled with a stuffing of sugar cakes
#15 plates 3
Spiced salted pork, cooked in wine, cut in slices
6 lb plates 3
Sweet mustard for flavor
plates 5
First and last service from the kitchen
Buntings roasted on the spit with their crust
#60 plates 3
Quail roasted on the spit served hot
#24 plates 3
Pork liver, in caul, roasted on the spit, served with sour orange on
#30 plates 3
Liver sweet bread and liver fried served with lemon juice, pepper and
salt above
6 lb plates 3
Meatballs/chunks of veal roasted on the spit and then stewed
15 lb plates 3
Pigeons marinated and then fried, served with sugar and cinnamon above
#15 plates 3
Turkey cooked like a pheasant served with slices of lemon on top
#6 plates 3
Dish of wheat/spelt, with a cheese and egg liaison
18 lb plates 3
Capon boiled, covered with tortelletti without pasta, served with cheese
sugar and cinnamon #6 plates 3
Sweet mustard made with myrtle/bilberry juice
plates 5
Fresh grapes of many sorts
9lb plates 3
Lombard herb tart served with sugar above
#3 plates 3
White tart with juice of “appie” apples
#3 plates 3
Second and last course from the sideboard
Truffles stewed with oil, sour orange juice and pepper
12 lb plates 3
Raw truffles served with salt and pepper
3 lb plates 3
Small tarts of cling stone peaches of two per pastry
#15 plates 3
Pears and apples of many kinds
#3 plates 3
Marzolini cheese of 2lb each split
#3 plates 3
Roman cheese
6lb plates 3
Clingstone peaches peeled in white wine
#24 plates 3
Roasted sweet chestnuts served with salt, sugar and pepper
#90 plates 3
Snow of milk, served with sugar on top
plates 5
Wafers made like a scroll (rolled)
# 140 plates 3
Little cakes of Monaco (Ciambelle)
#90 plates 3
Raise the tablecloth, wash hands, change the white napkins
Green fennel stripped from the stalk
2lb plates 3
Scented toothpicks
#15 plates 3
Bundles of flowers
# 15 plates 3
Candies and comfits to ones pleasure plates
3 per kind
Dinner (on the 8th) with the same order/layout as the lunch
First course from the sideboard
Endive salad
plates 3
Carrot salad
plates 3
Chicory salad
plates 3
Salad of little hats (stuffed pasta), with raisins and sugar
3lb plates 3
Salted beef tongue and sausage cooked in wine, cut in slices
5lb plates 3
Little ears (small pastry shells) made with layered pastry filled with
sugar cakes #15 plates 3
Capon “sopramentati” served cold with sliced lemons above
# 6 plates 3
Naples olives
# 90 plates 3
Fresh grapes of many kinds
9lb plates 3
First service from the kitchen
Pigeons cooked in larded broth
#15 plates 3
Larks interspersed with sage leaves roasted on the spit
#45 plates 3
Quail pie, 2 per pie
#15 plates 3
Woodland duck stewed in the oven with whole onions
#6 plates 3
Stuffed veal, boiled, served with parsley on top
18 lb plates 3
Pieces of veal, stuffed, roasted on the spit, served with their juices
12lb plates 3
Dish of turnip with 3 pounds of yellow “cervellate” sausage and 3lbs
of pork jowls plates 3
Second and last service from the sideboard
Marzipan and pear tart
#3 plates 3
Bolognese style herb tart, served with sugar on top
#3 plates 3
Raw truffles, served with salt and pepper
3lb plates 3
Many kinds of pears and apples
#45 plates 3
Romagnolo cheese
6lb plates 3
Parmegiano cheese
6lb plates 3
Fresh almonds, split, served on live leaves
#120 plates 3
Snow of milk served with sugar on top
plates 5
Wafers made like scrolls
#150 plates 3
Ciambelle of Monaco
#100 plates 3
Raise the tablecloth, wash hands, change the white napkins
Sweet chestnuts cooked on the grill, served with salt, sugar and pepper
Green fennel stripped from the stalk
2lb plates 3
Scented toothpicks
#15 plates 3
Bundles of flowers with the feet gilded and silk wrapped
# 15 plates 3
Candies and comfits to ones pleasure plates
3 per kind
Lunch on the 15th of October with two services from the sideboard
and two from the kitchen, service of four plates with four butlers and
four carvers.
First service from the sideboard
Pieces of marzipan
#24 plates 4
Neapolitan style biscotti
#24 plates 4
Morsels of marzipan
#24 plates 4
Pisa style biscotti with Madeira wine in glasses
#24 plates 4
Simple layered pastry made with milk and eggs
#24 plates 4
Ham cooked in wine and then shredded, served with capers, raisins and
sugar 6lb plates 4
Salted pork tongue cooked in wine, cut in slices
#4 plates 4
Loin of “ruffalotto” roasted on the spit, served cold with sour orange
slices above 24lb plates 4
Sweet mustard for flavor
plates 8
Many kinds of fresh grapes
12 lb plates 4
Spanish olives
#120 plates 4
First service from the kitchen
Veal sweet bread and liver fried served with sour orange juice, salt,
sugar and pepper on top 8lb plates 4
Larks roasted on the spit, served with lemon juice on top
#72 plates 4
Quail roasted on the spit, served with sour orange slices
#36 plates 4
Partridge in paper roasted on the spit, served with lemon slices
#24 plates 4
Bustard cooked like pheasant, served with lemon slices and sugar
#12 plates 4
Stuffed pigeons roasted on the spit, served with sugar and capers above
#24 plates 4
Rabbit roasted on the spit served with its’ juices above
#8 plates 4
“Zigotti” of goat roasted on the spit served with its’ juice above
#4 plates 4
Soup of pieces of turtle dove with flesh of 3 pigeons under each plate
plates 8
Meat gelatin in quarters
plates 8
Second and last service from the kitchen
Large geese stuffed in the Lombard style, boiled, covered with little
rings (stuffed pasta) served with sugar and cinnamon above
#4 plates 4
Breast of veal, stuffed, boiled, served with flowers on top
20lb plates 4
Well tenderized/aged beef, boiled, served with parsley on top
24lb plates 4
Garlic almond sauce
plates 8
Pigeons stewed with “mortatelle” sausage and whole onions
#24 plates 4
Turkish rice with milk, served with sugar and cinnamon
plates 8
Dish of stalked cabbage (kohl rabbi) with pieces of cured pork belly
plates 8
Pie of Bustard or Turkey with two per pie, served hot
#4 plates 4
Fricasee of breast of roe deer with fried small onions
20lb plates 4
Large pie filled with custard
#4 plates 4
Boiled veal feet, sauce liaison of cheese and eggs
#12 plates 4
Second and last service from the sideboard
Bean tart
#4 plates 4
Marzipan pear tart
#4 plates 4
Amber colored jelly in bite sized pieces
plates 8
Pastry of quince with one quince per pastry
#24 plates 4
Many kinds of pears and apples
#80 plates 4
Slices of Parmegiano cheese
8lb plates 4
Riviera cheese
8lb plates 4
Fresh almonds, cracked served on their live leaves
250 plates 4
Sweet chestnuts roasted on the grill, served with sugar, salt and pepper
#200 plates 4
Snow of milk served with sugar
plates 8
Wafers made like scrolls
#200 plates 4
Small cakes (ciambelle) of Monaco
#180 plates 4
Raise the tablecloth, wash hands, change the white napkins
Green fennel stripped from the stalk
3lb plates 4
Scented toothpicks
#24 plates 4
Bundles of scented flowers
# 24 plates 4
Candies and comfits to ones pleasure
plates 4 per kind
Dinner (on the 15th) following the same order/layout as lunch
First service from the sideboard
Salad of greens cooked and raw of many kinds
plates 4 of each
Salad of “stuffed hat” pasta and raisins
6lb plates 4
Salad of veal feet
#8 plates 4
Goat pie, of 6lb per pie, served cold
#4 plates 4
Capon “sopramentati” served cold with lemon slices and sugar
#8 plates 4
Mustard made for flavor
plates 8
Salted beef tongue and sausage cooked in wine, cut in slices
8lb plates 4
Small, layered pastry filled with blancmange
#24 plates 4
First service from the kitchen
Partridge roasted on the spit, served with sliced lemons and sugar
above #24 plates 4
Quail separated with six pounds of sausage roasted on the spit served
with fennel flowers (or ground fennel) and salt
#24 plates 4
Wood cock roasted on the spit, served with its’ own juices
#24 plates 4
Pie of larks, with four per pastry
#24 plates 4
Tart of kid sweet bread and rump of pigeons with “Lucchese” sausage
#4 plates 4
Young hare roasted on the spit, served with pine nuts
#8 plates 4
Pigeons stewed with ham and whole onions
#24 plates 4
Veal pie of six pounds per pie, served hot
#4 plates 4
Thick sour cherry sauce
plates 8
Second service from the kitchen
Kneaded capon, stuffed in the Lombard style, boiled, served with violets
above #4 plates 4
Almond sauce
plates 8
Blancmange in plates, served with sugar and pomegranate seeds
plates 8
Partridge boiled with Bolognese cabbage and “cervellate” sausage
#24 plates 4
Belly of veal braised with pork “mendrolla” and spices
20 lb plates 4
Dove pie with five per pie with pitted olives inside
# 4 plates 4
Boiled shoulder of mutton served with parsley above
24 lb plates 4
Salted cow meat boiled, served with mint above
24lb plates 4
Garlic almond sauce for flavor
plates 8
Second and last service from the sideboard
White marzipaned tart
#4 plates 4
Pies of bergamot pears, eight per pie
#4 plates 4
Green tart
#4 plates 4
Pie of quince with four per pastry
#4 plates 4
Jelly in glass beakers
plates 8
A work of empty (puff) pastry
plates 4
Truffles stewed in oil, sour orange juice and pepper
6lb plates 4
Raw truffles served with salt and pepper
4lb plates 4
Many kinds of apple and pear
#72 plates 4
Marzolino cheese of two pounds each split
#4 plates 4
Maiorichino cheese
8lb plates 4
Fresh grapes of many kinds
12lbs plates 4
Sweet chestnuts cooked on the grill served with salt, sugar and pepper
#150 plates 4
Snow of milk, served with sugar above
plates 8
Wafers made like scrolls
#200 plates 4
Small cakes (ciambelle) of Monaco
#160 plates 4
Raise the tablecloth, wash hands, change the white napkins
Green fennel stripped from the stalk
3lb plates 4
Scented toothpicks
#24 plates 4
Bundles of scented flowers
# 24 plates 4
Candies and comfits to ones pleasure
plates 4 per kind
Lunch on the 21st of October with two services from the sideboard
and two from the kitchen, served in five plates with five butlers and five
First service from the sideboard
Hazelnut candies and other dry confections
30lb 5 plates each
Pisa style biscotti with Madeira wine in beakers
#30 plates 5
Neapolitan style biscotti
#30 plates 5
Morsels of marzipan
#30 plates 5
Little layered pastry pies, filled with a stuffing of sugar cakes
#30 plates 5
Salted beef tongue cooked in wine cut in slices
#2 plates 5
Sausage cooked in wine, cut in slices
4lb plates 5
Goat pie of six pounds per pie served cold
#5 plates 5
Sour cherry sauce
Plates 10
Ham cooked in wine and then shredded, served with currants, sugar and
sour orange juice above 10lb plates 5
Tortona olives
#150 plates 5
Many kinds of fresh grapes
15lb plates 5
First service from the kitchen
Buntings roasted on the spit with their crust
#90 plates 5
Quail interleaved with sage leaves roasted on the spit with their crust
#45 plates 5
Thrush interspaced with sausage roasted on the spit served with sour
orange slices #60 plates 5
Frittata with veal sweet bread and liver, served with lemon juice,
pepper, salt and sugar above 10 lb plates 5
Pheasant stuffed, wrapped in paper, roasted on the spit, served with
sour orange slices on top. #15 plates 5
Tart of pigeon flesh and parboiled cow teat
#5 plates 5
Soppes/soup in the Lombard style with five pounds of fine “cervellate”
plates 10
Veal loin roasted on the spit, served with lemon juice & sugar
30 lb plates 5
Turkey larded finely, roasted on the spit served with sour orange juice
and sugar
#5 plates 5
Cow teat boiled and then cut in slices, dipped in egg and fried, with
lemon juice sugar and cinnamon lb 10 p5
Meat jelly in quarters with lancets (slivers) of boiled chicken below
plates 10
Second and last course from the kitchen
Large capons stuffed, boiled, covered with little rings (stuffed pasta)
served with cheese, sugar and cinnamon above #5 plates 5
Breast of veal, stuffed, boiled, served with parsley
#30 plates 5
Beef meat in the Lombard style salted and boiled served with mint above
30lb plates 5
Sweet mustard for flavor
plates 10
Turkey stewed with pigs paunch, sausage and quince
#5 plates 5
Pie of veal tongue with two per pie with their juice inside
# 5 plates 5
Pigeons roasted on the spit, covered with caper sauce
#30 plates 5
Pieces of “ruffalotto” in fat broth with sage sprouts
25 lb plates 5
“Zigotti” of goat roasted on the spit, served with onions cooked in
it’s fat under the roast #5 plates 5
Well tenderized/aged cow, boiled, served with parsley
30lb plates 5
Garlic almond sauce for flavor
plates 10
Small bird pie with twenty per pie
#5 plates 5
Blancmange in plates, served with pomegranate seeds and sugar above
plates 10
Jelly passed through the syringe
plates 10
Second and last service from the sideboard
Tart of quince
#5 plates 5
Pastry of little pears with 3 per pastry
#30 plates 5
White tart
#5 plates 5
Little tarts of truffles with ½ lb per pastry
#30 plates 5
Bolognese style herb tart
#5 plates 5
A work of puff pastry
plates 5
Oysters cooked on the grill, served with sour orange juice and pepper
#160 plates 5
Raw truffles served with salt and pepper
lb8 plates 5
Cardoon prepared served with salt and pepper
lb 8 plates 5
Pears and apples of many kinds
#120 plates 5
Parmegiano cheese in slices
10lb plates 5
Romagnolo cheese in the shape of a lemon, of 1.5 lb each
#8 plates 5
Sweet chestnuts cooked on the grill, served with salt, sugar and pepper
#180- plates 5
Snow of milk served with sugar on top
plates 10
Small wafers rolled like a scroll
#200 plates 5
Small cakes (ciambelle) of Monaco
#200 plates 5
Raise the tablecloth, wash hands, change the white napkins
Green fennel stripped from the stalk
4lb plates 5
Scented toothpicks
#30 plates 5
Bundles of flowers of many colors
# 30 plates 4
Candies and comfits to ones pleasure
plates 5 per kind
Dinner (on the 21st) following the same order/layout as lunch
First service from the sideboard
Salad of greens cooked and raw of many kinds
plates 5 per kind
Salad of stuffed “little hat” pasta, raisins and sugar
6lb plates 5
Salad of veal feet,
#10 plates 5
Goat pie, served cold, six pounds per pastry
#5 plates 5
Capon “sopramentati”, served cold with sliced lemons and sugar
#10 plates 5
Strong mustard in plates
plates 10
Turkey roasted on the spit, served cold and carved with slices of sour
orange above #3 plates 5
Tarts with layered pastry filled with blancmange
#30 plates 5
First service from the kitchen
Turkey, larded, roasted on the spit, served with stuffed “little hat”
pasta and sugar on top
#5 plates 5
Chunks of veal of three ounces each roasted on the spit, served with
their juices
#60 plates 5
Pheasant, wrapped in paper, roasted on the spit, served with lemon
slices on top
#10 plates 5
Quail pie, with 8 per pie with truffles inside
#5 plates 5
Thrush roasted on the spit covered in capers
#30 plates 5
Jelly in the form of cured pork belly (in striped layers?)
plates 10
Turtle doves roasted on the spit with their crust
#30 plates 5
Rabbits roasted on the spit, covered with black sauce, served with
soaked pinenuts
#10 plates 5
Sauce of raisins and biscotti
plates 10
Large pie of bustard with three per pie
#5 plates 5
Many kinds of fresh grapes
15lb plates 5
Second and last service from the kitchen
Partridge boiled with Bolognese cabbage and five pounds of yellow “cervellate”
#30 plates 5
Large capons, boiled covered with stuffed “little ring” pasta, served
with cheese, sugar and cinnamon #5 plates 5
Breast of veal boiled served with parsley
25 lb plates 5
Salted pork belly, boiled, served covered with garlic sauce
20lb plates 5
Spiced rice dish “ginestrata” in plates served with sugar and cinnamon
plates 10
Marzipan plum tart
#5 plates 5
Wood pigeon in larded broth
#30 plates 5
Bite sized bits of jelly of an amber color
plates 10
Fricassee of breast of goat served with fried onions
20lb plates 5
Second and last service from the sideboard
Pastry of quince with four per pie
#5 plates 5
Lombard style herb tart
#5 plates 5
Little pastries of truffle of 1/2lb per pastry
#30 plates 5
Tart of “appie” apples and biscotti
#5 plates 5
Raw truffle served with salt and pepper
8lb plates 5
Oysters cooked on the grill with sour orange juice and pepper
#120 plates 5
Little pies of pear with 3 per pie
#30 plates 5
A work of puff pastry
plates 5
Roasted sweet chestnuts with salt, sugar and pepper
#180 plates 5
Pears of many kinds
#90 plates 5
Marzolini cheese of two pounds each, split
#5 plates 5
Maiorichino cheese
10lb plates 5
Snow of milk served with sugar
plates 10
Wafers made like scrolls
#250 plates 5
Little cakes (ciambelle) of Monaco
#200 plates 5
Raise the tablecloth, wash hands, change the white napkins
Green fennel stripped from the stalk
4lb plates 5
Toothpicks in plates with rosewater
#30 plates 5
Bundles of perfumed flowers
# 30 plates 4
Candies and comfits to ones pleasure
plates 5 per kind
Lunch on the 28th of October, a mixture of lean and fat (fish and
meat) with two services from the sideboard and four from the kitchen.
This lunch serving also for dinner, with 8 services, antipasti and post
pasti, served in 8 plates with 8 butlers and carvers.
First service from the sideboard
Marzipan biscotti
#40 plates 8
Neapolitan style biscotti
#40 plates 8
Fresh pine nut candy
#40 plates 8
Royal small sugar cakes
#40 plates 8
Small rolled layered pastries made with butter
#40 plates 8
Anchovies with a condiment of oil, vinegar and oregano
#120 plates 8
Salted beef tongue, cooked in wine, cut in slices
#4 plates 8
Caviar on slices of bread, served with sour orange juice
8lb plates 8
Turkey roasted on the sit, served carved with capers and sugar
#4 plates 8
Sausage cooked in wine cut in slices
12lb plates 8
Mullet caviar/roe, cut in slices heated on the grill served with oil,
vinegar, pepper or juice of lemons or sour oranges
lb 8 plates 8
Cured pork belly, soaked to remove salt, boiled in wine, cut in slices
served with sour orange juice and sugar
8lb plates 8
Herring cooked on the grill served in a salad
#40 plates 8
Ham cooked in wine, then shredded, served with sour orange and sugar
10lb plates 8
Stuffed little hat pasta prepared with dried grapes, sugar and rose
vinegar plates 8
Head of milk (clotted cream or junket) served with sugar
#40 plates 8
Pie of goat with 6lb goat per pie served cold
#8 plates 8
Carp served cold with rose scented vinegar and sugar
40lb plates 8
Veal’s feet jelly served with capon below
plates 13
Salted anchovies condimented
12lb plates 8
Layered pastry tart filled with blancmange
#40 plates 8
Ling fish condimented
8lb plates 8
Spanish olives
#240 plates 8
Many kinds of fresh grapes
24 lb plates 8
First service from the kitchen
Layered pastry pie with veal sweet bread, chopped, one pound per pie
#40 plates 8
Crostate of milk (milt?) and liver of sturgeon
#8 plates 8
Buntings roasted on the spit with their crust
#160 plates 8
Little horse mackerels and flat fish cooked on the grill served with
their juices 40lb plates
Quail interspaced with 8lb sausage roasted on the spit served with
sour orange slices #40 plates 8
Trout pie of six pounds per pie served hot
#8 plates 8
Stuffed pheasant roasted on the spit served cold
#16 plates 8
Large gray mullet, cooked on the grill served with raisins and it’s
40 lb plates 8
Chunks of veal of four ounces each, stuffed, roasted on the spit, served
with their juices #80 plates 8
Large anchovies, roasted on the spit with their crust
40lb plates 8
Rear half of a kid roasted on the spit served with sour orange juice
#8 plates 8
Pastry “toriglioni” made with butter and sugar
#8 plates 8
Turkey roasted on the spit served with capers
#8 plates 8
Large lamprey stewed served with its juice
32lb plates 8
Rabbit roasted on the spit served with black sauce and pine nuts
#16 plates 8
Small squid, fried, served with sour orange juice above
32lb plates 8
Pigeons marinated then fried, served with their sauce above
#40 plates 8
Large gilt head (dorada) cooked on the grill served with sliced lemons
40lb plates 8
Fricassee of goat with chopped fried onions
32lb plates 8
Fritter/omelet of kidney with ham and herbs of 8 eggs each
#20 plates 8
Ravioli without pasta (dumplings), served with cheese sugar and cinnamon
on top #240 plates 8
Young turtle doves roasted on the spit with their crust
#40 plates 8
Little pigs, that is young small sturgeon, skinned, cut in pieces,
roasted on the spit served with raisins cooked in wine, sugar and cinnamon
32lb plates 8
Suckling pig, skinned and roasted on the spit
#8 plates 8
Soppes/soup of whelks shelled
plates 13
Lark interspaced between each two with chicken liver in caul roasted
on the spit #80 plates 8
Little rolled straws of egg, filled, with two eggs per roll
#40 plates 8
Second service from the kitchen
Head of sturgeon and bearded umber fish, boiled, served with borage
#8 plates 8
Head of veal, boiled, served with parsley on top and a sour orange
in its’ mouth
#8 plates 8
White almond sauce
plates 13
Pieces of large pike, white cooked, covered with garlic sauce
40lb plates 8
Kneaded capon boiled, covered with stuffed “little ring” pasta served
with cheese, sugar cinnamon #8 plates 8
Large bass in a potage with ground almonds, prunes and dried cherries
40lb plates 8
Wood pigeon in larded broth
#40 plates 8
Pieces of sturgeon stewed with wine, sugar, butter and whole onions
40lb plates 8
Salted geese, served with pasta “papardelle”, cooked cheese, sugar
and cinnamon #8 plates
Pastry of lamprey with three pounds per pastry with its juices inside
#8 plates 8
Wood duck, stewed, served with boiled cardoon and chicken broth
#16 plates 8
Soppes/soup of lost eggs (scrambled/poached) 10 eggs per plate served
with cheese sugar cinnamon plates 8
Home raised pigeons stewed with rutabega and pork jowls
#40 plates 8
Large squid stuffed, in a potage
32lb plates 8
Veal tongue pie, with its juice inside
#8 plates 8
Hard boiled eggs, stuffed, served with their sauce
#48 plates 8
Breast of veal, stuffed, boiled served with parsley
40lb plates 8
Tart of hazel nuts in the Milan style
#8 plates 8
Pheasant half roasted on the spit and then boiled with Bolognese cabbage
and eight pounds of ‘cervellate’ sausage, served with these things and
cheese and cinnamon above
#8 plates 8
Pieces of tuna, baked, served with their juices
40 lb plates 8
Gratin of four front halves of goat served with lemon juice
plates 8
Pie of tortoise with three per pie
#8 plates 8
Slavonic style jelly
plates 13
Salted beef, boiled served with parsley
48lb plates 8
Chunks of veal, each 1lb roasted on the spit served with their juice
#32 plates 8
Garlic sauce for flavor
plates 13
Pastry of rear half of hare in pieces with half a hare per pastry
#8 plates 8
Horse mackerel and little bearded umber fish marinated, served with
their juice 40lb plates
Blancmange in plates, served with sugar and pomegranate seeds
plates 13
Pieces of large trout of 5lbs each cooked in wine in the Milan style
#8 plates 8
Mustard for flavor
plates 13
Third service from the kitchen
Loin of veal roasted on the spit, served with slices of citron above
48lb plates 8
Large flat fish fried, served with sour orange above
40lb plates 8
Peahen roasted on the spit
#8 plates 8
Spanish olives
#240 plates 8
Fresh grapes of many kinds
24lb plates 8
Pieces of sturgeon roasted on the spit served with their juice
32lb plates 8
Large hare roasted on the spit covered with black sauce (civet) served
with sugared coriander seeds #8 plates 8
Carp or trout of two pounds each, cooked like carp, served with rose
vinegar above
#12 plates 8
Large capons stuffed and roasted on the spit, served with chopped sour
oranges and sugar above
#12 plates 8
Mackerel, mullet and “soveri” fried, served with lemon slices
48lb plates 8
Pastry of loin of dried something (seccaticcia) of 6lbs per pastry
#8 plates 8
Tench stuffed, cooked on the grill
50lb plates 8
Sour cherry sauce
plates 8
Half hard cooked eggs, peeled, floured and fried served with sugar
#80 plates 8
Meat jelly in quarters
plates 8
Chunks of veal of one pound each roasted on the spit covered with a
sauce made from the marinade
#32 plates 8
Soppes/soup of trout eggs
plates 13
Pie of head of goat without bones, stuffed, three per pie
#8 plates 8
Fish of fountains/springs or little fish of the river fried served
with orange juice and salt 32lb plates 8
Jays roasted on the spit served with pitted olives
#40 plates 8
Ravioli with pasta boiled, covered with cheese, sugar and cinnamon
#240 plates 8
A “crab fish called St Bernard the hermit” fried covered with verjuice
#200 plates 8
Little pies of small birds of 6 per pie
#40 plates 8
Jelly of pike with flesh of mullet cooked in wine below
plates 13
Shoulder of mutton, remade, wrapped in caul and then cooked on the
grill, served with cut lemons and sugar above #8 plates 8
Sour cherry sauce
plates 13
Spicy rice dish (ginestrata)
plates 13
Tortoise fried, served with sliced sour orange above
#24 plates 8
Salted pork belly, soaked, wrapped in a caul, roasted on the spit,
served with lemon slices and sugar 32lb plates
Large sardines fried, served with cut lemons and salt above
32lb plates 8
Fried eggs covered with sugar and cinnamon, served with sour orange
#80 plates 8
Wood cock and pheasant roasted on the spit served with their juices
#40 plates 8
Tart of pears served cold
#8 plates 8
Fourth and last service from the kitchen
Pie of apples and pears with eight fruit per pie
#8 plates 8
Tart of appie apples with biscotti
#8 plates 8
Tart of truffles with ½ lb truffles per tart
#40 plates 8
Small rolled pastries stuffed with pine nuts and raisins
#40 plates 8
Pie of quince with 4 quince/pie
#8 plates 8
Jelly of meat in the form of a half relief (sculpture/carving?)
plates 13
White marzipan tart
#8 plates 8
Pie of milk or the best cream large
#8 plates 8
Sage tart
#8 plates 8
Little pies of oysters with 4 per pastry
#40 plates 8
Female crayfish cooked in wine and spices, served hot with vinegar
and pepper #300 plates 8
Soppes/soup of cockles shucked
plates 13
A work in puff pastry
plates 8
Roman mussels cooked on the grill 1000
plates 8
Dancing coins (scallops) cooked on the grill like mussels
#400 plates 8
Oysters cooked on the grill
#140 plates 8
Lombard style herb tart
#8 plates 8
Second and last service from the sideboard
Truffles stewed in oil and sour orange juice and pepper
12lb plates 8
Raw truffles served with salt and pepper
8lb plates 8
Quince cooked on the spit served with roesewater and sugar
#40 plates 8
“Caravalle” pears cooked in the heat of the fire, served with gilded
#28 plates 8
Pears cooked in wine and sugar, served with candied aniseed
#80 plates 8
Pomegranate seeds, served with sugar above
plates 8
Cling stone peaches peeled in white wine
#60 plates 8
Whole quince cooked in wine, sugar and cinnamon
#40 plates 8
Cardoon served with salt, sugar and pepper
#8 plates 8
Roasted sweet chestnuts served with salt, sugar and pepper
#240 plates 8
Pears and apples of many kinds
#120 plates 8
Marzolini cheese of two pounds each split
12lb plates 8
Florentine Raviggioli cheese
12lb plates 8
Parmegian cheese in slices
plates 8
Snow of milk served with sugar on
plates 13
Wafers made like a scroll
#300 plates 8
Small cakes (ciambelle) of Monaco
250 plates 8
Raise the tablecloth, wash hands, change the white napkins
Green fennel stripped from the stalk
5lb plates 8
Scented toothpicks
#40 plates 8
Bundles of flowers with the stalks wrapped in silk and silver
# 40 plates 8
Candies and comfits to ones pleasure
plates 8 per kind
Dinner in a lean day of the before written month (October) with three
services from the sideboard and four from the kitchen, which dinner may
be served as a lunch, served in nine plates, with nine butlers and nine
First service from the sideboard
Neapolitan style biscotti
#54 plates 9
Pisa style biscotti with Madeira wine in beakers
#54 plates 9
Marzipan in many shapes
#54 plates 9
Sheeps milk ricotta, strained served with sugar, & rose water avove
18 lb plates 9
Salad of greens of many kinds at ones pleasure
plates 9
Salad of citron or citron lemons, with sugar, salt and rose water
plates 9
Anchovies condimented with oil, vinegar and oregano above
#200 plates 9
Caviar prepared with oil and sour orange juice
10lb plates 9
Mullet caviar prepared with oil and lemon juice
9lb plates 9
Little ear shaped pastries filled with blancmange made with flesh of
carp or pike 54 plates 9
Carp cooked in the carp style, served cold with rose vinegar and sugar
45lb plates 9
Tart of dried prune with marzipan, served cold
#9 plates 9
Grey mullet held in vinegar, served with cooked raisins avove
45lb plates 9
Salad of split hard boiled eggs
#80 plates 9
First service from the kitchen
Poached eggs served with sugar and sour orange juice avove
#150 plates 9
Mullet cooked on the grill, served with its juice above
45lb plates 9
Band of eggs (rolled omelet) in the Florence style, two eggs each,
with lemon juice and sugar above #54 plates 9
Large lamprey roasted on the spit with its skin
27lb plates 9
Carp cooked on the grill, served with cooked raisins above
45lb plates 9
Omelet of milk and eggs in the Venetian style
#300 plates 9
Tart of milk (milt) and liver of sturgeon
#9 plates 9
Bass pie of six pounds per pie
#9 plates 9
Soppes/soup o f poached eggs with eight eggs per plate served with
cheese sugar and cinnamon plates 9
Fresh sardines in paper, cooked on the grill with fennel flour and
36lb plates 9
Jelly of eel with crayfish tails and anchovies below
plates 18
Second service from the kitchen
Pieces of sturgeon cooked white, served with parsley above
54lb plates 9
White almond sauce
plates 18
Tuna baked with prunes and dried cherries
#54 plates 9
Rolled pastries stuffed with pine nuts, raisins and sultanas
#54 plates 9
Pastry of eel meat and oil preserved tuna belly of half pound of each
one per pie #54 plates 9
Potage of large grey mullet
36lb plates 9
Ravioli without pasta (dumplings) served with cheese, sugar and cinnamon
#324 plates 9
Little worms “vermicelli” of butter served with sugar
15lb plates 9
Pike in a potage
15lb plates 9
Pond fish (? Vivarole) in a dish
plates 9
Chunks of tuna of one pound each roasted on the spit and then stewed
#36 plates 9
Turbot in a Venetian style potage
#36 plates 9
Soppes/soup of trout eggs
Plates 18
Rice roasted in the oven with cheese, sugar, and slices of mozzarella
plates 9
Third service from the kitchen
Fried eggs, served with sugar and sour orange juice
#108 plates 9
Fresh water atherine and sardines fried served with sliced lemons
60lb plates 9
Frittata of eggs, eight per omelet with chopped herbs and ground hazel
nuts #9 plates 9
Tail of pike marinated, fried served with sugar
45lb plates 9
Pie of large pike of six pounds per pie
9lb plates 9
Fresh grapes of many kinds
27lbs plates 9
Sicilian olives
#340 plates 9
Fried squid served with parsley above
36lb plates 9
Tart of sardines without bones with their skin
#9 plates 9
Fried hard boiled eggs served with sugar
#108 plates 9
Spicy rice dish (ginestrata) served with sugar and cinnamon
plates 9
Fried spinach prepared with dried raisins with cut lemons and sugar
35lb plates 9
Mullet, mackerel and “soveri” fried, served with sour orange sliced
45lb plates 9
Little pastries of snails/whelks of 50 per pastry
#54 plates 9
Fourth and last service from the kitchen
Roman macaroni interleaved with slices of mozzarella, served with cheese,
sugar, cinnamon plates
Large pike, stuffed, roasted on the spit, served with its sauce and
cracked chopped olives
45lb plates 9
Large gray mullet, stuffed, cooked on the grill served with its juice
45lb plates 9
Pastry of mussels and cockles shucked from the shell
#54 plates 9
Pieces of tuna roasted dry
45lb plates 9
Black umber fish, large cooked in wine and spices served with flowers
54lb plates 9
Pieces of sturgeon roasted on the spit served with their juices
45lbs plates 9
Pastry of milk and eggs of half a “foglietta” of milk and four eggs
per pastry
#54 plates 9
Jelly of eels and pike with gilt head (dorada) below
plates 18
Frittata of eight eggs each in water served with sugar
#9 plates 9
Dish of wheat with sugar and rosewater above
plates 18
Potage of stuffed squid
36lb plates 9
Eggs cooked like bulls eyes, served with sugar and cinnamon
#108 plates 9
Eel rolled, cooked in wine served covered with pepper sauce
36 lb plates 9
Second service from the sideboard
Tart of quince and “appie” apples
#9 plates 9
Tart of herbs in the Lombard style
#9 plates 9
Pie made from boiled pears of ten per pie
#54 plates 9
Crayfish cooked in wine and spices, served with vinegar and pepper
#324 plates 9
A work of puff pastry
plates 9
Oysters cooked on the grill, served with sour orange juice and pepper
#219 plates 9
Cardoon peeled, served with salt and pepper
#9 plates 9
Truffles stewed with oil , sour orange juice and pepper
18lb plates 9
Raw truffles served with salt and pepper
12lb plates 9
Fresh grapes from the Pergola
27lb plates 9
Pears and apples of many kinds
#112 plates 9
Maiorichino cheese
lb18 plates 9
Parmegiano cheese in slices
lb14 plates 9
Marzolini cheese of two pounds each split
#9 plates 9
Cooked sweet chestnuts on the grill, served with pepper, sugar and
#324 plates 9
Snow of milk with sugar above
plates 18
Wafers made like scrolls
#450 plates 9
Small cakes (ciambelle) of Monaco
#400 plates 9
Raise the tablecloth, wash hands, change the white napkins
Green fennel stripped from the stalk
6lb plates 9
Scented toothpicks
#54 plates 9
Bundles of flowers of many colors
# 54 plates 9
Candies and comfits to ones pleasure plates
9 per kind
Splendid meal made at the end of October in a day of veneration (Saints day) at one hour in the night with two services served in three plates with three butlers and three carvers.
First service
Morsels of marzipan in many fashions
#20 plates 3
Neapolitan style biscotti
#20 plates 3
Fresh pine nut candy
#20 plates 3
Herring cooked on the grill, served with their juice
#20 plates 3
Stuffed “little hat” pasta, sugar and rose vinegar
4lb plates 3
Citron, cut in slices, served with sugar, rose water and salt
4lb plates 3
Anchovies condimented with oil, sour orange juice
#60 plates 3
Mullet caviar, cut in slices, served with sour orange juice, oil and
vinegar 2lb plates 3
Borage flower salad
plates 3
Carp served cold with rose scented vinegar and sugar
12lb plates 3
Oil preserved tuna fish belly, prepared with oregano, oil and vinegar
4lb plates 3
Small skate prepared like oil preserved tuna with cooked raisins above
4lb plates 3
Layered pizza made with butter
#20 plates 3
Tortiglioni stuffed in the Lombard style
#3 plates 3
Salmon fish prepared like oil preserved tuna
4lb plates 3
Anchovies of “Marta” or the “Comacchio” valley, salted and prepared
as a salad 4lb plates 3
Fennel preserved in vinegar
15lb plates 3
Sweet cakes in the Milan style
#20 plates 3
Relish/compost of melon, turnip and other things
10lb plates 3
Mullet salted prepared like anchovies, with sugar
10lb plates 3
Large round cakes
#20 plates 3
Head of milk (clotted cream/junket) served with sugar
#20 plates 3
Double wafers
#60 plates 3
Little worms (vermicelli) of butter with sugar on top
#20 plates 3
Maiorichino cheese
6lb plates 3
Marzolini cheese of two pounds each split
#3 plates 3
Cardoon prepared, served with pepper and salt
#3 plates 3
Spanish olives
#300 plates 3
Fresh grapes from the pergola
12lb plates 3
Quince cooked on the spit served with sugar and rose water
#20 plates 3
Caravelle pears cooked in the heat of the fire served with gilded leaves
above #15 plates 3
Cling stone peaches in white wine
#30 plates 3
Snow of milk, served with sugar
plates 6
Wafers made like scrolls
#150 plates 3
Small round cakes (ciambellette) of Monaco
#120 plates 3
Second service
Sweet green fennel stripped from the stalk
2lb plates 3
Toothpicks in plates of rosewater
#20 plates 3
Bundles of perfumed flowers
#20 plates 3
Candies in sugar and syrup of many kinds
6lb plates 3 per kind
Boxes of many sorts of confections of two pound per box
#3 plates 3 per kind
Quince jelly in small boxes
#20 plates 3
Boxes of fine quince candy
#3 plates 3
1. Scappi, B., Opera : (dell' arte del cucinare). Reprint. First
published: Opera di M. Bartolomeo Scappi. Venice, 1570. 1981, Bologna:
Arnaldo Forni. [20], 436 leaves [ca. 888 p.], [28] p. of plates.