Per fare fritelle domandate Frascate Cap CXXXVIII
Impastinsi otto oncie di farina con dieci ova fresche, & tre oncie
di butiro liquefatto, & due oncie di zuccaro, un poco di zafferano,
et sale a bastanze, due oncie d’acqua rosa, & sopra tutto faccisi che
sia ben battuta, & habbisi la padella col strutto caldo, & d’essa
pasta liquida pongasene in una cocchiara forata, o in uno foratoro mezzano,
& con un altra cocchiara non forata si farà passare, facendola
andare per tutto, di modo che tenga tutta la padella, & subito che
si vederà ch’haverà fatto il fiore, volgasi con destrezza,
perche non pigli troppo colore, & cavisi perche tal pasta cuoce presto,
& mettasi l’una sopra l’altra, spolverizzate di zuccaro, & se si
vorranno conservare tenghisino nel forno caldo temperatamente, e coperte
con la carta straccia.
To make fritters called branched Chap 138, 5th book Scappi.
Mix together eight ounces of flour with ten fresh eggs, three ounces
of melted butter, two ounces of sugar, a little saffron, enough salt, and
two ounces of rose water. Above all make it so that it is well beaten.
Have a frying pan with hot lard and put this liquid batter into a spoon
with holes or into a holed scoup and with a spoon without holes make the
batter flow through, and make it go everywhere, in the way that you cover
the whole of the pan. And as soon as you see that you have made a
flower turn it with care because you don’t want it to become too brown,
and then remove it, because this batter cooks quickly, and put one on top
of another and powder with sugar to serve. And if you want to keep
them, put them in into a moderately warm oven covered with a piece of paper.
Modern recipe
8 oz plain flour
10 eggs
3 oz butter melted
2 oz sugar
1 pinch saffron
1 pinch salt
2 fl oz rose water
Olive oil for frying
Sugar for dusting
Mix together the batter ingredients: flour, eggs, butter, sugar, saffron,
salt, rose water. Meanwhile heat a frying pan with an inch oil in
the bottom. When oil is hot, add the batter so that a “flower” pattern
is made. Flip over and fry on the other side. Remove from oil, drain
and sprinkle with sugar to serve.
Translated by Helewyse de Birkestad OL, June 30th 2005
Copyright 2005 by Louise Smithson. Email:
Permission is granted for republication in SCA-related publications,
provided the author is credited and receives a copy.